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"Baby, wake up."

Waking up to the sound of an Irish voice that you loved dearly was fantastic, however, it was too dang early for this.



"Go back to bed Niall. It's too early."

"It's almost 12:30."

I glanced at the clock ok the bedside and saw 12:23 in big red numbers. Whoops.

"So? I need my beauty sleep."

"You're amazing just the way you are."

"Oh, quoting Bruno Mars now, are we?"

"He speaks the truth."

"Oh shush. Let me sleep."

I buried my face back into my pillow, feeling Niall pull me into his body. He sang in my ear softly, lulling me back to sleep. You see, we'd been sleeping together for awhile now, not in the sexual way you nasties, actually sleeping, though we both tend to sleep with very little clothing. I just don't find pajamas comfortable to sleep in. You get all tangled and hot.

-In real life, I'm waking up to roses, champagne, kisses, and I know it's always, always, gonna be, gonna be this way-

Ugh. Why? I just want sleeeeep. I scrambled across the bed, reaching for my phone on the nightstand, and laid back down in Niall's arms.


"Hey Daddy, how are you guys?"

"Yeah I'm doing good"

"No I'm not wasting my money, in fact I haven't spent any, I haven't gone out and really toured London yet."

"Well, heheh, you see, I met somebody and yeah."



"Hi Torri, I'm good."

"His name is Niall."

"Yeah, he's good to me."

I looked at Niall who was smiley widely and started blushing. He began placing light kisses along my neck and collar bone, causing me to lose focus of my conversation. 

"Oh, huh? Sorry, got distracted..."

I slapped Niall's arm playfully and shooed him away from me. He kissed my head, whispering "I'll get you back for that princess," before going into the bathroom.

"Yes I'm listening."


"Isn't it too soon to meet families?"

"Only if he wants to."

"Ask him now?"

"Ugh fine, hold on, he's in his, uhh, room-"

I shuffled over to the bathroom door, knocking lightly. He opened the door, revealing himself shirtless. Mmf.

"Yeah babe?"

I couldn't help but look at him. My gosh. He was so gorgeous.

"Psst, quit staring." 

"Oh, uhh, my parents want us to come visit, we don't have to but it's entirely up to you."

"I don't mind. When do they want us to come?"

"I'm not sure, hold on." I placed my phone back up to my ear, smiling at Niall. 

"When do you want us to come?"

"This weekend? That's in like 2 days."

"Only if Dad promises to be nice, hahah just kidding."


"You too."


As soon as I hung up the phone, Niall tackled me to the bed, planting kisses all over my face.

"Told you I'd get you back."

"So this is what you consider punishing me?"


"I don't see how this is punishment, cause I'm very much enjoying it."

We stayed in bed like that for awhile not caring where the others were or what they were doing. All that mattered was us, here and now. In just amount of time, Niall became practically my everything.

"I love you."

"You too."

Niall's smile faltered and I knew he was hurt.  You could see it in his eyes.  If only I could say it back. Just three words, and actually mean them.

"I'm sorry Niall."  

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