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"Baby.." I awoke to Niall softly nudging me. "Baby.." he cooed in my ear. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to find his perfectly blue ones looking back at me. The light, or should I say dark, coming in from the bedroom window made it seem as if it was almost night, but the clock on the bedside table read 1:32 pm.

"Yeah..?" My voice cracked from all the crying I had done. He softly chuckled as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"We should go downstairs."

"But why....I'm so comfyyyy."

"We need to let them know you're okay." I groaned again knowing he was right. I had to explain myself to everyone and hope they could forgive me for my actions.

"Alright..hand me my shorts?" I rolled off of Niall, wincing slightly. He got up and trudged towards my dresser where my shorts had been thrown earlier. He gently tossed them to me and I slowly pulled them up over my legs.

"You need help?"

"I think I can manage putting my pants on."

"Just checkin'." I stood up and finished pulling the shorts up over my bum. I hobbled over to where Niall was standing by the door.

"Want me to carry you?"

"Nialllll. I can walk."


"I'm fine. This is my fault, so I'll deal with it." I limped past him and into the hallway, making my way to the stairs. With each step, an 'ow' followed.

"That's it." Before I could make sense of what Niall muttered, he had picked me up bridal style and was now taking me downstairs.

"Niall! Seriously? Ugh you're so stubborn!" He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders the the best of his ability.

"I'm stubborn? Really?" I playfully slapped his arm as a crack of thunder rumbled the house and a streak of lightning flashed. Niall set me down outside the living room door and grabbed hold of my hand.

"Ready?" No.

"Yeah." He pulled me into the room after him, clearing his throat to get everyone's attention. They all quickly got quiet and I peeked at them over Niall's shoulder.

"Hi," I squeaked and everyone jumped up, engulfing me into giant bear hugs, and planting kisses on my face. One of them bumped my leg and I jumped back, howling in pain.

"I'm so sorry," Harry gushed and immediately stepped back, guilt running across his face. I shook my head, closing the space between us to give him a hug. The room got quiet again as I regained my composure. Everyone looked down at the bandages on my leg and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm fine alright. Just a bit...sore." They nodded and turned to Liam, awaiting him to say something, but he never did.

"How about we watch a movie? I'll make the popcorn and while I'm gone Niall will fill you guys in, alright? Good." I turned on my heel, rushing towards the kitchen. I sighed and grabbed the box of popcorn out on the cupboard. The floorboards squeaked behind me and I turned to find Harry staring at me. I set the popcorn in the microwave and set it for two minutes.

"What Harry?"

"I'm really sorry." My face softened when I noticed the tears in his emerald eyes. I'm just making everybody cry aren't I?

"Oh Harry, it's alright."

"No it's not. I was drunk, I should've known to stay away from you."

"That's not why I hurt myself, okay? It has nothing to do with any of you guys. It was my stupid Mum. Please don't feel bad." He nodded and took a step towards me.

"But just know, we had no idea about the alcohol. Someone spiked the punch. After we busted the guy, we each chewed him out."

"Aww." I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. The microwave beeped and we broke apart, me grabbing a plastic bowl while Harry got the popcorn.

"Thank you."

"Are you okay now?" He gestured to the band-aids, and I looked down. I smiled a bit, thinking back to when Niall kissed each band-aid seperately before putting them on me.

"I think so."

"Good. Let's go watch that movie." I grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the fridge and followed him back into the living room. I settled myself between Liam and Niall and looked around.

"We good?"

"Only if you are." I nodded at Liam and smiled again, finally content with the way things are now. Silently thanking god that they hadn't mentioned me getting professional help.

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