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"I'm so sorry Niall."

"It's fine."

"I'd say them if I could."

He ignored me and made his way out of the room, tears threatening the brim of his eyes. Dammit. I'm so terrible. I knew this would happen if I ever got into a serious relationship. I wouldn't be able to love them back and things would be bad. Yet I still chose to be with Niall. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ugh. I can't sit here and hurt him any longer, I just can't do it.


*Niall's POV*

I walked into my room and shut the door behind me, not bothering to answer the boys who were questioning whether or not I was okay. I just needed to be alone. Give myself some time to think. All of this was too much. Not knowing if Aleena feels the same or if she will ever feel the same, hurts. A lot. I've really fallen for her and I'd love to marry her someday, but what's a relationship if there's only love being given and not received. Is it even worth it? Is she worth it? She's absolutely amazing. Beautiful. Kind. Smart. Funny. She even has a great personality. Perfect all around. Should I let her past affect us? It's not her fault her Mother was a piece of crap. Why take it out on us being together? There's gotta be something I can do. Maybe, maybe I can teach her how to love again. Yeah, I can do that. I love Aleena, and I'd do anything for her.

It's settled. I'll talk with Aleena. Explain to her how I'm feeling, then with time, teach her how to love me. I did promise I'd fix her and make her whole again, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. After my nap.


"Niall mate, wake up!"

"I don't want to. Let me finish my nap."

I swatted at the body hovering over me in an attempt to get whoever it was to leave.

"Niall, mate, get up now!"

"Liam, what's the rush? Gimme 10 minutes."

"No, Niall, you don't have 10 minutes."

"Fine, 5 minutes."

"Niall! Aleena is gone! She up and left, with all her stuff."

I shot up off the bed and out of my room. My eyes darting around as I frantically searched the house, starting with Aleena's room. Gone. Everything was gone.

"Did she say anything?! Did you see her leave?"

"No, I was going to ask her what she wanted for lunch and she was gone. Did you guys get in a fight?"

"No...well, I told her I loved her and she said she was sorry...I just walked out, I didn't want her to see me cry."

"Niall! Why would you do that?!"

"I was upset, but that doesn't matter, we need to find her."

"Where do you think she is?"

"I've no clue, where are the boys?"

"Louis and Zayn are in the kitchen."

"And Harry?"

"Said he was gonna take a nap too."

"Go ask the boys if they've seen her."


Liam left me standing in the middle of Aleena's room. I pulled out my phone and tried calling her. Voicemail. I called again, still voicemail. Oh, what've I done?

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