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I walked into the bedroom closely behind Harry. The sound of the door closing was my cue to start talking.

"Harry, why are you so mad at me? You've been rude ever since I met you and that's not fair to me. I haven't done anything to you."

He looked at me, shuffling his feet beneath him, and ruffled his curls with his hand.

"I don't hate you, alright."

"Then what is it?"

He shook his head, trying hard to form words.

"I don't...Just, why did you reject me?"

I sighed inwardly, running my own hand through my hair.

"Harry, it was hardly even a rejection."

"You said no to me and I don't understand why."

"Why does it matter so much?"

"It didn't at first, but now..."

"Now what?"

He let out an exasperated groan and sat down on his bed.

"It's different."

"How, Harry?"

I threw my hands in the air before placing them on my hips and standing in front of him.

"How can anything possibly be 'different', we've never even talked before now."

"I've never been turned down before and, after you did, I couldn't stop thinking about you, I still can't, okay?! I want you because you don't want me."

Ugh, why must things be so difficult. Guys never had an interest in me before, and now all of a sudden 2 of the most wanted guys in the world want me.

"I'm sorry Harry, but I don't have feeling for you."

"Why don't you want me? I'm Harry Styles."

Just when I thought maybe Harry wasn't as bad as I always assumed him to be, he says something like this.

"That's exactly why Harry! You're so full of yourself! You're such a self-centered, big-headed, egotistical jerk! You think so highly of yourself, and I'm afraid if it gets any worse you'll explode from being so freaking arrogant! Newsflash Harry, you're not all that so stop acting like you are!"

I didn't know I was capable of anything like that. I was never a mean person and it took a lot to say it.

He looked stunned and unable to speak. Serves him right. I walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me. 

The boys stared me as I took a seat on the couch between Niall and Liam. 

"You guys heard that didn't you?"

They all nodded slowly, seemingly stunned as well.

"Every word."

I nodded and turned my head to the now paused movie.

"So, what are we watching?"  

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