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Part of the way through The Little Mermaid, I glanced at the clock on the living room wall. It was well into the night, almost 11:30. We had spent all afternoon huddled together and watching a plethora of movies while the storm raged on. I looked around at my best friends, all of them passed out, except for Harry who seemed to be very concentrated on the movie as Ursula sucked Ariel's voice from her. I giggled to myself, breaking his focus and causing him to turn to me.

"What are you laughing at? He asked, a tad confused.

"You, silly." I giggled again at his dorky self.

"What'd I do?"

"You're just really into the movie."

"It's a good movie!" 

"I know." I stood up, stretching my arms above me and standing on my tippy toes. "I'm gonna get a snack, you coming Haz?" He nodded and followed me into the kitchen. I jumped up onto the counter, and swung my legs back and forth waiting as Harry took his turn stretching.

"Whatcha want love?" 


"You want waffles, at almost midnight?"

"Yup. And I expect them to be perfect Mr. Chef."

"Woah. Who said I was making them?"

"I did."

"And why would I do that?"

"'Cos you'd do anything for me." He sighed and shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips.

"You're right, I would. But I don't think we have the supplies to make waffles." I put on my best pouty face and crossed my arms.

"Aww, c'mon don't be like that!"

"Hmmpf!" I turned my head away from him, trying real hard not to laugh. 

"Fine how about we just go somewhere for waffles?"

"You mean like Waffle House?!" I jumped off the counter, clapping my hands over excitedly, and began jumping up and down.

"Shhh!!" Harry grabbed my hands and looked over his shoulder towards the living room. "What's that?"

"Right. You probably don't have one of those here...Alright, let's go!"

I ran towards my front door and threw on some shoes. Harry appeared moments later with a beanie and his car keys. He quickly slipped on his shoes and we silently left the flat.


"Wanna play questions while we wait for our food?" I nodded at Harry and looked around while he thought of his first question.

We were now seated in a corner booth at some small, 24 hour cafe. I was really appreciative for a place like this. It was the perfect place to go for random cravings in the middle of the night. It was a bit run-down, but all in all it was cute, and definitely had potential if they'd remodel it.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite female singer?"

"Demi Lovato."


"July 12."

"What? That was like a week ago! Why didn't you say anything?'

"It wasn't a big deal."

"Yes it is! You turned 18!"

I rolled my eyes at him and stirred my coffee. "Next question." 

"Umm-" He was cut off by the waitress slipping us our food. I politely said thank you before digging in. She nodded at me in return and walked away, leaving me to devour my waffles like a madwoman.

"Jesus Christ!"

"Oh I'm eating like a pig aren't I? Sorry." I giggled at myself, but when Harry didn't laugh, I knew something was wrong.


He pointed out the window across from us. "Damn Paps found us."

"Just ignore them Harry, eat your damn waffles before I do." 

"Umm excuse me Miss?" He signaled the waitress to come to our table and pointed back towards the window, "Can you please shut those blinds?"

"Of course."

He gave her small smile and we continued to eat, joking around while the sounds of our forks scraped the plates. Once I was done, I sat back and groaned as I rubbed my belly.

"Harry, I think I'm pregnant." Harry began to choke on a piece of his waffle and I started laughing. He gave me a bewildered look as he took a gulp of his milk.

"What? You and Niall..." he leaned towards me and whispered, "had sex?" I busted out laughing again, making the few other customers in the cafe to give me dirty looks.

"Oh my god no! I meant like food baby! I ate too much!"

"Oh god, okay. Jesus, you had me scared."

"Gee Harry, nice to know what you think of me."

"What? No, I don't think of you like that! I swear!"

"I'm just kidding Harry. Chill. C'mon, let's go back home." 

"Wait, you've got something on your face."

"What is it?! Get it off, get it off!" I wiped at my face trying to get whatever it was off.

"Hold still, it's just a bit of syrup!" He grabbed hold of me and rubbed his thumb across my lower lip, then brought it up to his own mouth. I stood frozen in place as I processed what had just happened.

"Th-thanks Harry." I stuttered, quickly breaking our stare and walking over the the counter. He walked up behind me and paid the bill, before putting an arm around my shoulder and leading us outside. I shivered as the cool air hit my 3/4 exposed legs and wrapped my arms around my torso. Paparazzi instantly swarmed us, taking as many pictures and asking as many uncomfortable questions as possible.

"Could you please back away from my car?" They reluctantly complied and we hurriedly got in the car and left. The ride home was completely awkward on my part, but none the less I enjoyed our night.

"Thank you Harry, I had fun."

"Me too." We headed back inside the boys' flat and I curled back up on the couch next to Niall.

"Goodnight Hazza."

"'Night love."

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