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Multiple sets of arms wrapped around me, surrounding me with warmth. They let go, quietly leaving the room. A pair of lips collided with mine. Niall. He lifted my chin with his hand, begging me to look into his eyes. They were so blue, and beautiful, so amazingly beautiful. Slightly glossy with fresh tears. His hair a mess, having his hands run through it a lot. Face masked with pain. This wasn't Niall. Niall was always happy, whoever this was, was hurt. With every word I said, he felt the misery behind it.

"I know this may seem too soon, only being together for a month or so, but, I love you. I honestly love you. And I understand if you can never love me back, but I love you and that's all that matters. I don't care about your past, I don't care how broken you are, okay, I'll fix you. I will make you whole again, if you just give me the chance. Give me the chance to show you that you can trust me. I swear to god I will never, never hurt you, if you just let me in. Open your heart to me, and let me love you like you deserved to be loved."

I searched his eyes for anything that could make me believe otherwise, but I couldn't. Everything he had said was true. 

"Please Al."

I squeezed my eyes shut, slowly nodding. He pulled me into a tight embrace, smiling against my skin. I put my face in the crook of his neck, breathing in the familiar scent of him. One could only hope to have someone as amazing as him in their life.


Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn all went out, leaving me with Niall. We settled onto the couch, Tigger curled up in my lap, while Cinderella played aimlessly in front of us. My head rested on Niall's shoulder as he stroked my hair. It was good to get everything off my chest. I feel as if a weight, a burden, was lifted from my life.

"Thank you, for everything Niall. You saved me."

"You're welcome love, just promise me one thing."


"Don't ever hurt yourself again, just come to me and be completely honest with me, no matter what. Can you promise me that?"

"Pinky promise."

I held out my pinky to him and he wrapped his pinky around mine, kissing me on my nose. I let out a small laugh and gave him my cheesiest smile.

"Niallll, will you fetch me some popcorn, kind sir, and perhaps a pickle or two, and maybe even a Dr. Pepper?"

"Pickle? Nevermind, anything for you m'lady."

He did a small bow before disappearing into the kitchen for a few minutes. The microwave beeped and he returned with a big bowl, Dr. Pepper and my pickles.

"Thank you, you're the best!"

I kissed him lightly and began stuffing my face, first eating some popcorn, then a bite of my pickle, finishing of with a swig of my soda. Ahh.

"You're my princess, you know that?"

"And you're my toad."

He gave me a mock hurt look, and I laughed.

"I'm just kidding, you're my knight in shining armor, well, my dork in tinfoil."

"Damn right I am."

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