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"Alright guys, I don't think I can handle another Disney movie. 5 is definitely enough."

We had just finished our 5th movie, being my choice, The Little Mermaid. It's such a great movie. And because of it, I've always wanted to brush my hair with a fork.

"Yeah. Time for bed."

I nodded, saying 'goodnight' to the guys and went into my room. Harry hasn't came out of his room at all after our fight, or well, my explosion and I was starting to feel bad. I don't even know him, yet I judged him by those three words, "I'm Harry Styles." It seemed okay at the time because the way he said it was just awful. Ugh. Why must I be so nice? After changing into my pajamas, I slipped out of my room and knocked on Harry's door.

"Who is it?"

"Me, Aleena."

"What do you want? To blow up on me again?"

I opened his door slightly, peeping my head in.

"No, I wanted to say sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that."

"It's fine."

"No it's not. I'm not a mean person, I swear. That wasn't me, well of course it was, but it wasn't-"

"I know, Aleena. It's okay. I needed to hear that. I guess the fame was getting to me. So actually, thank you."

"You forgive me?"

"As long as you forgive me for being a self-centered, big-headed, egotistical jerk."

I laughed at his use of my own words and smiled.

"Deal. Friends?"


"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Aleena, oh and nice pajamas."

I looked down at my superman boxers and matching t-shirt and laughed.


I smiled at him and headed back to my room. When I walked in, I found Niall sitting on my bed.

"Hey Niall, what are you doing in here? You should be sleeping!"

I turned off the light and laid down on my bed, him soon following suit.

"I could say the same for you."

"I apologized to Harry. I felt bad."

"You're too nice, you know that?"

"So I've been told."

"Thank you for not letting him get to you."

"Niall, we've been over this. He can't and won't get to me, alright? Stop feeling so lowly. I don't like it. I want a happy leprechaun."

He chuckled a bit and then kissed me.


I pulled away for air after awhile of snogging.

"Why'd you stop kissing me?

"I need to breathe, silly, as do you."

"I'd rather kiss you."

"But if you don't have any oxygen in your lungs, that would make kissing quite difficult. Besides, friends don't kiss, especially like that."

"Oh really? Says who?"

"Says me."

"So I can't kiss you anymore?"



He stuck out his bottom lip, attempting to pout.

"I thought I told you pouting doesn't work on me?"

"But I'm a leprechaun."


He scrunched his face and then smiled.

"Well, what if you were my girlfriend?"

"Then I'd kiss you."

"Okay, Aleena will you be my girlfriend?"

"Hmm, I don't know...I have to think about it."


"I'm just kidding, you silly goose! Of course I'll be your girlfriend."


He fist-pumped the air and he placed his lips on mine once more before we fell sleep.  

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