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"There's plenty of floating boards! Don't die Jack! Nooooooooooooooo!"

Tears were flowing down my face at a constant pace. This movie always made me cry. I was almost positive Niall ha tears on his face too, but my eyes were too glued to the screen and I couldn't be bothered to look.

"Rose, you can't let go! This isn't right! I demand a re-do of the movie! He can't die!"

Niall chuckled lightly at me shifting his arm that he placed behind my head shortly after the movie started. The cup holder between us had been put up and I was leaning into Niall.

"I hate this movie!"

The movie was now at the part where the old lady throws the necklace into the water.

"You don't hate this movie." 

"I hate it so much I love it!" 

"That doesn't make sense."

"I know!"

The end credits came on and I stood up, spilling our leftover popcorn all over the floor. I quickly picked it up and grabbed my stuff.

"Let's go, I'm mad!"

Niall laughed again and held out his hand for me. I took it without hesitation, letting him lead me out of the theater. We got into my car and I checked my phone. It was close to 2:30 in the morning.

"The boys texted me a few hours ago saying they were going to the club. They should be at the hotel by now."


He gave me the address and we pulled up a few minutes later.

"Wanna come say hi to the guys?"


They all shared a room on the 4th floor. Niall knocked on the door a few times, but nobody answered. He tried calling and still no answer.

"Probably got wasted and passed out."

"You could always stay at my house for the night. I've got a spare room."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, cmon."

I held out my hand for him and we left the hotel.


I parked my car in the driveway, clicking a button to open the garage door. I gave Niall a quick tour of the house, then showed him his room.

"I'll make breakfast in the morning. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon good?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

"No problem. Goodnight, Niall."

"Goodnight, Aleena."

I smiled back at him before turning and walking down the hall to my room.

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