Introduction: I'll protect you, My Princess!!

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                   Author's note: Here's the introduction of this book everyone. It'll be starting at a battle scene between two Kingdoms. Meaning Weiss's kingdom to another kingdom. Weiss was captured by the prince and he wanted to force her to BECOME his. Ruby was knocked out but she regained her consciousness. Once she heard on what happened, she immediately leaves and she rushes to the other Kingdom to rescue HER princess. Plus, it'll be in her  point of view okay. Let's get this started yay!! Also this will in Chapter 1 since this is the introduction. Lol.


Ruby's P.O.V.

                No! No! No! No!! This can't be happening! Not the princess! Why is it always have to involve my princess? I thought as I ran and ran towards the other Kingdom. I had to fight my way through. I'm out of breathe. I can't breathe. Why can't I breathe? Is it because I'm running? Forget that!! Just forget about myself!! I need to get to Princess Weiss!! She needs me more than ever now right? I sure hope so because I'll always be there for her no matter what happens, really. Please, please hang on in there for me Princess Weiss!! I continued to run and run with little attention on the battlefield and my surroundings. I wish I could help my fellow members of the knights but I must SAVE Princess Weiss. All of a sudden, my older sister suddenly appears on my side.

               Yang: "I'm guessing that you heard that our Princess was kidnapped huh?"
               Me (upset): "Hell yeah I did! And I'm gonna make that BASTARD pay for what he did and I'll make sure he'll feel pain that he'll never, ever forget now!!"
              Then, Blake suddenly appears on my left side.
              Blake: "Well then, Ruby, we'll get you there safely. Don't take it seriously okay, I'm not trying to piss you off even more okay. But we all know that our Princess hates it when YOU get hurt while trying to protect her just like always."
                Me (slightly clams down): "Right! Right! Okay! I appreciate the help you two, now let's end this!!"
               Both Blake and Yang smiled and we attacked the guards that where outside of the other Kingdom gates and inside the gates.
                Meanwhile, Princess Weiss wakes up finally and she grunts softly. She realized that she was tied to a bed by her hands. She looks around the room and she saw a male figure in front of her. He laughs softly but in a very evil tone.


                  Author's note: I'll be publishing this part now. Sorry you'll be having a cliffhanger here but don't worry, it'll be finished in Chapter 1 okay. Thanks, a.d I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part.


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