Chapter 14: My Weiss 😍😘!!

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                Author's note: Here's the next chapter!! This is after the news of Weiss's pregnancy test was positive. It reached the four princes who claim that it's their. They fight over it and in front of the King. Ruby was getting pissed off badly and the King stops her from attacking them. He already knew who was the true father of the child that Weiss carries. He told them that it belongs to Ruby and Weiss. But the marriage will still happen. The four princes weren't happy to found out that Ruby was the father of the child, but they told her that they'll be it's father when it's born. What will happen? Will Ruby lose control and attack them all? Let's find out now!!


Weiss's P.O.V.
                Me: "You know what, Blake.... Yang!!?? I'm thinking about something."
               Yang and Blake: "What is it, Princess Weiss?"
                Without us knowing the four princes were listening but I made sure that Blake and Yang can hear me.
                Me: "I'm going to tell Ruby....that I'm pregnant!!"
                All of us squealed happily and they hugged each other tightly. Then Ruby knocks on the door of my bedroom. Yeah, I'm back in my bedroom because the doctors let me go yesterday. I gasped and I slightly got off of my bed but Ruby lays me back down on my bed.
                Ruby: "Please relax Princess Weiss, you need to stay low. Doctor's orders!"
                Me (pouts softly): "I know that, so stop telling me that already!!"
                Ruby chuckles to herself and I giggled softly. Yang hugs Ruby from behind and Blake has my head on her lap. Then Blake suddenly whispers in my ear.
                Blake: "Aren't you going to tell Ruby the wonderful news?"
                Me (blushes and gasps quietly): "Oh! T-that!? W-why now? She....she just got here!"
                Blake: "I understand that your extremely nervous but you need to tell get some time today!"
                Me: "Okay already I'll.... I'll tell her, Blake!"
                Blake smiles and she gave Yang a thumps up. Yang gave it back to Blake. I sat up completely and I grabbed both of Ruby's hands. She looks at me shocked and why I did that. Now, gather the courage to tell her that I'm pregnant. I got closer to her and Yang and Blake listened in.
                Me (very nervously): "Ruby.... I....I have something that you NEED know and now, Ruby."
                Ruby: "Sure thing Weiss. Why do nervous about it huh? You can tell me anything you know that right, Weiss?"
                Me (gulps shyly): "I....I know that Ruby.... I'm nervous because I don't know how you'll react to what I'm about to tell you."
                Ruby: "Fair enough, so what is it that you wanted to talk me, Weiss?"
                 Me: "Um....uh... I'm....uh....I'm pregnant!!"
                 Ruby: "Eh!?"
                 We all squealed expect for Ruby. She got off of the bed and she clitches her hands into fists, she seemed upset!!

Ruby's P.O.V.
                I got off of Weiss beef and I made my hands become fists in absolute surprise and anger. What? How Weiss pregnant? I looked at the three girls who were squealing in joy. Wait don't tell me that....!?
                Me: "Did one of those damn princes get you pregnant? If so...."
                Weiss got off of the bed and she hugs me from behind. Yang got off of the bed too and Blake as well. I gasped in shock, Yang ola Ed her right hand in Weiss's left shoulder, while Blake placed her left hand on Weiss's right shoulder.
                Weiss: "You idiot!! There's no way I'll have those guys touch me like you do!! There's only one person who'll be mine forever....and that's you Ruby! You are my one and only!!"
                Me: "...."
                Weiss: "They didn't get me pregnant.... you.... you did Ruby Rose!!"
                  I nearly collapsed to the ground because I nearly fainted. But all three of them caught me in time before I could get myself hurt. I opened my eyes and I started pacing back and forth grinding my teeth against each other. Weiss, Yang and Blake watched me while laughing to themselves. I stopped pacing back and forth and I walked up to Weiss.
                Me: "So all of the times you were puking is because....of being pregnant?"
                Weiss: "Yes."
                 Me: "Okay then....did the doctors do an ultrasound on your stomach to prove it all?"
                Weiss: "*Nods* Yes, they did an ultrasound on me. Want to see the pictures of the baby that they took?"
                  I gasped and I grabbed both of her hands. I pressed my forehead against hers and we laughed happily and joyful laughs. Yang and Blake held one another's hands and they pressed their foreheads against each other too.
                Me: "Why wouldn't I want to see my.... our child Weiss? I'm....I'm so happy right now more than ever!"
                Weiss got the pictures of the baby and we all looked at it. The baby looks wonderful so far. Even though it's still developing inside of Weiss's stomach. I gently placed my left hand on her stomach and I rubbed it. Weiss giggles to herself and I felt tears run down my face. Weiss hugs me and she felt tears running down her face as well. I then placed my head on her stomach and the very first kick happens. I heard it and felt it. Weiss felt the kick too and she let out a 'ohh, it kicked!'. Yang wanted to feel it so Weiss and I allowed it. Yang smiles happily as she listens to the baby kicking inside Weiss's belly. Blake got her chance to listen in as well. Everyone was extremely happy but that ended soon enough when all four princes came into Weiss's room forcefully. They started claiming that the baby was theirs to have. All of growled aggressively at them, we all went to the king to tell him about the baby.
                King Jacques: "A baby you say? Who is the possible father of my grandchild?"
                The four princes came forwards telling him that it belonged to them. I was standing next to the king along with my lover, Weiss, my half blood sister Yang, and Blake too. We listened to them get into a argument about the baby being theirs. I was starting to get pissed off now, but the King stopped me from attacking. I looked at him and he stood up. King Jacques slammed his staff to the ground and it silenced everyone. The four princes immediately bowed in apology and Weiss stood up to stand next to her father. The four princes stood back up and they offered Weiss's hand in marriage so they could have a family together. I stood up next to Weiss and I slapped their hands away from her. They all grunted and they got ready to attack me but Yang and Blake got in front of us and stopped them, including the King. They forcefully dropped their weapons because King Jacques used his powers on them.
                King Jacques: "You will now stop this!! If you don't stop, the marriage is off!!"
                They all gasped and I smirked at them. They growled aggressively at me and they blamed everything on me. Okay that does it!! I brought my Crescent Rose out and I attacked them including Yang and Blake and surprisingly Weiss as well!! All of us were absolutely pissed at them all. The King doesn't stop us including me, the four princes asked him why he wasn't doing anything to stop us. King Jacques told that they deserved it because of their selfishness of claiming to be the father of his grandchild that Weiss carries within her. After we four nearly knocked them out the King came up and kneeled down to soak to them.
                King Jacques: "This baby that my daughter carries is none of ours. You never had sex with her, she told me and I believe her. Yeah, she slapped me when I told her that I knew who she has had sex with her, I know who the true father of my grandchild is. And that person is....Is Ruby Rose!!"
                I stood up and Weiss ran towards me. I caught her with only one arm. I was still holding onto my Crescent Rose. I swirled us both I'm a circle and we laughed softly at each other in absolute joy. The four princes looked at us and they told me to get away from their bride. I held my Crescent Rose at them and my eyes became very dark and my aura starts showing.
                Me (pissed off): "Who you calling 'bride' to? You guys will never have her hand in marriage. I told the king and he really reconsidering the marriage he announced in order for you all to come here lover not yours!! I'm in love with Weiss and what about you idiots? You don't love her at all, all you want is this Kingdom of ours. And you'll never get!! Not on my....on our watch!! Right Yang? Right Blake? Right....Weiss?"
                Yang, Blake, and Weiss including King Jacques: "Right!!"
                The four princes gasped and they left the room. I sighed and I kissed Weiss on her forehead. She softly giggles and blushes slightly. Before the four princes completely left, they told me and Weiss that  they'll be the  father when the baby is born. This pisses King Jacques, myself, Weiss, Yang and Blake off. Then the baby kicks again and we asked if King Jacques wanted to feel it, meaning the baby. King Jacques smiles the happiest smile we can ever get from him for that question. He accepted and he listens in on the baby's movements in Weiss. We were all happy as we can be and I hugged Weiss from behind and she blushes red and a like worry and kinda of annoyed expression on her face.
                Me: "Weiss ❤! Weiss ❤! Weiss ❤! Weiss ❤! Weiss ❤! Weiss ❤!"
                Weiss: "...."
                Me: "My Weiss 😍😘!!"
                I closed my eyes and Weiss kisses my nose then my lips in front of everyone in the room but we didn't care at all. We loved each other and that's what matters here. All we cared about was ourselves, our love, our life together, and our baby. Yang and Blake had their moment as well. They kissed each other as well. King Jacques smiles happily as he witnessed this. Then, he goes to sit on his throne. Everything was great to be able to be alive now. Weiss and I went back to my bedroom. Yang and Blake went back to Yang's bedroom as well. When we got to our bedrooms, we laid in the bed and have fun. Weiss kisses me softly on the lips and she pushes her tongue into my mouth. We kissed for awhile and I guess Yang and Blake were doing the same thing but then again who really knows. Nothing is going to ruin this. But I couldn't believe that it was ruined but I also didn't know how soon it'll be happening


                Author's note: I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter. Sorry it took so long for this to be published and other chapters to be published as well. Thanks for eyes, and as always I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part! Laters~


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