Chapter 19: Let's talk over hot chocolate together!!

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                Author's note: It's close to winter and Ruby has finally found out that she's going to a father even though she's a girl. Weiss told her that she felt like they're were going to have a baby girl. Will Ruby be happy to hear any of this? Let's find out.


Ruby's P.O.V.
                I was walking back to my bedroom as I had a lot on my mind as I walked. Weiss kept telling me that she's pregnant and I was the father since I was a futa. I can't believe it not even for a second. But Weiss has never, ever lied to me. She never has in the past, let alone right now. So, if I really was the father of her child, what gender would it be? I thought as continued walking in the halls of the castle. Then, I bumped into something and I heard a "Oof, Ruby!" I looked up to see Weiss right there in front of me. I rubbed the back of my head and laughed nervously.
                Me: "Sorry Weiss. I was lost in my own thoughts as I was walking."
                Weiss: "It's fine actually, Ruby. I was actually out here looking for you anyways."
                Me: "You were? Is there something you want to tell me Weiss?"
                Weiss: "Yeah, I do. So....Let's talk over hot chocolate together."
                Me: "Okay then, let's go the kitchen."
                Weiss grabbed my hand and we walked to the kitchen to ask for some hot chocolate from the cook. He nodded and he went on to work on it. I pulled out the chair for Weiss and she thanked me by kissing my right cheek. After a bit, the cook came out to hand me and Weiss our cups of hot chocolate. Weiss and I took a few sips of our hot chocolate before talking some more.
                Weiss: "Ruby, this is about the baby I'm carrying."
                I was drinking my hot chocolate and I choked on it. Weiss got worried but I told her that I was fine.
                Me: "What about the baby, Weiss?"
                Weiss: "Nothing's just that, I think I'm going to have a baby girl. What do you think, Ruby?"
                Me: "What do I think huh? I believe you...uh....I mean we, might have a girl. Who knows really."
                Weiss reached her hands out to me and grabbed my hands that was around my cup. I looked at her and she smiles at me. I felt like crying. I felt like crying because I'm the father of the child she is carrying inside her. We finished our hot chocolate and we went back to her room. When we arrived, one of the princes were there as well. I got really upset and marched towards him but Weiss stopped me. I looked at her and she shook her head, so I relaxed for her sake only. Once the prince saw was I was with her, he starts to leave. I sighed in relief and Weiss tightens her grip on my right hand. I walked her towards her room and I opened the door for her to enter through. She walks into her room bring me along with her.
                Weiss: "We are taking a hot shower together. So get new clothes and come back here when you're done, Ruby."
                Me: "Okay, I got it, Weiss."
                I left her room to get my new clothes for our shower together. Then, my head started to hurt a bit. I had to stop walking and hold it. I looked outside and I saw a big wolf outside in the garden. I gasped and I brought out my crescent rose. The wolf whimpers at me and I relaxed. I guess it's not here to harm me or anyone else here? But why is it here of all places? I thought. I opened the door and I slowly walked towards the big black wolf. It sits down on the ground just looking at me. It has very, very light blue eyes and a scar across it's entire left side of it's face. I reminded me of someone but no memory of them popped up at all. What's going on here? The closer I get to it, the harder my head pounds. Why is this happening? I thought As I got closer to the wolf, it had something in it's mouth. The wolf actually came closer to me, and handed me the thing in it's mouth. It was a photograph of me, Yang, Yang's mother, and my mother. But my father, Taiyang was not on it at all. It was someone else, but I couldn't tell because the face was gone. It couldn't be my father Taiyang because he was not dark skin in a way. He was a very light tan but the person in this photo, was a bit darker tan than him. Who is he and why is he is my family photo? I thought. I looked up again but the big black wolf was gone. I held the photograph tightly in my hands then I felt something else. I flipped the photo to see I letter. I opened it and it said; "Hello Ruby Rose, I wish I can tell you in person yet again but I can not at the moment. You may not even remember me by now, you will in due time. Your father....Taiyang....he's not actually your father. I am. Taiyang is your father but not fully your biological father than me but I am. I now you may not believe any of this but you will in time. I can't wait to see how much you've little Rose." That last sentence got my attention the most. My head started to hurt all over again. A flashback happens:
                Unknown male voice: "Come on my little Rose, you can do it."
                Me: "Daddy."
                Unknown male voice: "You're almost there, keep walking my little Rose. You're almost there."
                That was flashback I just got with the new not new, my original nickname by my....father. Oh my gosh! That male voice was not my father Taiyang, it belonged to someone completely different. I shook my head and I rushed to my room and got my new clothes then back at Weiss's room. We had our hot shower together and I told her what happened. Weiss was just as confused as I was. Who really is my and Yang's REAL father?

To be continued....


                Author's note: I'm so so so so sorry for the super late update you guys. I've been busy looking for my first job where I live. But I'm trying to squeeze in a update for my published books on Wattpad. Anyways, thank you guys so much for hanging in there for me....maybe or maybe not. Thanks for reading the new part and as always I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part. Bye bye~


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