Chapter 21: No! Please don't die on me!

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                Author's note: Hello everyone and welcome back to the next chapter/part of this book. Oh by the way (again as a reminder), this is my second book I've created so far on Wattpad. Mikannie Vol 1: Annie Please Wake Up! was my first book here. Just letting you all know that. Anyways, again this chapter/part will be a short one but don't worry it was be entertaining for you all. So let's down to it shall we.


Ruby's P.O.V.
                I was pissed at the three princes that showed up out of nowhere yesterday. I couldn't believe that they were even there to stir things up with me. Weiss told me to stay with her tonight so I did for her sake and her sake only. I laid in bed with her as she was asleep, in a deep sleep I should say. I smiled happily and softly as this sight of her. I'm the only one who can see her so defenseless like this. I enjoy this with every fiber of my body. I love her and the child she is carrying with in her. I mean I could I not love them both. Who in the right mind would not? I thought hard and deeply as I softly touched her head. I can feel my eyes becoming heavy so I closed them and held Weiss very close to me to protect her and the baby. But my grip wasn't tight enough because when I woke up in the morning she was gone from my loving arms. I looked everywhere for Weiss but to no avail. I was getting really pissed off right now. I walked outside in the garden and that same big black wolf was four days ago, it returned. I gasped loudly and I looked at it. It was a male wolf and he wags his tail at me.
                I smiled at him and he softly woofs at me. I sat down on the ground and he slowly dragged his body towards me. I reached my hand out to him and he backs up a bit. But he reached his snort (his nose) at the palm of my hand. I told him everything that has happened over the six months, and the wolf listened carefully and completely. He was focused on every word I said to him and he wag his tail ever time  I mentioned my love for Weiss. Then he lifts his head from my lap and he starts growling. I stood up and one of the four princes had a bloody dagger in his hand. I pat the wolf's head as he kept growling at the prince.
                Me: "Go find Weiss boy!"
                The wolf woofs at me and he starts sniffing the area for Weiss's scent then he starts howling. I took that as a sign that he caught her scent nearby. I left the prince where he stood at to find the wolf. When I did he was already leading me to Weiss's location with a trail of blood. Blood? A blood trail? Please don't let that be Weiss' blood! I thought scared out of my mind. Then the wolf stopped and he starts whinnying and howling sadly. I reached him and found Weiss covered in blood and on the ground. I screamed and I rushed to her side immediately. The wolf walks over and he looked at me.
                Me: "Good job boy! Now, we need to help her. Can you heal her boy?"
                He woofed at me and he placed his right paw on my right shoulder and I relaxed. Then, he removed it and he drags his right paw in a circle surrounding me and Weiss. Next, he licks her stomach wound near the womb where the baby was located at. He licks all of her wounds and most of them healed. However, the one on her stomach near the baby did not heal completely.
                Me: "No! Please don't die on me! Weiss! Weiss! Weiss! WEISS!"
                The wolf starts howling and a big pack of wolves appeared. They all started to howl in sync with the big black one. I guess he's the alpha huh? Good job leader of the pack! I thought as I touched his head. Then he and the others stopped howling. Weiss grunts in pain and the big pack of wolves left the area expect for their leader.
                Me: "Weiss! Weiss! You okay!?"
                Weiss: "Ruby, not so loud."
                Me: "Oh sorry."
                He woofs softly again which made Weiss open her eyes. She looked around her surroundings and she starts freaking out. Me and him tried to calm her down, we did eventually. I told Weiss what happened, she and I petted the wolf in gratitude for his good deeds for today. But something was in question. He seemed so familiar to us but we have no memory of him at all. Could this be the work of my REAL father?

To be continued....


                Author's note: Hello you guys, again I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter/part. I'm trying to update as fast as I can go. I want you to experience this entire story from start to finish. Thanks for everything you all do, and as always, I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part. Bye bye~


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