Chapter 5: Show Me Love Please!!

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                Author's note: This Chapter is starting right after Weiss told Ruby that her father wants her to marry a Prince from another Kingdom. Ruby didn't like that at all not even for a moment. Ruby's hands are covered in dry blood and bandages after punching through her in body mirror in her bedroom in front of her Princess. Now, Ruby slowly begins to show her love to Weiss. Ruby is asking Weiss to show her love. Let's get it started.


Weiss's P.O.V.
                I was just now waking up and my body felt very light. I was confused at first, I was expecting Ruby to still be on top of me. But I guess not. I looked around her room and to my surprise, there was a tray full of food with a note on top of it all. I blushed heavily as I noticed Ruby's handwriting on the front writing my name "Princess Weiss." I grabbed the note first before getting my chance to eat breakfast. I opened it and I started to read Ruby's nice hand writing, which says:
                "Dear Princess Weiss,
                I left my bedroom because your father wanted to speak to me about a mission he wanted to give to me. I accepted the request of being seen by him, and also, he saw us sleeping together. But I don't think he mind it at all, because I'm your trustworthy Knight. I'll be in the throne room okay, if you need me just call for me because I'll be there for you okay. No matter what, because I really, really care about you and I always will. I made you breakfast as well, it's your favorite dish. I hope you'll like it as you always do since I began cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you and only you. Well, I'll see you later on today beautiful!
Love, Ruby."
                I blushed even more as I read the note and the last word "Beautiful" was towards me from Ruby only. Only Ruby calls me "beautiful", and I like hearing it. I put the note down and I slightly stared at my breakfast that Ruby made me. I smiled as she craved very lightly cravings on my pancakes, four pieces of bacon, and two scrambled eggs too. I stopped staring down at the delicious food and I started to eat it. Ah!! It tastes soo good like it always has been. Thank you so much, Ruby, my wonderful and caring Knight. I continued to eat loving every bite I took from the tray of food. Meanwhile, at the throne room where my Knight Ruby Rose and my father were located at.

Ruby's P.O.V.
                I was wondering why I was brought here, to the throne room. I looked around thinking endlessly about Princess Weiss. I shook my head because my thoughts were beginning to become perverted. I left strange and something in between my legs starts poking out of panties. I placed my hands over my private parts blushing lightly. Once the weird sensation disappears, I immediately removed my hands from my private parts. I was called into the throne room and I saw the King. He was walking around as if he was pacing back and forth. I was confused and I called to him.
                Me: "My Lord, you wanted to see me and also speak to me about a mission you wanted to give me too."
                Once he heard my voice he immediately stops pacing back and forth. He smiles happily at me now. I walked towards him because he was waving at me. I stood next to him as he was looking at a huge map on the ground.
                King Jacques: "I want you to go here. It's another Kingdom well actually.... four of them. There are four princes that want to marry my daughter, Princess Weiss."
                 As soon as I heard this information, I gripped my hands together into fists very, very tightly. King Jacques saw me do this with such anger. He slightly kneels down to look me in the eyes.
                King Jacques: "I'm guessing that you don't like this, am I not mistaken, Ruby?"
               Me: "...."
               King Jacques: "*sighs* I'm sorry Ruby, I already know on how much you love Weiss. I can tell that you love her. Then show her before you bring these princes here. I actually don't care who she marries but what I do care about is that that person is like you."
                I blushed heavily and he laughs. He gently pats my back. I looked at him with confusion in my eyes but at the same time love.
                Me: "You already knew that I love her?"
                King Jacques: "Of course I did. I saw it every since you two were children up to now. The way you look at her, the way you speak to her, the way to act when around her, and the way to try to show her your love to her as well, Ruby. How can I not see that huh?"
                Me: "I....I...uh...I don't know what to say.... My Lord..."
                King Jacques: "Don't say anything, go to Weiss. You never know when she needs you Ruby. Now, you are dismissed. You can go see my daughter."
                Me: "Thank you, my Lord."
                I hugged the king and he hugs me back. I bowed then I rushed out of the throne room to my bedroom. I opened the door and Weiss whines into my arms. I caught her and she was placing her head onto my shoulder with her arms around my neck. I was a little bit shocked but I placed my arms around her waist. I
We hugged and hugged for a long time before letting one another go. Weiss looks at me and before I could react to her movements again, she kisses me. But the kiss only lasted for a few seconds and I couldn't get the chance to kiss her back. Weiss pulls away from me and there were rose petals in a shape of a path and a few rose petals we're on Weiss's body. She goes to my bed and lays on it and she sits up to look at me. I rubbed the back of my head nervously, shyly and Weiss waves to me to come to her so I did. Weiss reaches her arms out towards me and I leaned in towards her and her body. Then she placed me on top of her in a hugging position. I gulped shyly and I lift my head up to see Weiss. I opened her legs and I placed my body in between them which causes Weiss to blush heavily. I leaned in more towards her pale neck and I gently bite on it. Weiss moans out of pleasure and I continued to kiss her neck. She placed her right on my forearms near my elbow. While her left hand was placed on the back of my head. I started to lick and suck on Weiss's neck. Weiss moans even more and she slightly grips on my hair.
                Weiss: "Ahh....*huff* Ruby.... don't do that.... you'll..... you will leave....ahhh..!!"
                I was licking and sucking on her neck harder. I stopped doing it with one last lick and there was a red mark. They called this red mark it, "a hickey." I made three made on her neck and Weiss moans and moans, which is music to my ears.
                Weiss: "*huff, huff* Please....s-stop it Ruby.... you'll leave.....m-marks on my neck....ahhh.... Ruby don't.... don't make more fool!!"
               I didn't really care and I made three more hickeys on her pale neck. I placed my left hand and arm on Weiss's right arm while I was still licking her neck. Weiss's breathing was becoming heavier and faster. That weird sensation from before happens to me again. I was....I was getting hard down there yet again!! I being turned on from this? I leaned to her lips but the door suddenly slams opened. I glanced over at my bedroom door and Weiss and I saw Yang and Blake at the doorway starting at is both. I blushed heavily and same with Weiss and we separated from one another. Yang walks to me and Blake stats at my doorway. Yang grabbed me and she excused us both and left the bedroom with me. Yang closed the door and she looks at me.

Yang's P.O.V.
                I couldn't believe on what I just saw in my little sister's bedroom. I got her out of there as quickly as I could. I looked at her and she has something slightly poking out from her skirt. I asked if Blake could meet mr in my bedroom and she nods then left us two alone. I crossed my arms across my chest as I kept looking at Ruby Rose.
                Me: "So? What's going on there huh? In here I mean, Ruby."
                I slightly touched the trim of her skirt and she shook her head.
                Ruby (still blushing): "I....I don't know what's going on okay....I don't even know what IT is of all things."
               Me: "Want me to figure it out for you or do you want to figure it out yourself?"
               Ruby: "Both opinions are great Yang."
                I sighed deeply and I walked us to another room and I looked around making sure no one was around, then back at Ruby.
                Me: "You ready to figure out what this thing is?"
                Ruby just nodded her head at me and I pulled her skirt slightly down. To my surprise, it was something I wasn't expecting this to happen. It was a dick!! How come I never seen it before up until now? I always have a bath and shower with my little sister here. I left her skirt back up and I stood up to face Ruby Rose.
                Me (in disbelief): "You have a dick Ruby. That what the thing is, your still hard and I think it's because of what you and Weiss were doing a moment ago in your bedroom of course."
                Ruby sits down and after awhile back to our bedrooms with the person we love most of all.


                Author's note: Did you guys get shocked by what Yang found under Ruby's skirt? Well let me know okay. Thanks for everything everybody, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter/part. Laters.


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