Chapter 1 Who Are You?

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Elsa's P.o.v

"Bye Anna!" I yelled to my sister as she, Kristoff, and Sven leave for their honey moon. Anna waved back at me enthusiastically making me giggle.

I stepped back into my castle and began my daily work. Today I have to write notes to other kingdoms which sucks.

I stopped in my room to have one moment alone to myself. On a normal day I get two hours to myself which is not enough. Once I had had my moment I started toward my study.

I sat down and began writing.

"My Queen?" Asked my trusted servant Kai, "Your lunch is ready." I stood up, thanked him, and walked to the dining hall.

After I ate my lunch I went back to my study to finish my last letter.

Jack's p.o.v

I started for Arendelle. North had told me about a girl who lived there that are magical ice and snow powers just like me. She's the queen and had this whole ice crazy thing. What ever that means.

A beautiful castle came into view. I rode to the castle and then stopped. I checked the windows trying to find an open one to sneak into.

I finally found one and climbed in.

"Who the heck are you?!" Screeched a beautiful girl.

"You can see me?!" I replied just as shocked.

"Uh yeah you are standing right in front of me! Now tell me who you are or I will call the guards!"

"Okay okay. Calm down. My name is Jack Frost. And may I know your name?"

"I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle!"

"So your the ice queen?" I teased. Her cheeks turned a bright red.

"Is that seriously what people call me? We yep I am the 'ice queen.' Now Jack what exactly do you want?" She questioned.

"Um well I sort of just wanted to meet you. But I didn't expect you to see me so I thought I would be gone now."

"Well you can stay if you like but right now I have very important business to attend to. Would you care to stay for dinner?"

"Yes I would love to! I am going to take a look around the castle I will meet up with you later!" I tried to say hiding my excitement. With that I hopped on my staff and started to glide around the castle.

Hey! I hope you guys liked it! Please comment I need a lot of help! Yay! This is my first fanfic! Sorry this is short! I promise that the rest will be longer!~Starflower12359

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