Dark World

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Foot steps, that's all I heard as my feet patted along the grey, gum covered sidewalk. I was currently walking with one of my closest friends Irais, from my favourite coffee shop, Starbucks.

"I hate school. Why can't school be over already?" I said throwing my head back causing my brown wavy hair to reach further down my back.

"I know Charity but we only have a month left then there's summer and we have a year left." She said. I wasn't sure if she was trying to convince me or herself.

"But we still have a year of school left" I said. I just wish that school was over and I'd be out of that hell hole. It was getting kind of dark and there was a slight cool breeze which made me shiver.

I could see goose bumps on my arms even under the dimly lit street light . "Hey, do you think we should take a short cut through the alley?" Irais asked. "Um, I don't think that's such a good idea." I said unsure.

I've heard stories about these alley ways and let me tell you they are not something you'd tell your children at bedtime.

After a long while of convincing I agreed. After all it was either that or a trip through the woods and they didn't have good stories told about them either.

We were walking in the alley when suddenly a brush of wind passed me and Irais. We both looked at each other like we had just seen a ghost. Then another rush of wind came but this time I saw something that looked like blonde hair run towards Irais.

"Irais run!!!" She tries to run but an unknown force throws her into the brick wall behind us. "Charity run!!" She screams at the top of her lungs . I start running further into the alley way my plan was to run out the other side .

I only made it a few feet before I was thrown into the brick wall myself. I saw a mop of curly hair before I felt something sharp cut deep into my neck. Fangs.

I thought vampires were only in movies and books . I started seeing black dots cover my vision then I blacked out.


When I woke up, I was in a room I didn't recognize. I was lying on a bed with white sheets a cherry wood bed frame. Above me was a window that the sun shined brightly through. It was morning. There was a wooden desk to the right of me up against the wall which had papers all over it.

To the left of me was a dresser that looked like it had picture frames of a family. When I turned my head more a sudden jolt of pain went through my neck. I noticed a bathroom next to the dresser I got up and looked in the mirror. The mirror was quite large it stretched across the white cream coloured wall but wasn't tall enough to reach the roof.

Suddenly there was a figure behind me. "Just came to see how you are doing." He said in a British raspy voice. "Where's Irais ?!" I asked while glaring at him. I didn't care if he hurt me for the look I was giving him, I just had to know where my best friend was.

" I'm assuming Irais is the girl you were with and to answer your question she's in another room but she's not ....human."

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