If this song doesn't make you cry, I honestly don't know what in the world will. Please listen to it.
This year has been really hard for me, but its been really hard for some of you guys too. I know that.
But the point is, you can get through it. You can get through anything."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." ~Philippians 4:13.
I forgot that a lot this year. I would love to say that I had perfect faith and gave everything to God and let him take care of it, but I didnt. Boy, I didnt. I tried to rely on myself. And I didnt pray or talk to God as much as I should have. And I regret it.
What I'm trying to say is, you are not alone. Ever. Even when friends betray you. When darkness seems to win, we know that the pain reminds our heart that this is not our home. (Thank you Laura Story)
In the long run, in light of eternity, does any of this really matter? This is all material. What we will have in heaven is so much better and bigger even though I can't begin to imagine what could be more important than horses.
God says that he will give us a mansion and we can worship him forever. That should be all the hope we need.
But i will be the first to admit that it is not easy.
So while we are still on this earth, be a concrete angel.Stand firm through Satan's fiery arrows.
Stand firm through the storms.
Stand firm through the trials.
Its not easy but you can do it.If you ever need to talk, or need a friend, pm me. Seriously. if I don't answer right away I may be sleeping bit I tend to stay up pretty late. I'll answer as soon as I can
My Equestrian Journal
No Ficciónhere's just my thoughts on horses and some training tips.