Chapter 10 Gold Knight Capricorn

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That dream again.
I've been having that same dream for days now. I know that vivid dreams has significant value, you just need to know on how and what it could be. I've been trying to search the internet for interpretation of my dream. I want to know what it is that I'm dreaming about.

If one would understand that straightforward this dream is about a call of arms for an upcoming war.

But the question is why me?

This question had been bothering me for some time now. My dad had noticed that I'm in deep thought. But never said anything until I finally snap.

I need answers to my questions.
Why me?

He was home early that night
He was having his evening tea outside at our garden.

I went to him sat on the cold wooden floor between his knees. He knows when I do this I need him.

"What is it my son?"

"Dad I have a question for you. Please don't laugh at me. Promise me ok"

"Why son? Did you a get a girl pregnant or your here to confess that you have a boyfriend instead?"


"AHAHAHA. OK I'm just messing with you. I promise I won't laugh since I'm already done, but go ahead. What's been bothering you?"

"You knew?"

"Yes of course. Your my son. I may don't have that much time to spend with you but I still have enough time to check on you!"

"Dad this may sound crazy but let's just say I believe this completely I don't know why I don't know how. But I just knew."

"What is it about?"

"It's about a dream that I have for a couple of days now. In my dream someone needs help. And that someone is asking for me. If i don't do anything lives will be in danger. I know how crazy it is. But somehow my heart tells me that I need to do something. I need to help. But what's been bothering me is, why me? Why not asked someone who has authority, someone who can do something. I'm just a young man who's still in college. What can I do?"

"Son its not what you can do now, its about what you can do in the near future.
If as you have said. You are chosen for this. That only meant your going to be someone better in the future. Trust in yourself son. I know your destined for greatness."

"Dad if I chose to act on this. Can you forgive me if I would go away for a year or so?"

"Son your old enough to make your own decision. Decide on what will be good for yourself."

"Khap phom."

That night I answered the goddess call to arms. A year of training had passed and I'm now the 3rd who's awaken to seventh sense among the twelve chosen knights. It was the greatest honor that I have attained. When we were called in to the main house where our goddess lives in. I was excited, its now the 3rd week of the 10th month of our training year. I have learned and mastered my power and I'm proud to say I'm ready.

When I was called to summon my armor I was it was my proudest moment.

I stood in the middle and raise my left hand and just like Leo and Sagittarius a golden orb came down and my mentor was also absorb by my armor. When I finally took shape. I was amazed by its beauty.

 I was amazed by its beauty

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I called upon to it.

And I heard a voice.

Call upon me and I'll aid you.

Call upon me and I'll be your shield.

Call upon me and my horns will be your weapons.

I'm your partner.

Your friend.

And your mentor.

I'm the spirit that lived with in your armor.

You already know my name.

Say my name and I'll be yours forever.

"Come to me Capricorn"

I turned around snap my fingers and my armor shatters and came to me.

I turned around snap my fingers and my armor shatters and came to me

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" I am Capricorn "

Let me finally introduce myself. I am Singto Prechaya, actor, model a.k.a Khongpop of Sotus the series and Sotus S. But my proudest title, Gold Knight Capricorn Singto.
It has been a year since we had out of sanctuary. We are trying to live as normal as possible. But I chose to act, with the help of my manager I slowly claimed the ladder of fame. I made in to a TV series and my popularity had even reached countries like, vietnam, China and the Philippines. It gave me a deep sense of fulfilment. But today is something grander.

I've been nominated now on the list of the Top 12 male artist. We are invited to a grand gala and more than that the CEO will now name her successor.

It was going well at first. But I received orders from our commander via telepathic line.

"Capricorn I know your on a major event right now, and I sense an anomaly of negative energy on your location. I can't pinpoint the exact location but it's still active go and look for it. If needed deal with it. Let me know if you need backup."

"Yes Commander"

I hurriedly hide my presence so Ill be undetectable. I felt the strong negative energy coming from one of the private rooms. I slowly approach the area when suddenly it disappeared and something flew outside and broke the near by window. It was fast and definitely not human nor any animal since it was covered with negative energy. I ran after it putting my armor on.

That thing was fast and its already out of reach of trajectory I won't be able to hit it.

I slowly went back making sure I won't be seen. I sent my armor away and join the gala once more. Its a good thing that they only introduced the guest and the delegates.

Its starting to get boring when I felt something bad had happened.

I've tried to contact Sagittarius and Leo. They are not responding. An emergency telepathic line was created by me. Sending distress signals to my brother's. This feeling is so strong I just dont know what's going on.

That's when I heard Aries's voice in pain calling for Leo. Their emotions is being sent to our mind connection.

"ARIES PLEASE DONT TELL ME LEO HAS FALLEN" I am literally screaming in their heads. Nobody was responding. All I can feel is greed and sorrow and pain.
Oh great goddess Athena please let this be not true......

An: there you go I've introduced a new one...
Hope you like it...

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