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Luke's POV

Walking into school the next day, I kept my head down to almost hide the shame that no one even knew I was feeling, I'd been to Ryan's house that morning and I felt as though I wanted another shower just to try and wash off that dirty feeling he gave me. Going to his in the morning wasn't an abnormal occurrence, I regularly had to go round to his if he wanted me to fix his 'problem' before school, because he apparently had a issue with control and keeping it in his pants.

Arriving at my locker, I let out a heavy sigh as I dropped my coat my locker and grabbed the book I needed for my A-Level class. I closed my locker and took another deep breath as I tried to compose myself so I could mental prepare for the day, but before I could leave I felt arms wrap around me from behind, "Luke!" Ashton basically shouted in my ear. 

Forcing a smile, I turned around in Ashton's arms and greeted him, "Hi, Ash."

Ashton smiled brightly at me, being the morning and naturally chirpy person that he was, "Where've you been recently? I've barely seen you, you're always sneaking off." He asked and I frowned at the question, really not wanting to deal with this now. 

"Just had stuff to do." I shrugged, trying to brush off the question, although I wasn't lying.

"You don't tell me anything anymore, Lu." Ashton pouted, and it felt as though he was trying to make me feel guilty for not telling him stuff. It hurt to not able to tell him things and it hurt that I couldn't even say that I couldn't tell him, because that'd be suspicious and inevitably lead to more questions I'd want to avoid.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said in response, genuinely meaning it but also not knowing what else to say. 

Ashton was about to say something but he cut himself off when he glanced at my neck, his expression changed to quite a shocked one and I felt him start to tug on my shirt collar to get a better look, "What is that on your neck?"

My eyes widened and I was quick to move his hand away, "It's nothing." I said quickly, fully well knowing he'd spotted the hickey Ryan had left on my neck yesterday. 

Ashton frowned at my words and spoke in a lower tone, obviously trying to come across as calm, "Luke, you can tell me."

"Really, it's nothing." I said, shooting him a smile to try and reassure him that he didn't have anything to worry about. Ashton didn't seem to think that though, and he just really wanted to know what I was hiding from him. 

"Do you have like a secret boyfriend or something? You don't have to be ashamed." He questioned and I just shook my head.

"I don't, can we please drop this?" I asked, looking pleadingly into his eyes, "We're gonna be late to lesson anyway at this rate." Ashton seemed to reluctantly nod before starting to walk with me to lesson. 

I didn't want to upset Ashton by not telling him what was happening but it's not like he would understand anyway, it was best to just avoid the topic all together and hope Ashton forgot about it. 

Ashton stopped me on the way to the lesson to slip off to the toilet, I decided to wait for him and that was when Ryan made an appearance, he looked around to see if anyone noticed what was going on but of course they didn't, no one ever did. "I want you at my house later, be there by four, understand?" He said and I was quick to nod my head, he smiled before leaning down to kiss me roughly, then moving off down the corridor to his own lesson. 

It was only a minute or so later that Ashton came back out from the toilets and I did my best to smile at him, not wanting him to think something was up and ask more questions. Thankfully, he didn't. We just walked to the classroom in silence and it felt somewhat awkward, I knew he was annoyed that I wasn't being open with him but I guess I was just going to have to deal with that and hope he got over it soon. 

"Hey guys!" Calum greeted chirpily as we entered the classroom.

I said my hellos to him and Michael but Ashton just sat quietly, ignoring the pair, "What crawled up his arse?" Michael asked and I chuckled slightly earning a glare from Ashton which made me shut up.

"So, how are you Luke? Feels like I haven't seen in you ages!" Calum side-hugged me because we were sitting in our chairs, I saw Ashton turn to look at us from the corner of my eye.

"I'm fine and I've just been busy."

"Well, it's been boring without you. I've missed my Luke!" Calum hugged me again and I laughed. 

Michael then gasped and said, "What about us, Calum?" This only made me laugh harder, which then in turn made Calum and Michael laugh. "Ash, cheer up!" Michael then almost shouted when he saw that he was the only one not laughing, Ashton just ignored him.

I knew his silence was my fault but I couldn't see why he was taking me not telling him so hard, I mean, who gave a crap anyway? It's just me; I don't see why they'd care. It was then that the teacher walked into the classroom, the bell having gone, and Ashton stayed silent for the rest of the lesson.

By lunch, Ashton had barely said two words to me since first lesson and it upset me a little, I wanted to tell him where I'd been but I couldn't and he made me feel so guilty about it. Calum and Michael had questioned me throughout the day as to if I knew what was wrong with Ashton but I obviously couldn't tell them either. During lunch, Calum and Michael were having a casual conversation whilst Ashton and I sat silently, eating our food. It was awkward to say the least. 

My phone buzzing in my pocket signalled that I had a text and I quickly pulled grabbed it because I assumed it was Ryan. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw a text from him.

Ryan: 'Get to the cleaning cupboard, now. I have a problem for you to fix.'

Standing up, the boys all looked at me and I said, "I gotta go, I'll see you later." I then hastily tried to walk away but I was called back.

"Wait, you on for tonight?" Calum asked.

"No, sorry. I'm busy." I informed him, feeling bad for ditching them yet again, I was always doing it lately but that was Ryan's fault.

"Oh, okay, I'll see you later then." Calum looked sad but I couldn't stay any longer and so I apologised again before quickly rushing out of the canteen.

I reached the cupboard and looked around to see if anyone was looking before going in, I was immediately pressed up against the wall. "What took you so long?"

"I was with my friends." I answered honestly. 

"I don't like your friends, they make you late." Ryan commented and I just nodded, "But I'm sure you can just make up for it later. 

His lips then connected with mine and he didn't pull away until he needed to breathe, but he was then quick to pull his pants down and say, "Get me off." He instructed and I began to do as I was told. Ryan then started sucking my neck like yesterday and I just let him.

He came in no time; he moaned my name which made me gag slightly. "You're so good at that, now if you're just as good later then I won't punish you for taking too long to get here." I nodded my head and he kissed me again, more forceful than before, "Be on time after school or I'll have to punish you and I wouldn't wanna do that after you've been so good lately would we, Luke?"

I shook my head and he said, "I think you should talk to me more, it's rude that you don't talk and you know I don't like it when you're rude."

"I'm sorry, I'll talk more." I hated how I responded to him, he sounded like he had me wrapped around his finger and I hated it.

"Good boy." He smiled at me before saying, "Don't be late."  He then left me alone in the cupboard and I didn't even bother to stop the tears that started to fall.


A/N: This is chapter 1, what do you think? I'm very very happy about the feedback I got on the last chapter because I got more than expected and so more people liked it then I actually expected so thank you. I hope you like this just as much.

Let me know what you think of this by voting and commenting, thanks x

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