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Luke's POV

"Hi, Luke."

"Ryan." I looked at him, my breathing picking up out of fear.

"This is your first day back at school?" He asked and I nodded, "How's Ashton?" He then asked with a smirk.

This did absolutely nothing but increase any fear I was already feeling, "Please stay away from him, he hasn't done anything." I somewhat begged Ryan, causing him to smirk more.

"I was just asking a general question, Luke, why so nervous." Ryan laughed slightly before moving closer to me as I stayed latched onto the sink. "Anyone would think that you were frightened, aye Luke?" He moved closer again so he was stood in front of me, I could feel his breath on my neck. 

No doubt, he could hear my heavy breathing due to my pounding heart, which only seemed to be faster when Ryan reached out to touch my face. Flinching slightly, I asked, "Please don't touch me."

"I'm allowed to touch you." Ryan grabbed my hips, "You're mine." He almost growled as he pulled me even closer, securing one arm around my waist as his other hand rested on my cheek. 

Pulling my hands up, I rested them on his chest to try and push him off of me, "Get off me." I spat. 

Ryan just seemed to laugh at me, "Oh, fighting back? I like it." He then smirked once again, before leaning closer to me in an attempt to kiss me. 

However, with one hard shove, I pushed him off of me as I repeated, "I said get off me." 

"Someone's being a little bitch aren't they?" Ryan was clearly angry, his fists were starting to clench again and I decided it would be a good idea to try and make my way out of the toilets now. However, I didn't quite make it before Ryan grabbed my hips to pull me back, his nails digging into my skin. 

"Get off me!" I shouted as he pulled me back towards him, he pulled me against his chest and attempted to cover my mouth with his band, but I scraped my foot against his shin and he let out a yelp before releasing me.

Without wasting a moment, I ran out of the toilets and did my best to just get away but I ended up colliding with a body. That almost sent me into another panic but I looked up and saw Ashton, immediately flinging myself into his arms. 

"Woah, what's wrong?" He asked but I started to pull him away from the toilets and back into an area with people, just to make sure it was harder for Ryan to find me. "Luke, babe, what's wrong? What's the hurry?" Ashton pulled me to a halt and grabbed my hands so I would stop pulling him.

"Ryan was in the toilets and I pushed him away and he's pissed off because I ran away from him after scraping his shin and I was just scared and I didn't want him to find me." I got out quickly. 

Ashton needed a second to process what I said but when he did, he brought me into a tight hug, "Oh love, it's alright." He spoke softly.

"I'm sorry."

"For what, babe?"

"Having something always wrong with me."

"That's not your fault, Luke. I'm not annoyed or whatever about that because it's Ryan's fault." Ashton rubbed his hands up and down my back, trying to soothe me.

"Let's go get our stuff for lessons alright? Ryan should have buggered off by now." I nodded and allowed Ashton to take my hand and start leading me towards his locker.

I felt bad for Ashton, having to deal with me must be hard. All my crying and fear must get annoying, even if he pretends it doesn't, I know it must because it annoys me too. I don't like being weak and I don't like not being able to fight off Ryan but I couldn't help it, it's been so long that I don't know how to fight him.

Ashton must think I'm pathetic. You are pathetic, look at you. Weak and pathetic, can't even fight back when you're in danger, how pathetic is that?

"A-ash? I need to tell you something." Biting my lip, Ashton turned away from his locker to look at me with a worried expression.

"What's up, babe?"

"T-the voice. I-I keep hearing the voice."

"What voice?"

"The one that tells me bad things." I didn't look at him in fear of him thinking I was crazy.

"Don't listen to it, Lu, you're beautiful and I love you no matter what." Ashton had hold of both of my hands and he was smiling when he complimented me; I blushed slightly.

"Do you not think I'm crazy?" I asked, nervously.

"Why would I think you're crazy?"

"Because I hear voices."

"Babe, I don't think you're crazy. I don't understand but I don't think you're crazy, the voices are crazy for not understand how perfect you are." Ashton smiled again.

"I'm not perfect." I looked down at the floor but Ashton grabbed my face and made me look up at him.

"You're perfect to me." Ashton then leaned in to kiss me, "I love you."

"I love you too." I mumbled back against his lips, causing him to smile and kiss me again.

"Let's go meet up with Cal and Mikey, they are probably wondering where we got off to." Ashton started pulling me back towards the canteen I had exited not long before and as I trailed behind him slightly, my eyes caught Ryan's behind a small crowd of people. He had a smirk on his face and as Ashton and I got closer to the canteen, he made a move to get closer to us.

This probably wasn't going to end well.


A/N: Not sure if I like this, I may rewrite it but I'm undecided. The ending sucks. Sorry about that.

Again, thank you to you amazing people who got over 80 votes and 30 comments yet again on the previous chapter, you really do amaze me and I love you all xx Thank you again.

Also thank you for getting this story to #270 Fanfiction and #420 TeenFiction. That means a lot to me and this no doubt will probably drop back up to 1000 but nevertheless thank you because this is the closest to 1 it's ever been J

Goal: 70 votes and 30 comments xx

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