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Luke's POV

I limped into school that morning, last night and this morning had taken its toll on me and my bum and lower back were really hurting, it's not like Ryan cared about that though. Walking to my locker, I grabbed my stuff for the first two lessons and then I was greeted by a very chirpy Calum and Michael.

"Hey, Luke." The both said in unison, wide smiles on their faces.

Turning around properly to face them, I greeted, "Hi, guys." A fake smile plastered on my face in the hopes I'd seem like I was okay. 

No other words were exchanged between us as we started walking to our first lesson, Ashton smiled at the three of us as we entered the classroom but the smile was wiped off his face when I winced as I sat down, "What's wrong?" He asked, seemingly concerned.

Shaking my head and waving my hand, I brushed off his concern and pretended like the wince was nothing, and Ashton didn't seem convinced but didn't press me any further about the matter. I almost let out a sigh of relief but I could feel my stomach starting to churn when I caught Ryan smirking at me. 

"Why's he smirking at you?" Ashton asked, obviously noticed Ryan's blatant staring but I shrugged before turning around to face the front of the classrom, "Honestly, Luke, what's wrong?" Ashton now seemed suspicious. 

Turning back towards my friend, I smiled as best I could as I answered, "Ash, I'm fine." 

This only seemed to make Ashton frown, "I can tell you're not fine so why not just tell me what's going on, I'm not gonna judge you if that's what you're worried about." He tried and I just let out a sigh. 

"Ash, really I'm fine, nothing is wrong." I tried once more but Ashton just continued to press and I ended up snapping at him, "I'm fine, please just leave it!"

Ashton seemed surprise at my small outburst and he seemed shocked for a moment before shrugging and mumbling out a 'fine', before turning to face away from me. The regret was keep to creep up on me and I was about ready to bang my head on the table, Calum and Michael now eyeing me suspiciously because it was evident I'd made Ashton mad at me. 

If I just felt like I could tell them what was wrong all of this would be so much easier, but I couldn't risk saying even the slightest thing with Ryan sat not too far behind me. Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths to regain my composure, needing to just get through the morning. I didn't speak to Ashton again till lunch. 


"Luke! Are you alright?" Ashton slightly fussed over me and helped me to sit down at the table properly, I'd let out a small yelp as I initially tried to sit down due to the pain in my lower back area. "What happened?" He asked.

"I've just hurt my back, I'll be fine." I smiled, patting his arm lightly, but I could tell he was still worried, "Honestly, I'm fine, please don't worry." 

Michael and Calum looked at me with worried expressions, mirroring Ashton's, they were all noticing something was wrong with me, "Are you sure you're okay?" Calum asked and I nodded once again.

Leaning over, Ashton moved so he could hug me and I hugged back instantly, it'd been a while since he hugged me properly and I rarely received any comforting physical contact. Ryan never showed me any affection, he was all rough kisses, biting, and generally anything sexual. I missed the warm side of human contact. 

"What was that for?" I questioned once he pulled away from me. 

"I'm sorry." He answered and I frowned, 

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