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Dedication to mashton5sos because she's cute and adorable and I love her.

Luke's POV

"Hey, mum." I greeted when I walked into the kitchen along with Ashton.

"Oh, hey love." She said back and gave me a hug.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I just want to talk to you, I think separately would be best so Ashton dear, could you just go in the living room for about five minutes?" It was more of an instruction rather than question.

"Sure, no problem." Ashton said and then left, closing the kitchen door behind him. Mum and I sat down at the kitchen table, next to each other but facing each other.

"Luke, I know the topic is still fresh and probably still hard for you but why didn't you tell me about your self-harm?"

"I just didn't really think about it, it was something that I couldn't explain, that I was addicted to."

"I won't pretend to understand because I don't but please know that I will be here for you because I love you." She grabbed my hands.

"I know, Mum, I love you too but I am going to try get better, Ashton is going to help me."

"I believe you hun and I'm proud of you but I'm sorry I didn't notice." Her grip on my hands tightened. "I'm so sorry."

"Mum, it's okay, no one noticed." I tried to reassure her but it didn't really work.

"But I'm your mother, I should have noticed or been more concerned by how long you spent in your room or how distant you were. When you stopped coming straight home after school, I never thought...I never thought that anything like that was happening."


"I didn't even notice the bruising, I believed your lies and I didn't even think. What kind of a mum am I?" She continued and I could see how upset she was.

"Mum," I moved closer to her and she looked up at me, "It's okay, really." I urged.

Sighing, she brought me into a hug and said she loved me yet again. I couldn't help but smile knowing my mum was here for me now too, previously I thought she hadn't cared and that's why she never noticed but seeing her like this shows she feels the complete opposite.

"Now, about Ashton." Mum pulled away from me, "You two are together?" She asked and a slight blush crept up on my cheeks as I nodded my head, a smile forming on my lips. "I'm happy for you baby, just make sure he treats you right."

Laughing slightly I said, "He'll definitely treat me right."

My mum smiled at me and then said, "I want to talk to him, will you bring him in here?"

Getting up, I told Ashton to go to the kitchen to talk with her whilst I sat in the living room with Jack. Ashton pecked my lips before leaving causing Jack to groan, again.

"Would you stop that?" Jack asked as I plopped down next to him on the couch.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

 Jack smiled at me before saying, "I'm just joking Luke, I'm glad you're happy, especially after everything." Smiling back at him I thanked him and we sat quietly until he queried, "How are you holding up?"

"Right now, I'm okay, the thoughts haven't said anything yet." I answered honestly, reassuring my brother that I was doing better.

"Good, that's good." Jack smiled at me again and I nodded my head.  He then brought me into a hug and said, "I'm glad you're okay, no matter how I treat you."

Ashton walking back in broke us apart from our brotherly bonding. "Hey." He said.

"Hi." I replied, awkwardly.  

"I'll let you two talk." Jack said as he stood up and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Are you feeling alright, not tired or anything?" Ashton made his way over to me and grabbed my hand, stroking it.

"I'm fine." I smiled to reassure him.

"Good." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Ash?" I bit my lip.

"Yeah, babe?"

"What are we going to do about Ryan?" I asked and Ashton sighed, pulling me into him, my head resting on his shoulder as he continued to hold my hand and the other on my waist.

"We're going to get him arrested, I just wanted to make sure you were fully okay for when the police ask you questions, I didn't want you to slip up and have them think you're lying."

Nodding, I thought over his response before saying, "Okay, so when will we tell them?"

"In a few days when I'm sure you're okay, I need to get you ready for college too though, I need to make sure that you'll be okay there."

"I'm kind of scared, Ash." I admitted and Ashton shifted us so that we were sat up, his hands cupping my face. 

"I know you are babe but it's gonna be fine, we'll get Ryan arrested and he won't hurt you anymore."

"But what about you, he wants to hurt you and if we wait he might hurt you, we need to call the police now so-" Ashton cut off my rambling with a kiss,

"Babe, I'll be fine." He smiled at me and I sighed but nodded my head nevertheless.

"I love you, Luke."

"I love you too."

Ashton then pulled me down so my head was resting on his chest, his hands began to run through my hair, soothing me. However, despite this action and his words I knew I would believe him until Ryan was away and couldn't hurt anyone and honestly, it was a case of the sooner the better not just for my sake but for Ashton's too.


A/N: Ok, this was shit and short and I sorry. Recently, updates have been crap and I apologise for that. However, I hope you will stick with it, shit is going to go down soon enough.

Thank you for getting me 1000 votes and almost 10,000 reads, that is truly amazing and I can't thank you enough.

Goal: 60 votes and 25 comments? Thanks for reading.

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