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Luke's POV

"Get off me." I pushed against Ryan as he had me pressed against a wall. We were at some stupid party that Calum and Michael had made me go to even though they knew they would end up leaving me when they got drunk. This is what happens when they do; I get harassed by a fucking creep who doesn't seem to understand the word no.

"Come on, Luke, you'll enjoy it." Ryan pressed his lips to my neck.

"I said no, so get off me." I tried pushing him off me once again, Ryan wouldn't move no matter how hard I pushed him and with so many people being around, I risked it and shouted, "Help! Someone help! Ash-" He cut me off by sealing his hand over my mouth.

Flipping me around, he kept his hand on my mouth as he pulled me towards one of the bedrooms upstairs. Once he found an empty one, he roughly shoved me inside and shut the door behind him. I was about to call for help again but he taunted, "Go on, call for help. No one is going to come save you, they can't hear you."

"Let me go, Ryan."

"No, I want to have some fun." He then moved closer to me and I walked backwards until I met the wall.

"Stay away from me." My heart was pounding out of my chest, I was absolutely petrified of  the boy in front of me.

"What are you gonna do if I don't?" He smirked at me.

"I'll tell, I'll tell people what you did." I threatened but he didn't seem fazed.

"Who's going to believe that I would want you? You're the nobody at school so why would people think I wanted you. They'll twist it Luke, you know they will."

"I-I'll call the police." I stuttered, I was feeling very scared right now because Ryan was edging his way closer and I had nowhere to go.

"I'll kill you if you tell and don't think for a second that I won't." His tone made him sound as though he was serious and my heart started pounding, I was terrified of this guy.

"Once I've killed you, I'll then kill anyone that you told. That includes your precious friend Ashton, you can't tell him Luke." Ryan was now in front of me, one hand on my cheek, the other on my waist; his breath tickled my lips. "You can't tell him Luke otherwise he's dead, you wouldn't want that would you?" I shook my head.

"Then you better stay silent about this." He smiled when I nodded, he knew he had me.

"Good, now don't say anything unless I tell you to." He then pressed his lips to mine, rather forcefully.'

That was when all of this started and he hasn't let me leave since, I was wrapped around his finger purely out of fear. I hated him for what he'd reduced me to and how worthless he made me feel. Sometimes I think ending it would be the best option because let's face it, who'd care? No one, not even Ashton. If he cared he would have noticed how broken I am.

I was currently walking to Ryan's, I had ten minutes otherwise I'd be late and I was scared of what would happen if I was, and so I quickly upped my pace to try and make it to his house on time. Knocking on the door to his house, I looked at my phone to see I arrived at 4pm on the dot. Ryan opened the door with a smile on his face, "Cutting it close aren't we?"

"I'm sorry." I mumbled before walking into the house when he signalled me to, he then pulled me upstairs to his room by the wrist, causing me to wince at the tight grip. 

Once there, he pressed his lips to mine and started to try and undress me but I was pushing him off me, he slapped my hands away and carried on.

"I-I don't want to do this." I stuttered when Ryan pulled back from me.

"When has that ever stopped us before?" Ryan moved to pull my shift off over my head, "It hasn't so shut up." His hands then moved to my jeans and he pulled them down before pushing me down on the bed and straddling me. I winced when he pressed his hands down on my wrists, pinning them to the bed, he seemed to notice and moved his hand to look at my wrist; at my scars.

"You cut?" Ryan looked me in the eye and I nodded.

"How pathetic." Ryan looked disgusting but then smiled when he asked, "Do you do it because of me?" Again, I nodded.

"You're pathetic you know that? Worthless and pathetic." The words hurt I had to admit because I knew it was true, "This is all you're good for; you'll never be good enough for anything else." Ryan then started kissing me again.

After a few minutes of that, he moved his hands from my wrists to flip me over, I knew what was coming, "Scream for me." 

When Ryan came, he pulled out from me and lay down next to me, obviously tired from the act whilst I was in pain. I always was after sex with him, it hurts when you're not aroused and more so if you don't want it and someone is forcing you. Ryan didn't care though, I was just there to please him, nothing else mattered to him.

"You were good babe, so obedient." Ryan praised me but I stayed silent, in too much pain to be bothered.

Getting out of the bed, I quickly grabbed my clothes and slipped them on. I went to leave but I felt Ryan's hands grip my hips and he placed his lips close to my ear, "I want you here in the morning, don't be late." I nodded and he released me whilst saying, "Good, now get your fat arse out of my sight."  



A/N: So this is chapter 2, I'm sorry that it's short and a crap chapter. I thought since I'd started it the other day that I should finish but it's not very good.

Thanks for the amount of votes and comments on the last chapter, I'm really happy about it. I guess I should set a goal now, just to maintain an average.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. X

Goal: 10 votes and 4 comments.

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