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Luke's POV

I'd tried to not look at Ashton throughout the whole lesson, I know he'd seen the tear I'd let drop onto the table, he was looking when I went to wipe it. He didn't care enough to question me though. I don't blame him though, I was a slut and he obviously didn't want a boyfriend or even a friend like that.

Throughout the lesson, I'd tried to hold back the tears and I tried focussing on what the teacher was saying but all I could think about was Ashton. It upset me that he didn't care that I was obviously hurting and it bothered me that Calum and Michael went along with him. I knew I was the extra wheel in the group, the least favourite, but they could have made it less obvious. Even if they pretended to like me it would have hurt less.

By the middle of the lesson, I couldn't handle being this close to Ashton and knowing he hated me and so I let the tears fall as I rushed out of the room. One of the pupils started to complain but my teacher just shushed her and said he'd talk to me in a minute.

Walking into the toilets, I went into a cubicle and locked the door before sitting on the toilet seat and pulling myself into a ball. The tears were quickly flowing down my face and I tried chocking back the sobs but failed miserably, the loud sounds of my crying filled the toilets.

You should just end it Luke, the only reason you were staying was because of Ashton but now he doesn't care so why not just end it? It'd be easier, he isn't going to miss you, you're just a slut. A slut that lets Ryan do whatever he wants to you. You're disgusting.

"Shut up!" I hissed at the voices in my head, I squeezed the sides of my head and sobbed harder knowing that the voices were right; they were always right.

"Luke?" A voice make me stopped my sobbing and I held my breath, hoping the person would go away.

"Luke, I know it's you. I-it's Calum."

"Go away, Calum."

"No, Luke. I saw how upset you were and I'm worried." He was outside my cubicle now.

"Why do you care?" I snapped back, not feeling in the mood to be pleasant.

He let out a sigh, "Because you're my friend Luke, I know I treated you like crap but I care about you, so please come out."

Wiping my eyes, I slowly got off the toilet seat and unlocked the door, Calum immediately brought me into a hug and I ended up sobbing into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Lu, I'm so sorry." He let me cry on him for a few minutes before pushing me away gently. "I love you, you know? You're one of my best friends and I'm sorry I treated you like shit, I should have been there for you." 

Shaking my head, I wiped some more of my tears away, "No, it's alright, I get that Ashton is important, I'm used to it."

Calum shot me a confused look before saying, "Ashton isn't more important, you're both just as important as each other okay?" He placed his hands on my shoulders, "I'll talk with Mikey and Ashton tomorrow; they need to know that you're this upset."

I smiled slightly but said, "You don't have to, it's fine."

"I will not have you being miserable with no one here and I know Ashton said you played him but what's going on Luke? That isn't like you."

"I-I can't tell you." I stuttered, moving my gaze to the floor.

"Why not Luke? What's going on?" He stepped closer to me, concerned.

"I can't tell, Calum, I will but not now." I looked up at him and although he looked worried, he nodded and pulled me into another hug.

The bell is what broke our embrace, signalling the end of the day. Calum then smiled at me and pulled me out of the toilets, going back to the classroom to grab our stuff we'd left. We split up as we went to our lockers, ours were separated from each other and so I was left alone again. 

Getting to my locker, most people around me had already left school but because Calum and I were delayed, we were one of few left. This lead me to think I could escape seeing Ryan today, he'd left me alone all weekend and I was hoping I could put him off till later on.

However, I was not so lucky.

Ryan came up behind me just as I finished putting what I needed in my bag and he grabbed my hips and squeezed them. I gasped and he laughed at me before leaning in close and saying, "You weren't going to come see me today? That is not being a very good boy." I didn't say anything but he didn't seem to mind as he carried on talking, "I saw your friends ignoring you, bet it sucks, not for me though because now you're all mine and I don't have to worry." He then turned me around and smiled at me, "Now I'm very horny so you're coming with me so you can help me out."

Ryan then grabbed my wrist and started to pull me to his car, I panicked because Calum was going to come back at meet me at my locker but I wasn't going to be there. What if he thinks I ditched him? He'll just be mad at me all over again and I honestly didn't want that.

"No, I can't, not tonight." I tried pulling my wrist away but he just stopped walking and pulled me to him.

"Now, Luke, I really don't think you want to make me angry. Do you want a repeat of the other night? Only, I can get a lot rougher."

I sighed and looked down, "Please, Ryan."

"No," Ryan then pulled me to the car, "Now get in and shut up." He shoved me roughly inside the car and I slunk down into my seat. Ryan made his way into the driver's seat but he wasn't quick enough to drive away before Calum walked out of the school and spotted the car. A look of disappointment filled his face as he saw it was me.

He's going to hate you.


A/N: Ok, well I'm not particularly happy with this chapter but I'm just gonna go with it, I hope you  liked it even if I didn't.

Thank you for the response on the last chapter, it was amazing and I'm sorry for those I made cry, as you said you were. I got about 16 comments and 24, I think, votes so thank you so much but now my goal is a little higher.

Goal: 25-30 votes and 15-20 comments x I think you guys can achieve this, well I hope you can. Thanks for reading xx

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