Chapter 4- No more innocence.

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The mistress's voice swam through my ears. She pulled me, so I was laying on her chest. My body surrendered and melted into her.
"Yes, mistress?" I replied to her. My voice was flat and emotionless. I was just relaxed. Her warmth radiated on my cold body.
"I have a special ability..." She purred, running her fingers softly through my hair. I know I shouldn't be this relaxed around her but... After hearing what Katie had to say, it was a little sad. I could understand what it was like to be lonely.
Hell, before the incident, I spent all my time in my room thinking of ways to kill myself. I stopped because that wouldn't be fair to my soul mate. Whoever that might be. I just didn't want them to suffer on this earth alone.

What if the mistress is our soul mate?
I don't like sharing. Couldn't be.
Don't knock it till you try it.

I rolled my eyes. Why am I always split between what I feel and what I think? It's fucking ridiculous.
The mistress lifted my chin and stared into my eyes. Her emerald eyes piercing through me. "Special abilities?" I ask, my voice softer than usual.
The scent of sweet cotton candy wrapped around me. Pulling me in even deeper into the ocean of comfort.

"When I kiss someone, I can hear their thoughts." She whispered. Her breath tickling my skin. I looked at her a moment, trying to figure out whether or not it was true. 

She's just teasing, there's no possible way...

 Her sweet scent causing my mind to spin. Her lips met mine. Electricity flowed from my core and shot out through my fingertips.

My body started to heat up intensely. Something wasn't right, I could feel it in my gut. Her eyes have a special effect on me, from the moment I met her that was clear.
But, my whole body felt like a furnace. Maybe her lips were different? Maybe, they held my body hostage to its own feelings. No, that Couldn't be it. This was so much more intense.

"M-Mistress, something's wrong." I whimpered, breaking away from her. I started to move my hips, squirming in place. My body flushed red with this intense heat. It was highly uncomfortable.
It wasn't just being horny. It was like, being horny then popping an ecstasy pill in a room full of attractive people teasing you, and not being able to touch them, or yourself.

"Oh, it happened?" Her voice almost mocked me. Even though it sounded sweet, poison hid underneath the sugar-coated surface.
"What happened?" I asked faintly. I couldn't get a grip on whatever was happening. Letting out a sigh as her cold hands moved down my body. She ran her fingertips over my back lightly, causing me to shiver against her.
The heat between my thighs was almost too much. I couldn't think anymore, I just wanted it to go away. I wanted her fingers to make it better. 

Suddenly I had found myself thrown onto my back, with mistress hovering over me.

"What happened...Is my little bitch finally went into heat." She whispered in my ear. Her hot breath tickled my ear, I knew I was in for a real treat tonight.

I felt her lips on my neck. The words she said ran together in my head. I Couldn't make any sense of what she was saying. I couldn't even pay attention to the fact the mistress had moved her knee between my legs.
"What did you do to me?" I whispered. My arms seemed to involuntarily wrap themselves around her, pulling her close to my body.  Her fingers adding fire to my skin. I didn't even realize I was grinding myself against her knee, trying to get any sort of release I could. I needed to be rubbed. I needed to be fucked. 

Everything had gone out of the window. Finding someone worthy of my virginity. Finding the right person. Giving them part of my soul.

Everything I had worried about so much for my entire life was completely pushed from my head. This isn't the first time lust had taken my mind, but this is the first time it won.

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