Chapter 8- I need you

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                                                                          Katie's P.O.V.

The mistress seemed obviously upset as she crossed her arms. "You weren't keeping an eye on her?" She sighed. More stressed out than anything.
I put my head down quickly.
"I'm sorry, Mistress," I replied to her. I bit my lip. I could feel my heart sink my mistress gives me a displeased look. I could see the glint of anger that shined in her eyes. My brain immediately started lecturing myself.

If I hadn't been arguing with Smith, I woulda seen her leave. God, I'm so fucking stupid! I can't even do that right. I was lecturing someone else about not doing their job but I can't even do mine!  Now, look what you've done. Mistress isn't pleased with me. What if she loves Ashley more? What if she gets rid of me?

Raven let out a loud exhale.
"Darling, I know that look on your face. Stop beating yourself up." Raven said as she walked over to me. She placed a finger under my chin, causing me to lift my head up.

"There is no need to apologize anymore, darling." She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I am not displeased with you. You protected Ashley as best as you could. I'm very pleased with that. Without you, she would have been killed. I'll give you a nice reward. You get to chose it, whatever you want. Whenever you want."
Raven's voice was sweet. Her words wrapped around me like a warm blanket. She gave me a quick hug, and I melted into her arms.
"Thank you, mistress..." I mumbled. I would have spoken up louder for my Mistress if I knew for sure the sadness that was continually rising in my chest would stay inside my chest. The last thing I need is to cry in front of my Mistress.
"Now." She pulled away from me, but her fingers combed through my hair lovingly.

"Go to my room. I will join you shortly, My darling."

                                                                         Sarah's P.O.V.

I searched, and I searched. For hours it seemed like. I laid on the floor, defeated.

Why didn't we take German in high school!?

I cursed myself for taking Latin instead of anything useful. But Latin was easy. There was hardly any homework, I slept during class, easy peasy. Sure, when we had to buckle down and get serious it became challenging. But, that's what google translate was made for. Magister was none the wiser. Or maybe he just didn't care?

High School was done. A distant memory I don't want to revisit.

I heard the heavy door to the library open. I shot up from the ground.

There in all of her glory, I saw my Mistress. Her black curls bouncing as she walked.

"H-Hello mistress," I spoke shyly. This was the first time I was out, with complete control of my body. Finally, I could do things MY way. Her red lips drooped in a frown. Concern was written all over her face.


Mistress walked towards me but had a brow raised in suspicion. Still, that disappeared once she saw the slash wounds on my arms.

I saw the mistress shake her head, almost angrily as she grabbed my wrists roughly and stretched my arms out towards her. I flinched at how roughly she handled me. The slash wound was now tender, not bleeding anymore, but very tender. Luckily it wouldn't need stitches. Dried blood crusted around the wound. My arms were very unsightly.

"Fucking..." She muttered. She said something else but I couldn't quite understand it.
"Come." She commanded. It wasn't like I had a choice, as she dragged me by my wrist.

She walked fast, faster than I could keep up with. Which caused me to lag behind. I nearly tripped at least three times. As well as the fact that it caused my tender wounds to start to open once more.
"Mistress, Please, You're walking too fast. You're hurting me." I pleaded with her, using the cutest voice I could muster up. Soft, innocent. Something you WOULDN'T want to hurt.
Sure enough, she looked back at me, Little blood drops forming on my skin. She had a guilty look as she slowed down.
"Sorry..." She softly muttered. She took me into a room. This one looked less like a doctor's office and more like a sickbay.

"Sit on the bed." She commanded. I obeyed and sat on the springy bed. The light blue covers reminiscent that of a hospital. She rolled over this cabinet like thing. It was white, with silver handles, but of course, it had wheels.

She opened one of the drawers and pulled out some alcohol pads. She cleaned the blood off of my arms, being careful not to touch the open skin. Once my arms were clean of any trace of blood, she wrapped some gauze around my forearms. That completely covered the wound. I couldn't help but notice the defeated look on her face. She must have felt so...Violated? Not like a dominant. I gave her a soft smile.

I'll change that.

"Mistress, You seem...Different." This comment earned a smile from her as she finished bandaging my arms. She looked at me, her bright green eyes drawing me in. I blushed a little, thinking how the hell we ended up getting so damn lucky.

"You seem different as well." She replied. Still, her expression didn't exactly change that much.
My lips started to drop into a frown. When she was done bandaging me up, she got up.
"Common, let's go to my room." She muttered.

"Mistress, will you come here for a moment?" I asked before she could leave the room.

She turned back towards me, sighing.
"What is it, my pet?" She asked coming back, sitting next to me. Her warmth radiating to me.
"You look sad," I whispered softly. I couldn't have my mistress walking around with a sad face. She needed to be strong. To keep up appearances, and I would help.

"It's nothing you need concern yourself with." She replied.

I crawled up onto her lap, straddling her.
"What are you-"
I cut her off with my lips. I may not have asked permission, but it didn't matter right now.

I felt her tense, then relax. The kiss was short but sweet. I rested my forehead on hers.
"Sorry I didn't ask permission to do that...but-" My sentence was cut off as her lips crashed back onto mine. This kiss, hungry. My chest exploding with fireworks. Pleasant sparks shooting through me.

But soon enough she pulled away, both of us panting heavily. My cheeks flushed red.
"Mistress, I need you." I whispered in her ear. 

Sorry it took a minute longer than it normally does to get this one out, but I kept falling asleep lol plus I didn't really know where to go with it, but I think I've got it figured out at this point. 
In any case please vote and comment if you enjoyed it!

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