Chapter 6- I'm like Ashley, but more loving

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Katie looked at me, puzzled by my words.
"Then why did you say your name was Ashley? Were you lying?" She asked slowly. I shook my head in response, still pushing myself from the ground. Slowly, I got up. For a moment, I stumbled backward onto my feet. The pain in my shoulder now the least of my concern. Instead, my whole body felt like one giant bruise.

The pain never bothered me anyway.

Katie rushed to help me stand.
"I got it. I'm not weak." I reassured her. Still, she had a killer grip on my arm. She slowly backed away, keeping a close eye on me. 

"Alright.." She said quietly. Both of us started to walk back to the mansion.

Soon enough we were back. The red and black theme prominent throughout the mansion. I assumed it was this way because it was Mistress's favorite color combination.
Katie led me to a white room. The smell of a doctor's office was overpowering. There was one of those Medical tables to sit up on while you were being examined. I assumed it was for the thugs who got injured, who possibly had a bounty on their head. Or, just couldn't show their face where authorities may linger.

Katie turned to me and patted the seat for me to sit down. So, I did.  I had to take my shirt off, so she could access the wound better. I eyed the shorter woman behind me as she took out a needle and thread. I sighed, knowing what was coming next. I felt the needle softly pop through my skin as she started to stitch me up. I clenched my jaw hard trying not to let the pain of the needle get to me. If there was anything in this world I hate more than anything else, it was a fucking needle. I shifted my weight a bit in discomfort as the continued. 

"You never answered my question earlier." Katie pointed out. I shrugged in response.
"What does it fucking matter?" I replied. My words sharp as I spoke. I could feel the red-haired woman tense as she was helping me. I heard her exhale loudly before she roughly popped the needle through my skin, causing me to let out a small yelp of pain.
"You know, I don't have to do this for you. I'm being nice."

I sighed at her response.
"You're annoying," I muttered quietly under my breath.
"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Katie ordered slamming her fists beside me.

I couldn't help but smile to myself.

Now the real test.

"Temper, temper." I cooed as I made my way around to Katie. She watched me cautiously as I drew closer to her. She backed up, both hands now resting on the Medical table as she faced me.
"Ashley I-" I put a finger on her lips cutting her off. I examined her face as my lips formed into a soft smile. 

"I already told you. It's Sarah." I put my hands either side of hers being sure she can't escape.
"Okay, Sarah. Why are you suddenly Sarah?" She asked cautiously. I could hear her start to breath heavier with nervousness.
"Well for one. Ashley is still there..I'm just another side of her. Like, Roommates. I just share a body as opposed to a room. Ashley has been under a lot of stress lately." I whispered in her ear, almost seductively.

I could feel Katie's body shudder in response.
"I tend to take over when in extreme situations. She's been doing good in this new situation but, it's time for me to come out. I've been trying to come out but she likes to repress me." I sighed.

"I can say some not nice things that will get her in trouble. She doesn't like that about me. But I help her give in to her desires." I moved my hands to Katie's hips.
"Well, I guess you could say I'm like Ashley, but a lot more loving."

I pulled her closer to me. I could hear her gasp as my hands soon made their way up her shirt.
"Sarah..." Katie breathed. She was easily overtaken with lust.

Slut. I knew it.

My lips lingered close to hers. She closed her eyes as if waiting for me to make the final move. I simply chuckled and moved away.

"Oh no. No, No fuck!" I heard a man curse as he walked into the medical room. Katie looked over at him.

"Fucking moron!" She yelled. Quickly, she pushed past me and towards the large man. His light-colored hair ruffled, obviously worried.

"I'm sorry! Please just, don't tell Mistress Raven I wasn't able-"

"HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO HIDE THIS!" she screamed and pointed at my injured arms.

The man's mouth moved down to say something, but nothing came out of him.

"Because you were off dicking around with only god knows who, Ashley and I were getting attacked! WE ALMOST DIED, SMITH! and where the hell are the other guards? Don't tell me you are all getting drunk in the game room again! How many fucking times..." Katie's bickering voice slowly tuned out of my brain. The man spoke, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. He talked with his hands, his actions frantic as they bickered back and forth. I sighed, not wanting to deal with it. I grabbed my shirt and made my way out of the room.

They were so busy arguing, none of them noticed. 

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