Chapter 30- Trouble

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I gasped and sprang up quickly. When I bolted awake, Katie was there to greet my eyes. And smoke was there to assault my lungs. It smelled like, really strong incense. I coughed, waving the smoke away from me.

"What the fuck?" I coughed.

"Oh, it's just sage. Pussy. Deal with it and let me cleanse you." Katie said, waving around a smoking white sage bundle around me.

"Leave me aloneee." I groaned laying back down. But that did nothing, she still waved the bundle of sage over me.


"Why is this needed?"

"You had bad juju clinging to you. Probably from your negative emotions...." She reached out and took my hand. She began to trace the lines in my hands while looking me in the eye.

"And....intense sexual frustration" She finished, tracing her fingers lightly up my arm.

I gulped, as she straddled me.

"We really shouldn-"

"Oh common, don't act like you weren't listening to me getting fucked earlier." she smiled. I could feel the blood rush to my face.

"Well, I mean..." I muttered quietly. Katie took my hands and put them on either side of her hips while she started to slowly grind against my thigh.

"Nnn...I want more" She softly moaned.

I bit my lip as I admired her body. Her red hair falling in her face as she moved. She was wearing a gray tank top, with super short pajama bottoms and not much else.

She leaned back, and when she did it gave me a full view of everything. Needless to say, she wasn't wearing underwear.

She took my hand from her hip and guided it between her legs.

"If you make me feel good...I'll make you cum real hard...Deal?" Her blue eyes locked on mine.

"But you know, Mistress will find out and.. she would be so pissed."

"Since when do you care about pissing off Mistress?" Katie groaned as she grinded against my fingers.

Just from that brief contact, I could tell she was already soaking wet.

"She...humbled me a minute ago..about what we did in the shower."

"Ohh...Did she fuck you?" Katie asked me, biting her lip.

I shook my head.

"No, she just, put me in place...."

"Mmnn...Common...If Mistress walks in I'll make sure you don't get in trouble. I mean, what if she joins in? That would be so fucking hot. Don't you think? Fuck, I bet she'd make me ride your face while she fucked you....Well, a girl can dream anyway." she sighed as my fingers rubbed against her.

"Now, she's not here. We should enjoy ourselves. So let's fuck all day, okay?" I could see the lust clouding Katie's thoughts.

"Alright, sit on my face then." I ordered her. For a moment she looked at me, a little shocked.

You know you're fucked if Mistress walks in. Katie will beg to let her in on it.

That's future me's problem. Not current me's problem.

"That's what you want right? Well, at least half of what you want."

"But you were just....Never mind, I'll just chalk it up to you growing your balls back." She quickly got up and removed her shorts. She looked down at me before putting her knee down next to my face.

Are you really STILL going to fuck her after she just said that?


But you won't let Mistress fuck you?

Shut up and watch.

As soon as she swung her other leg over I grabbed her thighs firmly and pulled her down onto my tongue. She reached down and tangled her fingers in my hair. Immediately I got to work on trying to make a moan slip past her lips.

"Fuck.." she hissed in pleasure. She started moving her hips against my tongue.

"A little to the right..higher..." She instructed me. Of course, I did what I was told.

"Fuck yes, lick me, right there." She moaned as she tugged on my hair. . She swung her head back, moaning my name.

Katie's red hair had fallen into her face. Something about it, just makes her all the more appealing. She didn't really have a taste, she just tasted sweet. Like sugar water, or nectar. It wasn't long before her juices were flowing down my chin.

"Ohh, fuck Ashley. Keep going just like that...Fuck, your tongue is amazing." She whimpered as she started to move her hips.

I looked up at her, She leaned back as she started to ride my face. I reached my hand under her shirt, my hand slowly traveling up her body. I made sure to savor the way her skin felt, she was incredibly soft. I reached up, softly squeezing one of her breasts. My other hand exploring her body.

Katie's breathing became ragged. Her mouth fell open as she neared her climax. She was right there, I could tell from the way her legs were starting to tremble.

I dragged my nails down her body. Her pale skin now decorated with a trail of red. This earned a loud moan.

"Oh fuck yes, yes, fuck you better not stop!" She moaned loudly, desperate to cum.

But what if....

We did stop??

You read my mind

You're in my mind.

Quickly, I pushed her back causing her to fall backward. I summoned the strength to somehow fight my way from under her.

"WHAT THE FUCK! I WAS SO CLOSE!" Katie yelled in my face.

Hey wait a minute...Leg



I scrunched my brows, confused. I looked down at Katie's legs. That's when I noticed they were perfectly fine.

"What kind of black magic magically fixes bullet holes?"

Katie looked at me, glaring.

"That. That is what you are concerned about right now?"

"Yes. I'm curious, I can't help it!"

Katie groaned in frustration.

"Unless you want me to tell Mistress you jumped me, you better get to work!" She threatened.

I raised my brows. To say I was caught off guard would be an understatement.

Is that a threat? She can't say that to us.

Don't worry.

"Alright, so when you go run to her, and she figures out you're a fucking liar I wanna savor the look on your face when she tells you exactly how she's going to punish us." I whispered to her, before gently kissing her lips. 

"Plus you can't hide the taste of your own pussy on your lips, can you?"

"Shit.." I could hear her mumble under her breath.

"Oh, and she's with Jessy too. I wonder if they're going to take turns fucking us. I bet you would like that, wouldn't you? You don't care who gets you off as long as you get off. You're a true slut."

*sniff* I-  I've never been more proud.

I chuckled, softly nipping her neck with my teeth.

"Now I think we're on the same page...You even said it yourself, you want to fuck a lot today right? So let's not rush things and enjoy ourselves."


Don't give Ashley edibles after midnight. Just don't do it man.

Anyway, if you liked the chapter please comment and vote

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