chapter 29 - Breathless

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Before I knew, an hour had passed. I laid in Mistress's arms as the music gently played in the background. I could feel the vibration of each beat, making it an even better experience.

Mistress ran her nails up and down my arms. It was like a very gentle massage. My chest felt warm, something I wasn't used to feeling. Instead of void, and sadness, and most of the time numbness, something was finally there to replace all of that.

I watched her, her eyes had closed. I could hear her breathing softly. I could tell she was just enjoying the moment, enjoying the moment we were sharing together.

I didn't want to ruin the moment either, so I cuddled close to her.

She is still a mystery to you know anything on her? That I don't?

Well, I could tell you, but my fee is too high for you.

You're me. How the hell are you going to charge me?

You have to get off. I'm not going to say a word until you do.

What the fuck?

You're all pent up and shit. It's really ruining my vibe. Especially after seeing mistress get almost killed, and then almost being reclaimed by an evil bitch....You just need to get off. Plus mistresses teasing isn't' helping anything. Common! Just do it! You're blue balling me over here!


Thankfully I didn't have long to think about it.

"HELLO!~" Jessy's voice scratched from across the room.

"What the fuck do you want? I'm busy." Mistress groaned.

"As much as you want to laze around with your cute pets all damn day, we have work to do, Boss." I couldn't see her, but I could hear her foot tapping impatiently.

"Honey, that's why you're here. Handle it yourself." Mistress ordered her away.

"As much as I'd like too, this requires your...Special attention." Something was off in her tone. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it seemed....Flirty?

There's no way...

Why not? Mistress IS pretty sexy after all. Hell, you can't even deny that anymore.

I can and I will.

Oh, like you weren't just about to contemplate fucking her.

Only because I want information on her.

If you really wanted to get out of fucking her, you would have just asked yourself.

"Please, Raven. I can't handle it on my own."

Mistress stopped and looked at her. I could see the displeasure on her face.

"Fine." She replied harshly. Her voice causing pinpricks of anxiety down my spine.

They looked at each other for a moment. I shifted trying to get comfortable in the tense atmosphere.

"It's okay Mistress...I'll be here when you get back." I finally spoke up. I fiddled with my thumbs, waiting for the explosive atmosphere to defuse.

Mistress took a deep breath. Letting some of the anger out with it.

"And you'll let me cuddle you again?"

I nodded.

"Just please, don't be angry and don't start yelling." I replied to her.

"Is that why you're being compliant?"

Captive by mistake. (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now