Chapter 26- Cuddles?

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"I don't think you get enough attention. If you were mine, I wouldn't let you out of my bed.." I growled lowly, placing my lips against hers.

Katie grabbed the edge of my shirt as we kissed, slowly lifting it upwards. I broke the kiss, only for a moment to let her peel the wet shirt off me. Katie quickly threw my shirt to the floor, placing her lips back on mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me as close as she could.

I ran my hands up her back, making their way to her bra strap. I fumbled with it for a moment, not really being able to see what I was doing, but it wasn't long before I felt the hooks release. She pulled away from me for a moment, slipping the bra off quickly.

In an instant, she was back on me. She was becoming more daring, as her arms dropped from my neck. She ran her hands all over my body, touching, groping, anything she could get her hands on.

Her kiss became rougher, I felt her tongue brush against my bottom lip. It was only a matter of seconds before our tongues danced with each other in a battle for dominance. On top of that, we stripped each other hurriedly of our pants. Discarding our clothes quickly until we were fully naked.

"We should..probably move this to the shower...Before we end up with some company." Katie suggested, breathing heavily.

I nodded in agreement, peeling myself away from her. I knew it would only be for a small moment though.

She went over to the shower, turning the water on, adjusting it to the right temperature. Both of us quickly jumped in, resuming our make-out session.

Her fingers quickly became entangled in my brown hair as we kissed. I pushed her up against the shower wall, letting the water hit us, at the same time not drowning me.

I pulled my lips away from hers, kissing her neck. I could hear her let out a small sigh. I let my hands wander down her as I began to lightly suck on her skin. She let out a small whimper, encouraging me to keep going.

"Wait- fuck don't leave a mark." Katie breathed.

"Don't leave a mark? What the hell are you two doing in there?" A sudden voice came from behind the shower curtain, causing both Katie and I to jump.

Shit caught red-handed.

"Um...nothing just washing her back." I replied, backing away from Katie slowly.

That's when the shower curtain was pulled open, the cold rushing into the shower with us. I had instant goosebumps on my arms and rushed to cover my chest.

"See? We're not doing anything." I said, through chattering teeth. Katie remained in the warm water, while I stood just outside of it.

Mistress looked us over, with skeptical eyes.

"I don't know when washing someone's back left purple marks on someone's neck." She smirked, pointing it out on Katie's neck. She covered it promptly and gave me the evil eye.

"I told you!" She mouthed to me.

"Finish up, no hanky panky in here. Got it?" Mistress ordered. katie nodded, I sighed and gave Mistress a slow nod.

"Good. Behave." She said before putting the shower curtain back and walking out of the bathroom. Both Katie and I looked at each other, before quietly beginning to wash ourselves. When she turned around, I could see the mark I left on her neck.

I stared at it for a moment, before my eyes fanned over the pink collar she wore. My hands slid up to my own neck, feeling the leather with my fingers.

It feels strange being owned...and almost screwing a girl who is also owned by the same person...

It feels good being owned, not having to care about anything...

Captive by mistake. (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now