Chapter 14- Well That Happened.

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I shot up, my brows scrunched with concern.

"What? Why? They were good parents, So...What the fuck?"

It's okay we all make mistakes. Sometimes the mistake is fucking a Villain.

I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason that she killed her parents.

Mistress nodded.

"Yeah, they were really good parents. They were really rich parents as well. I didn't feel like going to college but I still wanted to live a luxurious lifestyle. So, I killed them. Just a little bit of Cyanide here and there and suddenly I was a Millionaire."

What a GREAT reason.

Shut. up.

I sighed, knowing that it was a horrible reason. But, still there had to be something to it. Something we just weren't picking up on. Maybe she felt bad? Doubt it. Her body language showed no signs or hints of regret. I couldn't help but wonder, is she capable of love?
Not that, I had fallen for her. Of course, I hadn't. She was just a nice piece of eye candy to me.

Is she capable of giving Katie the same amount of love, that is given to her?


While I was wrapped in this woman's arms, I couldn't help but be engulfed in my thoughts. The only reason we were here was because of an amulet. Of course, I knew that. I knew that from the maid, from the computer. I chewed my lip as I pondered.

The only reason we're here is we benefit her in some way. Katie happily gives her sexual gratitude.

What if we were completely useless. Would she kill us?

"Mistress.." I prepared to ask her everything on my mind. Prepared to share what I was thinking, thoughts, concerns, would she care?

But before I could get the sentence out, I was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking. I jumped up, looking at the door.

Mistress moved me off of her lap quickly. She got underneath the couch cushions.

"What are you-" I saw the silver glint of the Glock she pulled out.

Holy shit, that's a Glock 22. Fucking nice!

Only you would be thinking about guns at a time like this. Who cares what kind of gun it is?!
Well, it's the same ones cops use.

What the hell is that going to do against an assault rifle! NOTHING!

It only takes one bullet to take down one gunner.


Her gun had a silver barrel. A rose thorn pattern wrapped around it.

"Stay here until I tell you otherwise. Understand?" Her voice was low as she spoke. I could hear the clicks as she inspected the gun. Making sure that everything was in working order. She slowly crept to the door. I could hear people yelling, followed by gunshots. Red flashes made their way into the room, leaving behind black holes.

I made my way to the dresser, found a T-shirt and jeans, and threw them on. Like hell, I was going to be caught completely naked in a situation like this. Mistress's back rested against the wall. The gun pointing at the ceiling, ready to charge outside.

"Get behind something." She said, her voice almost yelling but not going above a whisper.

Mistress placed her hand on the doorknob. Shots still blared from the other side of the door. She opened the door a bit and peeked out.

I could feel the adrenaline rushing through me as she peered out. She slipped through the door, closing the door behind her.

More gunshots erupted. I was left staring at the door, my fists clenching white as I hid behind the couch. 

Just a short chapter for you. Felt kinda productive today. So yeah, Hope you enjoy. 

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