Chapter 9- A whole new world.

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I blinked. Suddenly, I was on mistress's lap, in what sounded like me begging her to fuck me. My face ignited red, in fact, my whole body probably did.
"What the fuck." I muttered quietly. My eyes wide.

Why the fuck am I on her lap.

When the fuck-

Why the hell are my arms injured?! God, my shoulder is sore too!

No, no, no goddamnit!! Keep going!! Mistress is sad, cheer her up.

Sounds like a personal problem!

I got up quickly. I ran my fingers through my hair, and let out a sigh. I could feel the stress tense in my shoulders.

"Why the fuck, why am I here? What happened to my arms? Did you do this?" I asked looking at the mistress. She leaned back onto the bed, propping herself up on her elbows. She sighed, tilting her head back. She looked up at the ceiling shaking her head.

"You honestly don't remember? You don't remember the maid?" She asked her voice containing hints of disappointment.

"Oh, you're right...The maid. But, what happened to her?"

Der Tod Kommt Nicht fur- something. It's a phrase the maid said. Maybe mistress knows what it is. That's all you need to know. As well as the fact she was attacking us for the amulet we don't have.

What the fuck does that mean?
Seduce the mistress and find out.

That's a horrible idea.

Have you got any others?

I looked down at the ground. I shook my head.

"I'm so confused..." I muttered.

"You're not the only one. One minute you're all over me, acting so nice..."

"Is sex all you're capable of thinking about?" I remarked.

Mistress shrugged.

"In your mind, I guess so."

This bitch.

Be nice.

I let out a loud exhale trying to get rid of the stress in my tensing shoulders.

"Okay, I have important questions."
"I might have an answer."
"The amulet, the one I was accused of having...."
"What about it?"
"What's so special about it?"

The mistress looked at me, tapped her fingers. I could see her chew the inside of her lip. She looked away from me. She seemed to be pondering to herself.

"You shouldn't concern yourself with it."
"Kinda hard, considering that was what that fucking maid was after," I grunted.

Just answer the fucking question!

Stop demanding and get back on her, maybe she'll give it to you.

"I'm fully well aware. Let me handle it, Pet." She replied in

"That's not fair!" I raised my voice slightly. Mistress shot me a glare. She sat up on the bed, looking at me. Her annoyance now written on her face. I could tell, her temper with me today was much shorter than yesterday.

"I am your mistress. I will take care of it. You have no part in it, and you have no part in sticking your nose in it. Do you understand?"

This time, she was more assertive. Her tone hard, sharp. She spoke slowly, almost with a growl.

I looked down at the floor. Disappointed, but most of all worried.

This so-called amulet was the reason I couldn't go back to my life. Even if it was a mistake, people still think I have it.

I felt a little, well, defeated.

"Can you at least tell me why people are after me?" I saw the mistress once again cast her eyes down. I could hear her sucking on her teeth, contemplating again.

"Because you are hard to kill. Now come, Katie is in my room and is needing some emotional care." She said before quickly exiting the room.

That's certainly not the response I was expecting.

It's kinda true though.

Not in the slightest.

Ever since that day, time seemed to fly by quickly. The days seemed to blur together as they passed. I, of course, spent my days mapping out my escape route. Unfortunately, security got tighter. There was a new brute in town, Jack, his name was. One thing was for certain, his jawline could cut glass. He always smelled of whiskey, didn't talk much. His brown eyes seemed to burn holes in me as he never took his eye off of me. Well, he watched Katie too. But, not as intently.

He followed me everywhere I went. But that was the least of my concern. Ever since that day, I had been getting closer and closer to Katie. She was more...Flirty towards me lately. Why is beyond me. All I knew is no one else could make my drinks anymore if I requested one. She always demands that she makes it herself. Maybe to avoid poison? Who knows.

I learned that mistress did deals in illegal drugs, big shocker there. Well, it was unique in a way. There is this plant, with a blue flower. I don't even know the name but the flower is a very bright blue. Probably the bluest I had ever seen. Well, the aphrodisiac Katie gave me? Just so happens it comes from this plant. And, it's highly illegal. Used as a very effective date-rape drug. Just, less rapey.
See, whoever ingests it becomes extremely willing for obvious reasons. This is what everyone was fighting over mainly. Mistress's outings were always gang-related. Though, I still had no idea what lies behind this strange new world.

Like the new chapter? I hope so! if not, please hang in there! There is a lot more coming! 

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