Chapter 10

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Arielle's P.O.V

I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. There was yelling coming from Niall's room which meant Bella already woke up. She always switched rooms depending on who she liked that night. Yesterday was Niall so she fell asleep in his bed, he didn't mind.

" they mine! fatty!"

I heard Bella scream. Than I heard a gasp which sounded like Niall. Oh god, here it goes again. Every morning Niall always tries to steal Bella's food and then she usually yells at him. Then he complains, but it's his fault. He told her never to share food with anybody.

I quickly put on a tan tiered lace dress and some black strappy heels. Bella ran in a few seconds later, jumping onto the toilet and trying to grab a mascara wand.

" no Bells, not this" I said , she looked at me before pouting and tears began streaming down her face. I sighed and put the eyeshadow brush down. Bella was bawling now, yelling and throwing a tantrum.

" Bella, stop crying please" I whispered. She shook her head no and continued stomping her feet.

" Zayn ! can you please come in here?" I shouted. Zayn walked in a few seconds later with jeans and no shirt. I tried looking away from his abs, but it was hard.

" Bella, you can't have mascara, your too pretty for that"

" but she has!" Bella yelled back crossing her arms. 

" well I have no idea why she has it, she doesn't need it" Zayn replied, wiping away Bella's tears. She finally nodded her head and wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled and winked at me before taking Bella away.

I glanced at the clock quickly and cursed. It was already noon and I needed to be at the meeting at 12;30.  After applying the last bit of makeup, I ran out of the room and into the living room where everybody sat.

" where are you going?"

" none of your business" I spat back at Liam instantly regretting it.

" well somebody's had their bitch flakes this morning" Harry mumbled. I gave him a glare before taking Bella with me.

" I'll see you guys later" I yelled out, closing the door shut. Kyle my body guard walked out beside me and we waited for the elevator to reach the ground floor. Once we were there, I walked into the car and Kyle drove away to the location.

My management called out of nowhere asking for a meeting. Which meant I had to miss rehearsals, for the concert. We drove yesterday night for a few hours before stopping at New Jersey. So here I was running down the street of New Jersey, hoping management wouldn't flip out.

I carried Bella into the building and a lady smiled leading us to some business room. There sat Tracy, and 5 other guys that were part of my team.They all waved and greeted Bella, before we came down to business.

" alright so , here it is, now let us finish before you freak out"

I raised an eyebrow at Tracy and she pressed her lips into a thin line. Johnny my PR manager looked over at me and gave me a small smile. Johnny was knowin for being a serious person and he meant business all the time.

" so Ari, you are going to come to a meeting in 2 days with One Direction and we are going to discuss something, I'm not going to say it today, so let's get on with it, we are booking you for a club event tonight, so no concert" Johnny replied. I made my mouth into an "O" and closed it once more.

" why ?"

" this is the club your father invested in so you have to be there"

" oh umm okay, what time?"

Another You ( Sequel to I Should Have Kissed You)Where stories live. Discover now