Chapter 6

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Arielle's P.O.V

We walked up the driveway to the hospital and opened the large glass doors. The guys wanted to come with me, so I had some support. Anna came also saying , she wanted to be there for me.

In all honesty I hated hospitals , there was something about them that just made me want to run away from it. The white walls were bland and only had a few health posters hanging on it. People sat on chairs, crying and waiting for any news. Doctors strolled around, writing on clipboards and breaking the horrible news.

" hi, can I help you?"

" I'm looking for Michael Payne"

" Room 286 sweetie"

' thank you" I whispered to the red haired nurse. She gave me a sympathetic smile and tapped away on her computer. Liam held onto my hand and led me to the room where Mike laid. He was sitting on the bed, wires attached to him, controlling his beating heart. Bella sat on the bed, playing with his hair and giggling. What was I going to say to her? Your daddie won't be here anymore?

Mike looked up and smiled at us, we all piled in and shut the door closed. I sat down on the chair closest to him and took his hand.

" can I speak to Zayn for a minute?" Mike asked looking at Zayn. We all nodded and stepped out as Zayn walked over. They talked for a few minutes before motioning me to come in. I stepped inside and Zayn closed the door behind him.

" this is it Ari, just remember I love you, and I always will, you'll always be my munchkin"

I slightly smiled through my tears and giggled at the nickname he always used for me. He wrapped his hand around mine and squeezed it , his brown orbs starring into mine. His heart started slowing down, and I started shaking my head. No,he can't go. Not now, not forever.

" i love you Ari" He whispered before his eyes shut close. The beeping started and I broke out into a sob, the doctor ran in and motioned for me to leave. My only brother was dead, he was gone forever.

A pair of arms wrapped around me and tried to get me out of the room. I tried moving out his grasp, but he held on tightly.

" no, he can't be gone, he just can't"

I sobbed into Zayn's shirt as he carried me away from the room. Liam was sitting beside Niall, crying into his shoulder. It pained me to see the person who spent most of his life with me go. Anna ran over and hugged me tightly, Louis came over also and started whispering soothing words.

But nothing could bring Mike back. I looked around the hallway and saw Bella on the ground beside Harry who was telling her something. A tear rolled down her face, but she slowly nodded running over to me.

" Mike gone, " She questioned. I slightly nodded my head and gave her a small smile.

" he went on a vacation, so you'll be with me" I said , she smiled and gave me a hug. Mike has been battling his disease for 2 years, so he always told Bella he was her brother, so she wouldn't be upset when he did pass away. So know she stood here, thinking her "brother" just went on a vacation.

" let's get out of here love"

I nodded my head and walked out the hospital with Zayn. Anna took Bella into a different car, taking her out for some ice cream. I sat beside Liam and he wrapped an arm around me, still crying.

" we'll be fine Li"

" I know, but he was the last one from your family"

I buried my head into his neck and wiped away more tears. Everyone was silent, the only sound was of my sniffling or Liam's. Once we arrived at my house, I walked upstairs, quickly changing into some pajamas.

Another You ( Sequel to I Should Have Kissed You)Where stories live. Discover now