Chapter 24

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Anna's P.O.V

We were all laughing , watching as Bella was singing along to What Makes You Beautiful. The guys were video taping her dancing along to the music video. The song ended and Bella turned around wide eyed that everyone was starring at her.

" daddie!" She yelled, smacking Zayn's arm. He smiled and kissed her cheek , making her squirm. Everybody made their way down the stairs when a piercing scream was heard. We all looked at eachother and remembered Arielle was outside. Niall was the first one to run outside followed by Liam. Zayn handed over Bella and started running.

What happened? That question rang through my head, but I just couldn't get myself to walk over and see. What if something really bad happened?

" Call the ambulance!" Harry shouted making Danielle quickly diall the number. She didn't even know what was happening but the operator said an ambulance was on its way.

" come on we need to see what happened" Eleanor walked outside and down the pavement before stopping. I ran to her and gasped when I saw Arielle's body on the ground. There was a nasty gash on her head with blood coming out. She looked pale and the guys were checking for a pulse. Sophie was the first one to start crying, sitting down on the ground. Nobody could do anything but wait and hope for the best.

"mommie? what happened to mommie?" Bella looked around tears streaming down her face. She touched Arielle's hand and started crying harder. Zayn picked her up hugging her closely whispering something in her ear.

Soon an ambulance arrived and took Ari on a stretcher. Niall went in the ambulance to the hospital while we rushed to the cars. Who hit her? That was the question everyone was asking. We automatically thought to that secret admirer guy who was following her around.


It's been 2 hours since that whole incident happened. Arielle is still unconcious and in critical condition. She has 2 broken ribs, and had to get stiches. The doctors said if she stayed out there longer, she would have died from blood loss. Nick, Travis and Patrick took Bella home after a while since she wanted to go.

We couldn't leave the perimeter since paparazzi found out she's staying here and have been outside. Paul and Kyle are working to secure the outside perimeter , so no paparazzi sneaks in.

I glanced to my right and saw Zayn on the ground tears streaming down his face. He's been blaming it on himself even though it wasn't. Emily was standing next to him on her phone not even caring that her cousin is in the hospital unconcious.

" come on babe, let's get some coffee" Harry said placing his hand on my back and leading me off to the cafeteria. We ordered some coffee and sat down on the white plastic chairs , not making a sound.

" can I have an autograph?" A little girl came up , with a small smile on her face. She looked about 6 or 7.

" of course gorgeous" Harry took the small notebook and signed , before kissing the girls cheek and making her blush.

" thank you!" She squealed before giving him a big hug.

" your welcome sweetheart" He squeezed her hand and she skipped away towards an older couple.

" she was so cute" I smiled , thinking about having a baby with Harry in a few years. Right now their popularity was huge so I didn't want to trouble Harry with the thought of having a baby.

" what are you thinking about love?" He took my hand and rubbed small circles on the back of it.

" nothing much, " I leaned over and kissed him lightly before finishing the coffee. Harry threw the cups away and we made our way up the stairs.

We sat there for a while longer before everyone decided to take a shower and just rest before we visited tomorrow. Niall refused to leave Ari's side, but finally he left.  Quietly everybody went through the side entrance of the hospital where no paparazzi stood. Once safely in the van, I leaned up against Harry and closed my eyes. Hoping Ari would wake up.

( 2 Weeks Later)

For the past 2 weeks we haev been going in and out of the hospital. The guys were in New Your right now for the rest of the tour. Management decided they couldn't waste so much time in the hospital with Ari. At first the guys were pissed off but slowly they agreed and started selling out more shows in New York. Each night they dedicated songs to Arielle.

Bella doesn't want to leave Ari's side ever. Whenever we have to go home Bella starts crying and throws a tantrum saying she wants her mom. Zayn flew in twice in the 2 weeks to calm Bella down. 

" come on Bells, " I took her hand and walked with her to the hospital where the doctor called saying she had news. She didn't say if it was good or bad but I prayed that it was good news. Patrick and Travis came with me since Nick was too busy postponing the whole wedding. He wanted to make sure that Ari was there. That was really sweet of him but now he was busy 24/7.

" welcome , so we have a bit of a surprise for you guys, please go in to Arielle's room" The nurse directed us into the room where we have been spending most of our time. It was littered with flowers, teddy bears and balloons. When the fans found out what happened they automatically started sending in cards and other presents. This showed how much of a support systen Ari had.

" Mommie!" Bella shouted running over to a smiling Ari. She opened her arms wide and hugged Bella tightly, tears in her eyes. I grinned and walked over giving her a hug.

" I missed you " I whispered giving her a bear hug. Patrick and Travis joined the group hug and I immediately stepped away dialling Niall's number.

" hello?" His raspy morning voice answered.

" she's awake" I screamed. There was yelling in the background and soon all the guys were shouting and cheering. I hung up the phone until Ari's phone started ringing beside her. She smiled and answered the call.

" how long have I been out?" She asked glancing at us.

" 2 weeks" Patrick answered sitting down beside her. She widened her eyes and checked the calendar making sure.

" damn!" She whispered, making sure Bella couldn't hear.

" I missed you so much mommie" Bella wrapped her arms around Ari's neck and kissed her cheek a few tears escaping.

" i missed you too Bells"

A/N: sorry for the crappy chapter! but i have major writers block and couldn't really think of anything, but the next chapter should be much better :D

vote, comment and fan if you haven't! i love your comments <3 <3  

P.S I'm writing a new story! so stay tuned for that ,

Title: Kiss the Sky

It's not one direction but this is gonna be my number one priority after this book, it;s  a supernatural story with werewolfs and witches and all that :D

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