Chapter Four

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"To the left a bit, slightly to the right- leg bent more, shoulders back, chin up and hold"
I was at my first photoshoot since I had arrived in Melbourne. I was disoriented and a bit out of it. Ignoring my complaints I carried on with the shoot taking orders from a very bossy director. Although it wasn't a big photoshoot, I took it seriously all the same - this was part of my career and at times I loved it and at times I just wanted a break from it. "Alright I think we have the right shot!" said the director. I went over to have a look. I was pretty happy with it. "We will call you in a few days, thanks love you are right to go." I smiled back at him and quickly got changed, wiping my makeup off and undoing my hair from it's slick ponytail. "Bye!" I called as I walked out of the reception. My makeup removing skills were not the best so I slipped on my glasses and headed outside. Brrrr Brrrrr. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I continued to walk slowly as I checked the message. It was from Luke. "Look across the road x"
Obediently I looked, and there sitting at Toby's Estate was the devil himself. I smiled and crossed the road to meet him, greeting him with a hug.
"How did you know where I was?! Were you tracking me?" I asked.
"Hahah no" he chuckled "I was in the city and remembered you telling me about your shoot so I decided to wait" He said smiling. How sweet! I sat down across from him and soon enough someone came to take our order. A blonde haired girl with an incredibly short skirt and clevage exploding out of the top of her shirt came up to our table. "Hi, there can I take your order?" She said looking at Luke- completely ignoring me. "Two cappucinos thanks" he said cooly without breaking eye contact with me. He had no interest in the attention-seeking waitress. She obviously wasn'y used to being ignored. "Anything else?" she asked sounding a bit peeved. It was then that Luke looked at the girl up and down and then again. "No thanks we'll be fine with that." The girl smiled- she had finally got the attention from lUke that she wanted. She walked away giving him a quick wink. I almost gagged. As soon as she was out of sight Luke started to laugh uncontrolibly.
"How many inches of foundation do you think she was wearing? 3 inches?, 4? 7?" he said still laughing. It was contagious- i started to laugh aswell.
"I think she had a few watermelons shoved up her top aswell!" he spluttered. His laugh was too funny. When the waitress came again with our drink we tried to collect ourselves and act normal. I could see Luke bursting at the seems about to explode into a fit of laughter. I thanked the waitress and she walked off checking Luke out again.
"Luke she totally has the hots for you" I teased.
"I kinda gathered. But she looks so fake- i dont see why girls cover themselves up like that" Luke said drinking his cappucino. Finally, a boy who saw past the fakeness. All of the Brooks boys were like that. They would rather have somebody treat them like gold instead of looking amazing and treating them like dust. We talked until we had finished our drinks. I volunteered to pay incase Luke started to choke on his own laughter again. As I gave the girl the cash, she shot me the evils. Woah. Ignoring her, I walked outside to meet Luke again. He slung his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the car. As we reached the car, Luke opened the passanger door for me and then closed it once I was in. I must say I was impressed.
As we drove home we talked with the radio on low until a certain song came on that I knew Luke would soon react to. I waited for his response....
"HEY I JUST MET YOU, AND THIS IS CRAZY, BUT HERES MY NUMBER, SO CALL ME MAYBE..." he belted out. I started to giggle. "C'mon lets do a duo" he invited me to sing. How embarrassing! We pulled up at a red light. Luke wound down all of the windows. "YOUR STARE WAS HOLDING, RIPPED JEANS SKIN WAS SHOWING, HOT NIGHT WIND WAS BLOWING" he screamed. I couldn't resist- I joined in. "WHERE YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING BABY!" Luke looked at me in a proud way. We belted out the chorus for everyone at the lights. Some people turned their radios up, others honked and some even joined in singing. Luke  quickly passed me his phone and instructed me to record. I rotated it getting everybody's reactions including mine and Luke's. As we took off people honked and waved. I turned the video off and tucked it away- the song had finished. Luke and I smiled and started to giggle. "I'm so showing that to the boys and putting it on our blog." he told me. I was unsure about putting it onto the internet but I was too hyped up to disagree with him. The happiness in Luke's eyes made me happy. He made me feel like I was invincible and like nobody could stop us from being who we are. We pulled up into our driveway and hopped out of the car. Luke came around to the passangers side and linked my arm around his. I looked at him confused. He then started skipping along dragging me helplessly behind him and forcing me to join in. As we got to the door he let go of me and looked at me in the eyes, smiling. "Thankyou" I said without really meaning to.
"For what?" Luke asked.
"Just thankyou." I told him and pulled him into a hug. He was always warm which comforted me.
"Lets go inside, I'm feezing my arse off out here" Luke said as he opened the door and let me inside, following closely after.
I really liked Luke. Not in that way but I loved him as one of my closest friends. His ability to be funny, comfort me and make me smile was so nice. I walked into my room recapping everything that happened in that day. How it started off being a nightmare and how it suddenly changed into and amazing day out with Luke. He had completely transormed my day from terrible to terrific by doing nothing but just being him. As I walked into my room, a note stuck to a photo was laying on my bed.
"Sorry you had to go back to work today :(" It read "Hope this makes you feel better x" The photo was of Jai and Beau with sticky tape holding up their noses so that they looked like pigs. I chuckled to myself and pinned it up on my wall. These boys were so lovable that I couldn't help but grow closer to them each day.

Meant To Be   *Janoskians Fan-Fic*Where stories live. Discover now