Chapter Five

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It was three o'clock in the afternoon and Jai and Luke and I were sitting on the couch watching Angry Boys. Beau and Gina were out food shopping. It was super duper cold outside and I was thankful to be inside with my blanket. Just as I was thinking this, someone knocked on the door. "Bags not answering it." I told the boys. "Bags not." said Luke hardly taking his eyes away from the screen. Jai got up and walked to the door, messing my hair up in his path. "hey brooo" I could hear from a distance. It was Aaron- they boys' friend. "hey" he said as he walked into the room.

"Herro" I replied with a smile. I was almost as close to Aaron as I was to the other boys, after all they did spend almost every moment with each other. Aaron came and sat on top of my legs and then eventually layed on top of me. "Aaron do you mind?" I asked.

"Nah not really." he repied and put even more of his weight onto me. "Your warm- I'm not moving"

I groaned, teasing him. "So guys, theres this party on tomorrow night at Jack's place. Wanna come?"

Jai and Luke looked at each other then at me. I gave them a reassuring smile. "Sure we'll come" Jai replied.

"Ok well don't forget because he's not letting people in after half 7 alright?" Aaron warned us.

"yeahh yeah" Luke replied still glued to the TV. We sat there for ages watching Chris Lilley just me Jai, Luke and Aaron. I must say I was excited for this party- my first party in Melbourne.

I searched throuh my cupboard, searching desperately for something to wear. Finally I found my classic bronze sequin dress with short sleeves. I threw on some chunky black heels and quickly did my hair and makeup. Not too casual not too formal- just right.

"READY YET!?" Beau screamed. He was our driver for the night.

"YEPPP" I replied running out from my room.

"wow" Jai said looking my up and down. "Luke is gonna have a heart attack"

I giggled. Jai always thought that Luke had a thing for me and always teased him about it. It wasn't true but I can see how it would make people think that because of how well we get along. Luke came in the room and looked at me. He suddenly looked away and grabbed his phone off the bench. Jai walked out of the room trying to hold back his laughter- I play hit him on his way out so he knew he was in trouble. I could hear him and Beau laughing from the other room. I was going to kill them! I walked over near to the bench near Luke to grab my purse and phone. He looked at me and grinned, "You look really amazing tonight Rubes."

I automatically smiled back at him. "Thank you! You look pretty amazing yourself." I looked into his deep brown eyes but quickly got distracted by Beau's voice. "Photo op!" he shouted snapping photos of us on his phone. Jai came in and joined in with the photo taking. "Ok im serious now guys I'm taking a good photo." Beau said. We all laughed at Beau trying to be really serious but listened to him anyway. Luke, Jai and I stood next to each other as Beau took photos. God knows how many he got. "Ready to go now! Everyone in the car go go go" Beau demanded. We all followed him into the car. Beau held the house door open for me as I walked out. "Hey Ruby," he called. I looked at him and he quickly snapped a picture. That cheeky mofo. "ahahhahahahah" Beau laughed

"Beau, I swear to god if that picture goes up on the internet I will smother you in your sleep." I threatened. They boys started laughing as they got in the car. Boys will be boys...


We turned up to the party at around 7. "CALL ME WHEN YOUR READY TO COME HOME BABES!" Beau shouted out of the window at us and then drove off. He was a nutter! Jai led the way to the back gate of Jack's house and we entered, following the sound of the music. When we had opened the gate, Jai led the way into the backyard and Luke signalled for me to go infront of him. I waited as he closed the gate and then we kept walking. As we got closer to the main part of the party, it got busier. Luke put his hand on my back; partly leading me and partly as a protective gesture. Finally we got to where Jack (the host of the party) and all of Luke and Jai's friends were. I greeted them all - but only recognised a few. Aaron was there smiling madly at me and Bethan was next to him. Over the past week or so I had seen a lot of Bethan as she was in intern at Dolly. We had been out for coffee a few times and got on very well. "Hey lovely!" she greeted me.

"Hey doll!" I repied. We usually had funny ways of greeting each other. She gave me a hug and we got chatting eventually moving away from the group.

"So I see Aaron over there eyeing you like a hawk." Bethan said about an hour and a bit into the party.

"Yeah right" I said sipping on my puch trying to avoid the subject. Aaron was just a good friend.

"No really hun! Oh look he's coming over. I'm off!" She said getting up from her seat and running away to watch from a distance. Aaron came over and took Bethans chair. We got talking and before I knew it half an hour had flown by. That's what I liked about Aaron - he was so easey to talk to- really down to earth. The party photographer came over to us. "Photo's!" he yelled over the top of the music. Aaron and I smiled at the photographer. "Closer" he said signalling for us to come in.

"Here," Aaron said patting his lap. I went and sat on his lap putting my arm around his neck.

"Cheese" called the photographer and we both grinned at the camera. As time went on the music got louder and Aaron and I stayed together. "Can I tell you something?" Aaron yelled.

"What?" I couldn't hear him.

"Come with me." he said. I still didn't gather what he said but he grabbed me by the hand and led me to a quiet place over near the fence.

"Ruby, I know I haven't known you long but I just want to say that you are truly amazing." he told me.

"Awh thankyou Aaron. That's really sweet." I replied. We looked at each other for a few seconds and I felt his hands grab me softly around the waist. Our faces got closer together. Was he really about to kiss me? I wasn't sure if I was ready for this yet. Before I could explain this to Aaron a cough broke us apart from behind us. Thank goodness. I had never really thought of Aaron as more than a friend. I turned around to see who had saved me. It was Luke standing there looking at us- a tad confused. Shit. "Beau is waiting for us out the front." he spoke softly, and with that he walked out of the gate. I quickly said goodbye to Aaron without making anything more awkward then it already was and then raced out of the gate following Luke. I hopped in the car next to Luke. Was he mad at me? I had to explain what had really happened. But why would something like this bother him? Why would something like this bother me?

--------------------- LUKE'S POV--------------------------------------------

We drove home in almost complete silence. I couldn't belive what I had just seen. My two best-friends about to kiss. It killed me inside to watch. All night Ruby and Aaron were together talking and chatting- I knew something was up when he took her to the edge of the fence. Out of worriedness and curiosity I followed them. I stood there watching as he held her by the waist bringing his face closer to hers. Why did it hurt me so much to see Ruby in another guy's arms. I knew Aaron and I knew he was a good guy that would look after her but there was a part of me that didn't want him to kiss her. Standing there, I had the choice either to stop them or let them kiss. I couldn't take anymore. The jealously inside of me took over and I let out a loud cough to let them know I was behind them. Ruby looked relieved to find me there as Aaron let her go. Was she actually glad that I stooped the kiss? And why did I care so much about who she did and didn't kiss? So many questions raced through my mind. My phone beeped. It was a text from Aaron. "You ruined it man! :P reckon you could hook me in for sometime next week? thanks bro" the text read.

I looked over at Ruby, half asleep on Jai's shoulder. What would she want? I was too afraid to ask at the moment. I wasn't sure if she was mad or annoyed at me. Or was it my mind making up crazy situations? Whatever it was, I couldn't let something so small get to my friendship with Ruby. I decided to leave the text until tomorrow when I could properly talk to her and sort everything out. I looked at her as she dozed off. She was so beautiful- I really couldn't help it but I did find her attractive, any sane guy would.

"What you thinking about pretty boy?" Asked Beau looking at me in the rear view mirror. "To much for your small brain to process" I told him as we pulled up in the drive. Jai and Ruby were fast asleep by now. "Wanna wake them?" asked Beau but I couldn't bring myself to disturb her. I reached into the car and picked her up, carrying her inside. I placed her in her bed pulling off her heels and tucking her under the blankets. Once I had made sure she was warm enough, I undid her hair so that she wouldn't wake up with a headache. Never in my life had I cared about someone the way I cared about Ruby. I looked down at her and kissed her lightly on the cheek, giving me shivers running down my spine. It was involuntary, it was what this girl did to me unwillingly. Ruby stirred at my touch and rolled to face to side. With that I left the room leaving her to sleep.

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