Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hi! Hope you like the chapter, lots more planned- hopefully longer chapters coming :) Enjoy xx

50 votes to see what happens next <3


I had just landed in Melbourne. After being in Perth for 2 weeks I was ready to come back. I couldnt wait to see the boys, Kaity, Gina but I was especially keen to see my lovely Luke. As soon as the plane stopped, I grabbed out my phone- there were heaps of tweets and texts saying welcome home from fans which I thought was super cute. They had seemed to get over the Ryan photo incident. There was one special text from Luke- "Can't wait to see you baby!" I smiled like an idiot and stuffed my phone back into my bag. The attendants opened the doors and everyone stood up getting bags from storage. Apart from my overized handbag, I didn't have any carry on baggage. I waited for people to move quickly but was stuck behind a mob of tourists. Once I had finally got off the plane I went through the walkway to get into the airport. I was so excited to see Luke that I had to stop myself from running. When I finally got into the airport, I slowed down to look for Luke. I walked a bit further from the gate- still looking. "Boo." I heard a soft voice from behind me. Luke delicately rested his hand on my waist. A massive smile spread across my face and I squealed with excitement. I turned around jumping up on him with my arms around his neck. Luke spun me around as he held me tightly. It was so good to hold him again. Luke smiled and laughed at my reaction, catching me under my legs. Squeezing him tightly, I leant down and kissed him passionately. Neither of us cared that we were getting a variety of dirrerent looks, we were both too happy to care. Tears of excitement and joy ran down my face as Luke put me down. We both laughed and Luke wiped my tears away playfully.
"Lets go get your bags." he smiled, putting his arm over my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his waist as we walked to get my luggage. We waited for a few minutes standing there in each others arms. Luke pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.
"Thankgod you're home" he said.
I giggled. "Why"
"I was going out of my mind without you there." he admitted. I turned to face him and put my arms around his body. Luke put his arms around my neck tightly with only my head popping out, making me feel smaller. We both laughed before letting go of each other. Luke reached forward and grabbed my luggage, wheeling it to the car, with his other hand holding mine. There was so much to talk about on the way home. Luke rested his hand just above my knee, giving me a smug smile. When I got home I was welcomed by Jai, Beau and Gina with lots of hugs, yells and laughing. I dumped my bag on my bed and went out into the living room to do some catching up.
"You should've seen this girl in Brisbane, Rubes" said Beau laughing at the thought of the story. Jai joined in laughing. "She was screaming at us- FIST ME, FIST ME!" they laughed madly. Luke walked into the room yelling "FIST MY FRIEND TOO!" I couldn't help laughing not just at the story but at the boys in hysterics. "SHE MEANT FIST BUMP!!" Beau sqealed with laughter.
"Jeez I love our fans," said Jai wiping a tear of laughter from his face.
"We have Sydney meet and greet to look forward to next week." Luke said sitting on my lap and leaning back on me. I groaned. "You're squashing me" I managed to speak.
"You like it" Luke teased as he spun around, laying in my lap like a baby. Giggling, I leant down and kissed him. Beau and Jai made noises.
"Will we be away on the 7th?" Luke asked Gina.
"Yeah hun." she replied.
Luke's face went blank. "But then we will be away for Ruby's birthday."
"Sorry love, I can't change it, you'll have to talk to Demi."
"Its okay Luke, we can celebrate it when you come back!" I assured him. Luke smiled but didn't look fully convinced with my offer.
After a while I went into my room to unpack. Luke followed me a few minutes later, but instead of helping, just layed on my bed talking to me. It was getting really cold, I searched through my bag trying to find my hoodie.
"Whatcha looking for?" Luke asked.
"My jumper." I saod without looking up. Luke sat up and took off his Penola jumper handing it to me from across the bed. "Now you will be cold silly!" I said holding the jumper.
"No I wont." Luke protested. "You are going to come snuggle me."
I smiled as I put on the jumper, it was extra big and extra warm. I climbed on top of Luke, hugging him tightly. "Close your eyes, I want to give you something." I said. Luke obediently closed his eyes. I leant down, kissing him. Instead of a quick kiss that I had planned, Luke's lips stayed attached to mine for minutes. My hands ran through his hair as our tongues battled, his hands rested on my back. Luke smiled as I pulled away, biting his lip. "You should suprise me like that more often." he said. I giggled and relaxed my body on his. He hugged me close and kissed my forehead before speaking.
"I know it's short notice, but theres a party on tonight. You up to come with me?" he asked.
"Of course I am." I said smiling up at Luke.
"The boys are going to be there, maybe Kaity- heaps of people we know." he told me.
"Can't wait" I said getting up.
"Wait! Come back." Luke said. I ran and jumped onto the bed. "I have a suprise for you." he smirked. "But you have to close your eyes." he demanded. I did as I was told. Luke pinned me down and started to tickle me. I opened my eyes and squealed, he knew I was super ticklish. I laughed and screamed at the same time, trying to get Luke off me. He kissed me on the lips before hopping up and running to his room. I grabbed my eyeliner and crept up to his door, opening it suddenly and startling Luke. He jumped and started laughing, backing onto Jai's bed. I sat on top of him as he laughed trying to stop my hands. I uncapped the eyeliner and drew three whiskers on each side of his face. We both laughed uncontrollably as I kissed his nose and ran back into my room, satisfied that I had won. Locking my door behind me, I got back to unpacking. I heard a knock on my door.
"And babe," Luke said from the other side. "The party is in an hour and a bit."
An hour!? "Luke! When were you planning on telling me this?!" I yelled. I could hear him chuckle as he walked away. It may only take him15 minutes to get ready, but I needed wayy more than that. Cheeky thing! I took a shower, washing my hair. When I got out, I straightened it and got dressed, wearing a tight high neck dress with a tiger printed on it, a knited maroon cardi and a pair of thick black heels that were not all that high. I wore my hair down with just a black line of liquid eyeliner as my makeup. It wasn't a huge event, just a casual party. Luke, Jai and Beau were already dressed when I walked out. Luke's smile widened as I walked into the room to meet them. He stood up and held me by the hips. "You are stunning." he whipsered before kissing me.
"PLEASE GET A ROOM" Jai shouted.
"PLEASE GET A LIFE" Luke shouted back at him before kissing me again. Beau and I giggled, their bickering was the most entertaining thing ever. Altogether we walked to the party, it was only a short walk- not worth driving. Luke held my hand the whole way, even stopping to kiss me at times. I could see he was thinking about something. Just before we were about to go inside, Luke stopped me. "Ruby, I've been thinking. Since its your birthday next week but I have the meet and greet in Sydney, so I want to do something special for you."
"Luke, thats really sweet, but really babe you don't have to worry." I said lacing my fingers through his.
"I am worried though! So I talked an idea through with Demi this arvo. She was keen on it so now it's entirely up to you." he continued. I was a bit confused. "Come to Sydney with me?" he spluttered.
My jaw dropped open. "YES! Of course!" I jumped into his arms. "That will be great!" I exclaimed.
"I got her to book it so that we are there a bit longer. We have three days in Sydney to ourselves." Luke smiled. I took a step closer towards him. "You are amazing. I love you" I spoke softly. After a long hug and a sweet kiss, Luke and I joined the party. This next week was going to be amazing.

All of our friends were there, as promised. It was so much fun, all of us catching up once again. The boys friends were hilarious just like them and we all got on so well. Hours passed as we all talked laughed, did some challenges and dares, gossiped. Aaron sat on the otherside of the fire that we were sitting around. His phone beeped and he looked down at the message, typing a bit then tucking it away. We exchanged a small smile before he pointed at Luke's phone that he had just pulled out. I tried to read over Luke's shoulder but he locked it before I could. Luke leant closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Chad just text Aaron saying that him and Mason are coming. Do you wanna leave or stay?" he asked making it obvious that he wanted to go. Chad had always made me feel uncomfortable, and ever since that horrible night when he targeted Aaron and I, I didn't ever want to see the jerk again. "Is it alright if we leave?" I replied wrapping my hand around his. He got up and pulled me up with him. As we said out goodbyes, I quickly hugged Aaron. "Thankyou!" I said wrapping my arms around him. "It's nothing." he smiled. Luke and I walked out of the gate, hand in hand. We got out onto the street, the night was warmer than usual making the walk home pleasant. I wobbled a bit next to Luke, my heels were hurting and lets say I wasn't 100% sober. I slowed down a bit.
"Feet hurting?" he said kissing my cheek.
"A tad" I said. Luke went infront of me bending a bit. "What the hell are you doing!?" I giggled.
"You get a free ride home. Jump on." he signalled. I smiled and jumped on his back. Luke hitched me up and grabbed underneath my legs. His hands and body were warm, I wove my arms around his neck and pressed my body closer to his back.
"Thankyou Lukeyy" I spoke,
"Can't let my princess be in pain can I?" he said. My smile widened and kissed the back of his head. Luke mucked around for a bit, twirling me and running. We got home to find the lights off, Gina must've been doing night shift. "House to ourselves" Luke said as we got inside. I slid off his back and fixed my dress. "So hot." he muttered as he pulled me closer. His lips hovered above mine for a second before giving me an unforgetable kiss.

- - - - - - - - - -  LUKE'S POV - - - - - - - - - - - -

She looked incrediblly sexy. Her hair was nauturally toussled from the journey home and her playful mood made her even more captivating. "So hot." I told her, pulling her into a kiss. Her hands intertwined in my hair as I lowered my hands to ler lower back. We got more and more involved in the kiss as I picked her up. The both of us breathed heavily, continuing to kiss. This kiss was different to others, more commited- I couldn't seem to get enought of her. Ruby took me by the hand and led me to her bedroom. I knew where this was going but I wasn't sure if now was the right time. Shew as drunk- a happy drunk, which I liked but couldn't take advantage of. I knew that Ruby would regret doing something that she hadn't properly considered. I pulled away and softly laughed.
"Lets get you to bed." I said ending our embrace.
"But I want you." she said in such a sexy way that I had to refocus.
"Save it for me" I joked. She laughed and kissed me lightly before getting ready for bed. I threw on some trackies and took my shirt off, climbing into Ruby's bed. She came in a few minutes later and snuggled up to me, wrapping her arms around my chest.
"You have no shirt on." she said half-asleep. I laughed and looked down at her as she clung to me.
"You don't like it?" I joked with her.
"Not used to seeing you without one." she slurred tiredly. "But I could get used to it." she said cheekily.
I chuckled and held her tightly, never wanting to let go. "Get some sleep you!" I said. It was probably to late, she was fast asleep against my body. I looked down at my girlfriend at her perfection. I really was the luckiest guy in the world.

I woke up the next morning without Ruby there. She had text me saying that she had to run into work to fll in. I hoped she wasn't feeling too bad from last night. I had an important job to do today so I was kind of glad she had gone. I got up and dressed, having breakfast and grabbing my stuff. "JAI" I shouted. "COME HERE" After a minute Jai came out into the living room. "Come help me choose Ruby's birthday present?" I pleaded.After a while of convincing he finally agreed. We both hopped in the car and drove to Melbourne. I had a fair idea of what I wanted to get her- something memorable and meaningful. We walked past heaps of shops, stopping in some and looking, but nothing that seemed perfect to give to ger. I wanted to get it before going to Sydney so I didn't have to worry and sneak out while we were over there. Hours passed, Jai got restless and even I was getting annoyed. Just as we were going home, I spotted something through the window of a shop. I dragged Jai over to show him. "Shit. It's quite a bit." he said.
"I have the money, I don't have to worry about that." I told him. Even though it was a lot- it was perfect for Ruby, I knew she would love it. I was prepared to spend the money on it.
"Then if you're not worried about the money. Go for it- it's perfect." Jai said honestly. Without anymore thinking I bought it, but as I paid for my purchase I saw something else glisten from the corner of my eye, something that I knew would mean the world to Ruby. "I'll take that one too" I said to the woman serving me, pointing to the gift. I had never really spent that much on a girl before, but I knew this wasn't any old girl. Ruby was special, even just the way she spoke to me gave me tingles down my spine. I didn't care how much the gift cost, I knew Ruby would love it which made it worth every single cent.

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