Chapter Seven

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 - - - - - - - - - - LUKE'S POV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We layed there for at least an hour- Ruby in my arms. What on earth had I just done? The urge to kiss her at that moment was so extreme that I couldn't help but lean over and do it. I wriggled slightly to the side but kept her in my arms. Just as I moved, I felt her wake up. "Shit, I'm sorry did I wake you?" I asked her.
"No, I've been up for a while." She replied. Ruby sat up, leaning against my back wall, her hand still resting on my chest. She let out a yawn. "Have you heard from Jai or Beau yet?"
"Yeh they are grabbing a motel room for the night- the weather is too bad for mum to fly out and they want to wait with her."
"Alrighty. You hungry yet? It's not like you to not eat!" She said.
"I really have to eat or I will fade." I joked pretending to die on my bed. Ruby giggled which made me smile like a mad man.
"It's too cold to get out of bed though!" She squealed.
"I'll race you!" I challenged. Before she even agreed, Ruby ran out of my bedroom and down the hall. I ran after her and caught up to her as we were passing the loungeroom. I pulled her back softly by the waist as she laughed and squealed at me. I knew she was extra ticklish there. It was too late for her to win, I had her wrapped in my arms close to my chest.
"Alright! You win just please stop tickling me there!" she begged.
"Mwhahahahah YESS IM THE CHAMPION" I boasted and let go of her. As soon as I let go, Ruby bolted for the kitchen.
"I WIIINNNNN!!" she screamed. I was defeated- but I really didn't mind, I got to see her smile. We were both standing in the kitchen, puffed out and laughing. Ruby smiled at me. I walked over to her and held her around the waist. She leant against the bench as she placed her hands on my chest. Even her touch gave me a wave of pure happiness. I looked down at her beautiful face into her blue eyes and kissed her lips again. Although this time, it was harder - more serious. I didn't hold back like last time, and niether did she. Our mouths moved in sync with each other as we stood there holding each other. My arms tightened around her and I pulled her right up to me - lifting her slightly off the ground, still kissing her passionately. Was I dreaming? Ruby's hands slid up to around the back of my neck as she pulled my head closer to hers. A knock on the door disturbed us. I pulled away and smiled at her, still holding her waist. I went to the door and opened it up to find Aaron. "Hey bro." he smiled winking at me. He walked into the kitchen to find Ruby still leaning on the bench in her oversized t-shirt and trackie pants. She smiled giultily. "Hey Aaron" she said walking to give him a hug. As she went to pull away, he held her in for longer and whispered in her ear "I had a great time last night." he spoke. Ruby just smiled back at him. There was an awkward two second silence.
"Who wants to watch a movie?" said Ruby, erasing the silence. Aaron and I both agreed. "I'll be there in a few- just making some popcorn. Me and Aaron walked into the loungeroom, picked a movie we knew Ruby would like, then got comfy. Aaron looked at me. "So have you talked to her about it yet?" I was still dazed from the kiss.
"Talk to her about what?" I replied
"About going out with me" said Aaron.
"Oh," the pang of jealously came back "Uhm, no I haven't yet"
"Later yeh? Don't forget"
"Uh, yeh I won't. I said.
Just then, Ruby walked into the room with a bowl of popcorn and sat in the middle of Aaron and I. We watched the movie and as time wet on, Ruby slowly lent onto me. Her smell intoxicated me with happiness. I could feel Aaron's eyes on me but I decided to ignore it and act normal.
"I'm off to the toilet - don't worry about pausing it." he said walking out. As he left the room, Ruby looked at me and grinned - what the hell had we done before. Does this mean that we were possibly a couple? She turned her head back to the movie and I kissed her on the back of her head to let her know that the kiss before wasn't just an accident and that I still felt the same. I felt her smile. A few minutes later Aaron came back in, and Ruby sat upright. Aaron pulled her closer into him and placed his arm around her shoulders. It was torture to watch. I don't know what had come over me. I was jealous of my best friend who was close to my other best friend who I had just made out with. I had no clue what was going on and what the situation was.

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