Chapter Thirty-Six

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Hi!! I'm soooo sorry it is late once again. I have been travelling for two weeks which is why there has been such a big delay between updates. I'm back home now so I will have a bit of time to catch up before school starts.
Anywho, thanks for your incredible patience and I hope you like it!

70 votes for Chapter 37 <3 xx


I got up off the couch to a knock on the door. I opened the door to fins Luke standing there.
"Hey" he said. I was a little confused to why he was here so early.
"Hi" I answered "how are you?"
"Much better now" he smiled dreamily. "And you."
"Great!" I replied. "So uhm, is there something you wanted?"
"I came to tell you that I'll be in Swan Hill for the weekend." he said. I remembered that was the trip I was planning to go on with them before things fell apart. "so, if you need anything I'm only a phone call away."
"Thanks Luke." I smiled at him.
"I got you these" he said handing me a block of chocolate, a bag of strawberry clouds and the movie Mean Girls.
"you know my taste too well." I giggled. "Thankyou so much. You really didnt have to do that." I said touching his arm.
"it's fine." he spoke. There was a bit of a silence. "This is for you aswell." said Luke handing me a plain dvd with my name printed on it in Luke's handwriting. I took it and studied it a bit before looking back at Luke. He took a deep breath. "Alright I had better go. I will see you when I get back." Luke said, sounding like he had something else to add.
"Okay" I agreed "Bye!" I waved as he backed out of the driveway. Once Luke had gone I leant against the door frame. He was the sweetest boy ever. I missed being with him so much. I walked into the house again and got my laptop, inserting the dvd labelled with my name. A video appeared of Luke. He was sitting on his bed in his frog onesie while speaking.

"Hey Rubes. I know we haven't exactly been what you can call close since what happened at the party but you have to know that I am still crazy for you. I never even got the chance to say thankyou for that video you and Tyla made for us because I was so busy being a selfish jerk. It was amazing and I appreciate the amount or effort you guys put in, I'm just sorry I had to screw it all up. You will always be my best friend no matter if we are a couple or not. The memories that you and I have made have been unforgettable and my time with you has been the greatest time of my life. Shit I sound cheesy but none of these words will explain how much I am in love with you. I am so sorry for everything, I acted like a dick and I regret it more than anything. I hope you can forgive me and we can try and patch things up. I love you more than the stars shine."

Tears ran uncontrollably down my face. The video was so beautiful. Luke was so beautiful. I wish that none of this had happened, and that we were still a happy couple. I would do anything to have that back.It hurt me to know that now, everything had changed, and I couldn't have that back.

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I finished up the last of my work and looked at the clock. It had been such a long day and I couldn't wait to get out of work, it was one of those days where I had just had enough. I packed my bag up and said bye to the girls, walking down the stairs and pulling out my phone that was ringing.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey it's me."
"Hi Me." I teased. I knew it was Luke on the other end of the phone. He laughed.
"You out of work yet?" he asked.
"Just ended. Why?" I questioned him.
"I'll meet you outside." he said hapllily and then hanging up. I smiled and walked down at a faster pace. I pushed the glass door and stepped outside to find Luke waiting for me. My lips curled into a smile as I went to greet him. He hugged me tightly which was nice and kind of a suprise.
"Hope you dont mind but I'm taking you somewhere." he said.
"Can you tell me where?" I said curiously.
"Nahh, you'll see soon enough." Luke teased. We got in his car and Luke drove towards Glenroy. Instead of going to one of our houses, Luke pulled up into the driveway of a modern but cosy looking house. I gave Luke a confused look, but his warm smile re-assured me. We got out of the car and I followed Luke towards the front door. He knocked and waited for an answer. I could hear someone running to the door and struggling to unlatch it. I was so confused until a small boy that was about 4 poked his head out from behind the wooden door. "MUM!!" he screamed. The boys mum came rushing to the door in a fluster, her heels clicking against the wooden floorboards. "Luke! Thankyou so much for coming at such short notice." she said properly unlocking the door and letting us inside. The young boy ran towards Luke and grabbed onto his leg, hugging it tightly. "Anne, this is my friend Ruby and Ruby, this is Anne, one of my Mum's friends. And this of course if Bailey." Luke said smiling. Bailey let go of Luke and stepped towards me giving my a hug. I bent down, picking him up and holding him on my side as he hugged me around my neck. He was so adorable. I smiled. It looked as though we were babysitting him. "Now don't worry, he has had dinner but no bath, don't worry about it tonight, just make sure he is in bed by 7:30." Anne instructed. She said goodbye to us and left Luke a piece of paper with some things that might help us out hile looking after him. Bailey still clung to me. "You love Ruby do you?" Luke asked Bailey. He nodded and put his head on my shoulder. Luke leant closer. "So do I" he whispered playfully into Baileys ear. I put Bailey down and he held both Luke and my hands.
"Bailey, how about you get intoto your pj's and pick a movie for us all to watch." Luke suggested. Bailey ran off in excitement, following Luke's instructions. Once Bailey had left the room I turned to Luke. "So we're babysitting."
"Yeahh, I hope you don't mind. I need company, plus think of it as practice." he said winking. Bailey came out in his dinosaur pyjamas and picked The Bee Movie to watch. Luke got his laptop form the car to load it on so that we could plug it into the TV and watch it. It was too hard setting up the dvd player that was unplugged in the TV cabinet drawer. Luke placed the computer on the coffee table and opened up photobooth. He put on special effects, making Bailey laugh hysterically. It wasnt long before both Luke and I joined in, making funny faces and selecting new effects with each photo. We decided to put the movie on when Bailey had laughed so much that he had given himself a terrible case of the hiccups. Bailey sat in the middle of Luke and I, engaged in the movie. Luke's arm rested over the top of the couch almost touching my shoulder. Once the movie had ended, I went and tucked Bailey in bed, turning on his bed light and the fan in the corner of the room. Luke stood at the doorway watching. "Night little man." I said pulling his covers up ad giving him a tight hug which he returned entusiastically. Luke gave Bailey a hug aswell before we both left the room, I shut the door quietly behind us. We walked back into the loungeroom and put the TV on. "he is the cutest." I said to Luke.
"Yeh, he is." he agreed, starting to concentrate on the show we were watching. I wriggled closer to Luke. "I have to talk to you." I stated. Luke immediately turned the telly a bit lower and gave me all of his attention. "Of course." he said waiting for me to start.
"You have been so lovely and such a great help Luke, with the decision- everything. Thankyou so much. I really do appreciate it, even though I might not always show it." I started.
"It's my pleasure." he said moving his legs more towards me.
"I made my decision. It was hard but I think it's the best way to go."
"I'll support you. Whatever you do." Luke assured. I looked into his eyes and genuinely smiled.
"I'm keeping out baby." I said after a gap of silence. Luke grinned madly and let out a small chuckle.
"I'm so happy." he said, almost getting teary. "But you can't leave Melbourne." his face fell as he remembered me saying that I wouldn't be staying.
"I'm not leaving Luke. My baby's going to grow up here in Melbourne."
"Our baby." Luke smiled, correcting me.
"Our baby." I repeated giggling.
"You are going to make the most beautiful mum." he told me, keeping eye-contact.
"And you will be an amazing daddy." I assured him. Luke started directly into my eyes and lifted his hand to the side of my face. He leant in. I watched as he slowly and cautiously brought his lips towards mine, studying my face. I traced my hand up his arm softly and rested it on his neck. Luke was about to kiss me, it felt like the first time all over again. I could feel Luke's soft breath against my lips as his lips hovered over mine. I waited patiently for our lips to reunite like I had dreamed since we had broken up. Just as Luke was about to press hip lips against mine, something disturbed us.
"Excuse me." spoke Bailey from the door way an the most innocent voice. Luke and I pulled away quickly and looked at the young boy. "I can't sleep." he said.
"I'll come and lay with you." I volunteered as I led Bailey by the hand back into his room. I layed next to him as he tossed and turned just thinking about what could have just happened, wishing that it had.

- - - - - - - - LUKE'S POV - - - - - - - - - - - -

I sat in the loungeroom by myself just wishing that I had kissed Ruby quicker. We both still had feelings for each other, well I hoped, but there were other complications to worry about now. I didnt want to rush or force Ruby into anything, but she seemed to want my kiss. I kept watching TV by myself, trying to drain my thoughts. I looked at the time that had quickly passed by and went to wake Ruby up to go home, Anne would be back soon. I walked into the room to find her asleep next to Bailey, they looked so cute together. I  loved how Ruby was so great with kids, I knew she was going to make the most caring mum. Our baby was going to be so lucky. I decided I wouldnt talk to Ruby about the kiss tonight, instead I would wait for another opportunity to try again. I was so glad that she had chosen to keep the baby and stay in Melbourne, I knew everything would turn out just right this way. But now came the hard part. Organising everything in time for the baby's arrivial and an obstacle even greater.
Telling eveyone the big news.

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