Chapter Thirty-Five

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IM SO SORRY!! I know it is extremely overdue but I have been travelling and have had no time to update. It is pretty short as the next few chapters will be until I get back home. Thankyou for the amazing response I have been getting! I love reading your feedback and talking to you guys, I honestly have the best readers <3 thanks for being so lovely and patient :)

Enjoy! x

65 votes for chapter 36! <3



- - - - - - - - - - - LUKE'S POV - - - - - - -- - - - - -

It had been almost a week since I had given Ruby the tests. She wouldn't answer my calls and Jai wouldn't tell me where she was living but I had promised Ruby I wouldn't tell anyone about what was happening until we knew for sure. I heard a car door close outside. I peeped out the curtains to see Ruby walking towards the front door. My heart felt as though it was about to jump out of my chest. I closed the curtains and took a deep breath before walking to the door. Ruby's footsteps grew closer as she walked up the few steps and towards the door. I quickly opened the door just before she was about to knock. "Hey" she nervously smiled as she lifted her sunglasses to the top of her head. It looked as if she had been crying.  

"Hi" I smiled back, waiting for her to tell me the results.  

"Uhm. Well the tests were both positive and I checked it out with a doctor that has said it's positive. Soo I guess.." 

"You're definitely pregnant?" I said hopefully. Ruby looked down and took a deep breath before nodding. I smiled and gave her a quick hug before she pulled away uncomfortably. "Congratulations!" I smiled happily. Instead of celebrating with me, Ruby burst out into tears.  

"Hey hey, don't cry! You should be happy!" I told her.  

"What is there to be happy about? I going to loose my job, my friends, ill have to find a different place to live. Why would I be happy!?" She exclaimed  

"It's our baby. You can come and live back here with me. Your friends aren't going to hate you and you'll only need to take a few months off work." 

"And what am I going to do with the baby?" 

"Leave it with me. I finish school soon, it won't be any problem. We are in this together. I won't let you go through this alone" I said.  

"Luke if I have this baby I'm moving back to Perth." 

"You can't do that" I said in defence.  

"I'll take up my old position and my mum can help me with the baby. She wouldn't want to live across the country from the baby" 

"And neither would I. I am the father after all. You can't leave." 

"I can. I know what will happen. You say you will help and stay with us now, but as soon as the baby comes you will get tired and bored and the chances are that I will be stuck looking after the baby by myself. I just can't do that." 

"I'm telling you I will not leave." I almost begged. Ruby shook her head slowly and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sorry." 

"My dad left when I was little. I grew up wondering why he left us and why he would never come and visit. I always wanted to know if he remembered us or what he was doing at that very moment or even if he loved me. I don't want our child growing up trying to figure out why I'm not around or if I left because of them. Our baby is going to grow up in a loving home, I don't care if I have to follow you to Perth but please please will you consider staying. Please." I tried to persuade her.  

Meant To Be   *Janoskians Fan-Fic*Where stories live. Discover now