Chapter Twenty-Five

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HOLAA!! Hope you like the new chapter! <3
I've been really busy lately so please be patient and understand if I can't update as soon as I get the certain number of votes, I will be sure to do it
no later then the next day or two :)

You guys are honestly the best readers! Your feedback is amazing and I love reading all of your beautiful messages. Thankyou for making me feel so special!

45 votes for the next chapter! xox


I sat up on my bed, leaning on my right arm, looking at Luke. I shifted my weight so that I was sitting on my knees. Had he really just asked me to be his girlfriend? A huge smile spread across my face. "Yes!" I laughed as I crawled over to him and sat on top of him. "Yes?" Luke said grabbing my hands and windinding our fingers together. I nodded as I leant down to kiss him again. I was overjoyed with happiness. "Just one thing." Luke said as I layed next to him with his arm around me.
"What is it?" I asked trying to get comfy.
"I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell everyone yet." Luke said.
"Who's everyone?"
"The fans and friends. I'll tell the family- just slowly." he told me. "I dont want things to crumble for us. I want you to be mine forever." he smiled. I hugged him and rest my head on his chest. My phone started beeping from the bedside table. I leant over Luke to get my phone. It was a text from Beau. 'I'm dropping Jai home then going back to Kaity's for the night. See you tomorrow. x' he said.
'Have fun :3' I text back
'Be sure to ;)' he replied.
'You had to take it to the next level didn't you!' I said putting my phone back. I looked at Luke next to me who was fiddling with his lip ring. "Jai will be home soon." I told him. Luke smiled at me.
"Better make the most of the time we have without him" he said sitting up. He rested his hand behind my back and kissed me. I giggled as I got up off the bed. "Where are you going??" he aksed trying to grab my hand. "I'm leaving the room." I teased him walking towards the door. Luke got up and started coming towards me. I ran out of the room sqealing and headed into the loungeroom. Luke chased after me and it wasn't long before he had caught me. He held me around my waist and fell onto the couch while still holding me. I screamed and laughed as Luke sqeezed me. I was still trying to squirm away from Luke as Jai came into the room. He looked at us weirdly before walking away shaking his head. One Jai was gone, Luke winked and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"JAIIIIII" I called.
"WHAAT?" he shouted from the other room.
"HOW WAS YOUR DATE?" I said sounding a bit croaky. Luke was still holding me and we were slowly sliding upside down off the couch. There was no answer from Jai.
"BOOM BOOM BOOM, LET ME HEAR YOU SAY WAYO" I tried to sing/shout to Jai. Still no answer. I decided to go and see him. I got into the room to find him on his iPad. I went and sat next to him.
"How was the dateyy doo?" I asked. Jai scrunched his nose.
"Alright." he replied.
"Elaborate" I demanded.
"It was pretty alright." he said.
"Well do you think she liked you?!" I asked.
"Yeh. A bit too much." Jai loosened his bow-tie. I raised my eyebrows. "She was all over me. Too desperate. Jesus she was like a leech, I was legit getting claustraphobic."
"Sorry to hear." I said giving him a quick hug. "I think I'm gonna have an early night." I told Jai.
"Me too." he said yawning.
"Cya tommorow y'all" I said in an american accent as i walked slowly out of the door.
"Catcha laterrr" Jai said copying my accent. I walked out into the loungeroom. Luke was watching some weird show. "I'm off to bed." I told him walking lazily towards him. Luke got up from the couch. He held my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. "Night princess." he said quietly. I slid my hands around his neck and hugged him tightly before going into my room. I checked my phone. No new messages. I read over my old texts smiling at the memories and conversations. There was just one text that gave me anything BUT happy memories. Christi's words played over in my head- 'Watch your back bitch x' What did she mean? I still hadnt shown the text to Luke- I didn't know if I would or not. I didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing.

I woke up really early the next morning. I was pouring with rain- the sound must have woken me. I went into the kitchen to find Gina. "Did the rain wake you up aswell?" she asked
"Yes" I answered flopping into a chair dramaticlly. Gina laughed and shrugged her shoulders.
"Somehow my boys are able to sleep through the noise!" she joked.
"Beau stayed at Kaity's last night." I told Gina. She gaped her mouth.
"Oooh!" she said. "Tell me more." I loved these little gossip sessions with Gina. In fact I loved conversations with Gina in general. She was so easy to talk to and get along with.
"I dont have any more to tell unfortunately!" I said smiling. Gina laughed and looked at the clock.
"Oh god I have to get going." she said getting up.
"Do you have early shift?"
"Grrr yes!" Gina exclaimed.
"Have fun." I joked. Gina walked out and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving for work. I was the only one awake in the house. I waited almost two hours before I decided to invade the twins' room. I grabbed the airhorn that a fan sent the boys, and my phone. I had to get this on video. I pressed record and walked into their room. They were both sleeping softly. I flicked the lights on and blew the airhorn. Jai woke up without a huge reaction but Luke on the other hand sat right up, his hair all over the place and his earphones falling out. I cracked up laughing. Both of the boys saw me and cracked a smile. "Puck you motherpucka" Jai said laughing. He snuggled back into bed and stretched out. Luke spotted me and pushed his hair to the side. "I thought we hid that from you?!" he said tiredly. His voice sounded sexy. I was still laughing at their reactions. Luke chuckled at my hysterics then climbed out of bed trying to chase me. "Please no! not again" I tried to beg as Luke climbed down from his bed. His legs were weak as he just woke up,  making him stumble after me. This just made me laugh more. Suddenly there was a sharp knock at he door. I stopped recording. Luke walked past me to go and get the door, brushing his hand across my back as he passed me.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - CHRISTI'S POV - -  - - - - - - - - - -  - - - -

Luke answered the door. I could tell he had just woken up. I smiled at him only to get a slight nod in return. "I've come to get my stuff." I said brightly. Luke reached behind the door and grabbed a black garbage bag full of my stuff. "I thought we were packing up together?" I stated.
"Pftt." Luke said. "Get real." he was obviously still pissed off at me.
"Well you could've at least put my stuff in something nicer than a rubbish bag." I said snarkily. Luke grunted at me. He wasn't in the mood to talk. "Show some respect Luke." I hissed at him.
"Yeah, coz you know all about that don't you." he muttered.
"I did hear that." I told him.
"Cya now." Luke said trying to shut the door.
"Wait!" I demanded. "Can I have a water?" I made up an excuse to try and talk to him longer. He couldnt  NOT give a pregnant woman a glass of water. Luke walked inside to the kitchen and poured me a glass of water. I followed him. As I walked into the house I could hear Ruby and Jai in the other room laughing away. I truly believed that Ruby got in the way of mine and Luke's relationship. What killed me was that I knew Luke was attracted to her more than me. She hadnt done anything to me. To be honest, she had always been quite nice to me, but Luke was mine and she managed to steal him from me. That is what made me madder then ever, what made me hate her guts. Luke walked towards the door and held it open, waiting for me to leave. I was about to walk out when something on the table caught my eye.
The perfect ticket to revenge.
Ruby's camera.

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