Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14 already! I wanna see what you guys think so please comment below.

 I dont know if you guys like the story so when I get 5 votes I will write the next chapter :)

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I woke up the next morning without Luke next to me. My phone buzzed. For god's sake it was always going off. If it was work calling me in on my day off I would throw a tantrum. Thankfully, it wasn't.

Aaron:  Hey stranger. Party on Saturday night. Be my date? x

I decided to leave the text until I knew everyone else's plan. I walked out into the loungeroom to find Beau. "Hey man." I said in my man voice that I always got when I woke up.

"Broooooo." Beau replied. He had obviously just gotten up aswell.

"Where is everyone?" I asked collapsing on the couch.

"Mumma has taken the twinnes to see Nonna and Nonno."


"Wanna go on a shopping trip?" Beau asked. I loved our shopping trips. They were always so funny and entertaining. Plus I gave Beau points for being fashion smart! The boy was genious. We both got dressed and headed out to Westfield. I picked out some patterned, high-waisted shorts. Beau matched it with a black three-quarter top and a bib necklace. I laughed.

"You're better at my job than I am!" I told him. He laughed with me. "So hows Kaity going?" I asked him. Kaitlyn was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever met- inside and out and I had become really good friends with her ever since Beau introduced us. Beau clearly had a thing for Kaitlyn, and I knew from me and Kait's gossip sessions, that she had a thing for him too.

"She's good." Beau replied looking away.

"When you gonna ask her out??" I teased, nudging him. Beau rubbed his neck and chuckled. I decided to lay off for a bit. His face was almost beetroot colour. He was blushing!

"What about you and Luke?" he asked me. Now it was me turning red.

"What about us?" I said pretending to be interested in a shirt on it's rack.

"Well its pretty obvious you guys are crazy for each other."

"Pftttt no!" I lied. Beau stepped in front of the clothes rack.

"What about all of his late night trips to your room?" Beau questioned me. I looked at him shocked. How the hell did he know?!

"I really don't know what you are talking about." I said walking into the next isle, smiling. Beau followed me.

"So is he a good kisser?" he questioned.

"Beau!" I squealed.

"Whatttttt?? Im just asking?!" he teased. Whatever he had already guessed, there is no point denying it. "So is he?" Beau continued. I smiled sheepishly and pretended to be interested in some shoes.

"You DID kiss him!!" Beau basically shouted.

"SHHHHHHH" I said shoving my hand over his mouth.

"OH MY GOD" Beau continued.

"Shut-up." I laughed as he pulled me into a hug. "You are the first to know, you little slimebag, so if anyone. ANYONE. finds out I will know it was you and I guarantee I will throw you into the Yarra River." I said half joking. Beau laughed.

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