Chapter Twenty-Three

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HELLOOO!! Thankyou for the amazing response on Chapter 22! I love hearing your feedback :) I have a LOT planned for the future of the story, I cant wait to write it!  Also considering writing a sequel once I'm done :) Tell me what you think! Enjoy <3

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The doctor had just told us that Luke was not the father of Christi's baby. Luke sat there stunned. I'm not sure what he was thinking. After a minute or so Luke got up. "Let's go home." he said flatly. The doctor looked sympathetic as we left. I mouthed thankyou as he walked away. Luke was still processing what had just happened- I wasnt too sure if he was relieved or not. I held his hand and led him to the car with barely a word spoken, and drove him home. I pulled into the driveway and parked the car. We both sat there for a minute before Luke spoke. "Where's Christi?"

"Shes probably sleeping." I told him, brushing tha hair out of his face with my hand. Luke took my hand away from his head and held it in his, playing with my fingers like a toddler would, trying to distract himself from his anger.

"When will she be up?"

"I dont know hun. Worry about it tomorrow, lets get some sleep- its really late" I said. We both got out of the car and tiptoed into the house, trying not to wake anyone. As I went into my room, Luke followed me. I stopped at the doorway and looked at him funnily. Luke just kept walking and flopped on my bed. I followed him and flopped next to him. He shut his eyes and tried to get comfy while I pulled the covers over us. Once we wore both warm and comfortable, I hugged Luke close to me, he wrapped his arms around me aswell and sighed.

"Is that a sigh of frustration or relief?" I joked.

"Both." Luke answered, sounding more like himself. "Why would she do that to me?"

"Hasn't she done it before?" I asked. Luke nodded.

"It's over between us. For good. I'm telling her tomorrow." Luke stated strongly.

"You've been through a lot, hey!" I said. Luke chuckled.

"God, yeah." he said back. We layed there for a while, I thought Luke may have gone to sleep.

"What would I do without you?" He spoke softly. I smiled like an idiot. "Thankyou." he whispered kissing the top of my head and hugging me closer. Instead of responding I hugged him back tighter aswell.

I woke up at around 8 the next morning with Luke still asleep next to me. I tried rolling to the side without disturbing him, as softly as I could. Luke woke as soon as I wriggled away. He smiled sleepily at me. "Where are you going?" he asked slowly.

"I'll be in the kitchen." I laughed as Luke tried to reach me.

"I'll be out in a minute" he said rolling over. I knew that probably wouldn't happen. I walked into the kitchen to see Beau and Christi sitting at the table. Beau eating his cereal messily, and Christi sitting there watching him in confusion and disguist. "Beau, you need a bloody bib." I said shoving the end of a teatowel down his top making my own bib for him. "Fanks." he said with his mouth full and milk dribbling down his chin. I couldn't help but start laughing "ughhhhh" I teased.

"Wheres Luke?" Christi asked.

"Uhmm." I stuttered. Neither Beau or Christi knew that Luke and I had found out her secret. "We had a late night, he's still in bed. He will be out soon though." I tried to assure.

""What do you mean 'WE had a late night?" Christi squinted at me. IT MEANS WE STAYED UP TO FIND OUT THAT YOU ARE A LYING BITCH, I wanted to scream at her. I had to keep calm and polite.

Meant To Be   *Janoskians Fan-Fic*Where stories live. Discover now