Chapter Forty-Seven

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Thankyou everyone for your beautiful comments! I love reading your messages. I tried to make this one a bit longer than the others :) I will be online a LOT more once the holidays start and will start my new fanfic (and keep writing this) yayyy. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!! xx

100 votes for Chapter 48 <3


"Hey sweets." Gina said as I walked in the door.
"Ginaa!" I squealed as I walked in the door and gave her a hug. I had been so caught up at work this week that I had hardly any time to come visit her and the boys. "Luke is in his room."
"Thanks" I smiled as I dumped my bag on the kitchen chair and went into Luke's room. He was on his bed resting with his earphones in. I smiled and climbed up on Jai's bed and poked Luke. He got a bit of a shock as he was disturbed which made me giggle. He saw me an smiled, pulling his earphones out and leaning over the bed's edge to kiss me. I climbed up with him and gave him a huge hug.
"It's good to see you." Luke said huskily.
"You too." I replied tapping his nose.
"Been clean for almost a week." he said happily. I kissed him passionately as his hands snaked onto my waist. "I'm so proud of you." I whispered.
"I'm so proud to have you." he said back. My heart melted. Luke pulled me closer and placed his arms back around my waist, attaching his lips onto mine, moving them in sync with mine. I rested my hands on his bare chest and moved closoer to him, Luke pulling me on top of him. I shivered at his touch. Luke planted soft kisses down my neck and slowy onto my shoulder where my bruise from last week's episode still remainded clearly. He sighed and stroked it softly. I could tell he felt terrible and quickly distracted my reattaching his lips to mine. Luke's hand teased up and down my thigh as I pressed my body harder onto his. I could feel Luke being aroused underneath me, smiling at his cheekiness.
"Luke." I breathed and chuckled. He smiled and slightly blushed, I was glad that I was the one that could make him feel like this. Luke felt for my shirt straps, slightly pulling them down. I couldn't do this now. Not here either and definitely not when Gina was home.
"Not now babe." I whispered to Luke. "Sorry."
"It's fine gorgeous, as long as you're happy." he told me. He had so much respect for women. Luke kissed me lightly and hugged me to his side. It was so good being with him again.
"Do you know when you can move back in?"
"As soon as you are 100% better."
"I feel really good though." Luke said.
"Stick on the medication for a few more weeks and I'll be back before you know it." I told him. Luke sighed and kissed my forehead.
"I promise I will get through this for you." he spoke softly.
I kissed his cheeck. "For both of us."

"Okay so Joshua you are in charge, we will be back late late, so don't stay up for us." Rochelle spoke to Josh and I as her and Mark left the house. Mary was at a friends house for the night and it was just Josh and I home alone. To be honest, Josh was a bit strange. He would never speak to me that much, only look at me. He always went especially weird whenever the topic of Luke came up, it sounded stupid but he acted almost, I dunno, jealous? Once the parents had gone, I went upstairs and onto my computer, answering some twitter questions. About ten minutes later I heard a knock at my door, even though it was open. Josh stood at the door loking curiously inside. "Hey Josh." I said half welcoming and half confused. He smiled back. "Hey. Mind if I come in and 'hang' " Weird.
"Yeah, sure." it sounded more like a question. He sat next to me timidly and looked at my screen.
"So what are you doing?" Josh asked.
"Just asking some questions from Luke' fans."
"Fans?" Josh said confused.
"He's part of the Janoskians." I told him
"Really?" he sounded shocked and impressed.
"Yeah." I admitted. I felt a bit uncomfortable talking about Luke's fame because people thought it was the reason we were going out which was really not the case seeing as I had hardly heard of them before I moved to Melbourne.
"Can I help?" he asked. 'How the hell can you help?!' I wanted to scream.
"Alright." I said.
"You know Mary is a huge fan of the Janoskians." Josh told me.
"Really?! I could get them to meet her if she wanted." I said.
"Over mum's dead body." Josh snickered. "Mum hates them. Thinks they are a bad influence. Sorry." That didn't suprise me.
"Right." I tried not to laugh. My phone beeped and Josh looked curiously over at me as I text back.
"Who is it?" he said.
"What's he saying?" he asked again. Did he mind?
"We're just chatting." I said. Joshua nodded and kept looking at the computer. "So do you have a girlfriend?" I asked changing the topic over to him.
"Nah. I don't even think I'd be allowed." he said childishly.
"But you're my age right? What's stopping you."
"Mum and dad probably won't allow it."
"Do they let you do anyhing?!" I said getting frustrated over the control Mark and especially Rochelle had over their kids.
"Sometimes they le me go out at night, but I have to be back before eleven." he said as if it were a huge deal. I held back my sniggers and took a deep breath. "You seem to have a lot of freedom." said Josh.
"I do have a lot of freedom. This is the most restricted I have ever been. I left school early to take my job in Melbourne. I moved over to the other side of Australia and lived with complete strangers. I like doing my own thing which is why I can't stand being so controlled." I said letting everything out.
"I get what you mean, but as mum says, you have your whole life to do that kind of stuff."
"Yeah but you aren't young for long." I said. It was quiet for a while before I got another text from Luke.
'I'm super bored and have bad cravings :( come out with me. the whole gang is meetin at Tylas in 10. see you there?' it read.
I wanted to go more than anything but I felt kind of bad leaving Josh.
"I'm going out with some friends. Wanna come with?" I asked.
"Are you serious?! I don't want to get sprung."
"Oh come on, you are not going to get caught."
"And what if I do?" he said worriedly.
"I'll take the blame. Just let go a bit, come on." I said. The guy needed some action in his life even if it was just hanging out with the boys. I walked out of the room and was kind of suprised to see Josh following me. We locked up and walked to Tyla's place. I opened the side gate and let myself and Joshua in. The boys were already there, just sitting, talking and listening to music. Bridget was there but no Kaitlyn. I saw Luke and smiled, walking straight up to him and giving his a passionate kiss.
"Please stop, its not nice." said Jai next to us.
"Sorry Jai" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek to purposely gross him out.
"EWW those lips have touched Luke's lips!! Ughhh." Jai groaned.
"More than just lips." Luke whispered, I cracked up laughing. Joshua stood behind me awkwardly.
"Guys this is Joshua, I'm living with his family at the moment." I introduced him. Everyone was welcoming, and got Joshua to sit down. At first he looked uncomfortable but then got talking with James and Tyla and loosened up a bit. He probably would've been scared for life if he had spent the next three hours with Daniel and Beau who were going mental. Everyone had a bit to drink. Joshua declined the offer at first but then accepted a beer. And another, and another. I sat with Luke, Jai and Aaron chatting for ages. "I think that Josh guy is a bit over the top." said Aaron trying not to laugh.
"How many drinks has he had?" I asked.
"Lost count a while ago." Jai laughed with Luke joinging in.
"Has he ever drunk before?" Aaron asked. I shook my head. The three boys laughed like lunatics.
"You got goody two shoes boy drunk!" squealed Luke. "Good one babe."
Shit. I thought. "I have to get him home and sobered up before Rochelle finds out." I said frantically.
They all laughed again. "You are sooo naughty." Jai joked.
"I'll give you a lift." Luke offered, he hadn't had much to drink beause of his medication. We both went up to where Josh was sitting. "Time to go now!" I said to him.
"No! But James is gonna show me something." he slurred happily. Luke pulled him up by his arms and helped him to the car. Joshua sat in the back chatting happily about nothing while Luke and I sat in the front being tortured by his stupid comments.
"My mum. Is going to be. SOOOO maddd!!!" Joshua laughed hysterically. I burried my face in my hands and shook my head. Luke pulled up out the front and leant over to kiss me before Josh and I got out of the car. "Good luck." he said sympathetically.
"I'll need it." I replied. I waved as Luke drove away.

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