Chapter Forty-One

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So sorry it is late AGAIN (suprise suprise). I have exams this week so thats why the delay has been to long! On a brighter note...
100 votes on the last chapter!!!!! I was sooo happy I was squealing. Sorry I couldn't answer all of your comments this time around :( I will this time though :) I'm not sure if this chapter is long or not but hopefully you will understand if it isnt. I am trying to make them longer but I don't know how it will work out or if it will fit in with what I'm intending for the story.

Morrreeee drama happening but please give me some ideas for some inspiration because I really want to keep writing for longer! <3

LOVE YOUUUU xoxooxox

85 votes for Chapter 42! x


I watched as Luke typed into twitter. 'What has made everyone think that Ruby and I are becoming parents?! #nothappening' he put his arm around me and clicked send. "It's going to be okay." Luke told me although I could see he looked annoyed and even worried.
"How did they even find out?" I said extremely confused.
"Some girl saw us go into the maternity ward, thats where the rumours started." Luke explained. I sighed and leant my head on his shoulder. Luke kissed my head and stood up, pulling me up with him.
"Let's go pack your stuff. Leave this for a while to calm down." he winked.
"do we havee toooo?" I whined stubbornly.
"It's probably a good idea since you're moving back in next week."
"Let's do something fun instead." I teased Luke.
"Like what?" he grinned and pulled me closer.
"Liiikkkeeeee..." I smiled back as I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him. We were cruelly disturbed by my phone ringing. Gina's ID popped up.
"Hey Gina." I said trying not to laugh as Luke tried to distract me, pulling me towards him.
"Ruby, we have to talk about something love, mind meeting me for coffee at Cino's?"
"Of course! See you in 15?"
"Great. Love you bye." said Gina worriedly before she hung up. I turned around to Luke and hit him playfully. "I'm meeting your mum for coffee and leaving you behind." I told him. Luke pulled a sad face.
"Sorry baby." I cooed sarcastically. Luke yelped like a puppy dog. I laughed and stopped him by kissing his lips. "I have to get ready and go." I said as Luke deepened the kiss.
"Dammit." Luke whinged. "I'll sort this whole twitter thing out when you're gone." he smiled. I returned the cheeky grin and went to get ready, leaving for the cafe' soon after. I parked and walked in. Already I could see Gina seated. Quickly, I walked over and gave her a hug around her shoulders from behind. Gina smiled and kissed me on both cheeks before I sat down.
"How ya going chick?" she smiled.
"I'm pretty good, kind of worn out but, yeh, yourself?"
"Alright babe." she said. We ordered our drinks and waited for a bit. "Ruby I have to ask you something quite personal and I don't want you to freak out." she said just as our drinks were being served.
"Okayy, go ahead." I said getting a bit nervous.
"You want it straight out or toned down?" Gina asked cheekily.
"Straight out. Just go." I took a sip of my mocha.
"Okay well you asked for it.. You and Luke have had sex haven't you?" she said confidently. I literally choked on my drink. I coughed and sputtered, shocked by what Gina had just asked me!
"Gina!" I exclaimed
"That kind of answers my question." she said quietly. We both laughed. I was so embarrassed I could feel me face go red. "I want to clear something up." she continued. I nodded and tried to breathe normally. "Are you pregnant?"
I didn't know if I should tell Gina everything or not? "Uhm, no. No I'm not." I told her. Gina let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god." she exclaimed. Nope, wasn't telling her. "I saw all of the rumours and had a heart attack." she giggled. I laughed along.
"Nope, just rumours!" I said drinking the last of my mocha. We talked for a bit more before leaving Cino's. Shit. That was kind of awkward. I got home to find Luke packing up my stuff, filled boxes at the door waiting to be moved. I didn't really havemuch stuff at all since the unit was already furnished. My packin was basically done! "Luke! What are you doing! You don't have to do this!"
"I want you back at home as soon as possible." Luke smiled, standing up and kissing me. "How was mum?" he asked.
"Good! Curious..." I cringed. Luke groaned.
"oh god. She questioned you didnt she?" he groaed again. I smiled giutily.
"Ughhh. MUM" he shouted playfully. I laughed and put some clothes in the box.
"I'm out of here tomorrow." I smiled at Luke before he hugged me close, falling together onto the bed. I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to get back to my real home with Luke.

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