Chapter Six

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I woke up to the sound of rain splattering on my window. Typical Melbourne weather. Wait a minute... I was still in my dress? My hair was out and my shoes were off though. It must have been Gina. I decided to put on my trakies and my oversized top to go out to the kithchen in. God I looked a wreck. Oh well I thought to myself, it wasn't even seven in the morning yet! I walked out into the kitchen to find Beau, Jai and Gina eating pancakes. "Morning love" said Gina. "Want some breakfast?"
"No thanks I'm not that hunrgy right now" I said walking over to make myself a cup of tea.
"We are taking mum to the airport in about half an hour- are you coming?" Beau asked. Crap, I forgot Gina was flying to Sydney for work today.
"What about Luke?" I asked sitting down while sipping my tea.
"Luke woke up earlier to say goodbye to me hunny; then he went back to bed!" Gina told me.
"I think I'll say goodbye here" I said. I had no time to get ready to be presentable in public and this gave me a chance to speak to Luke privately. All four of us talked for a while until eventually it was time for Gina to go. I knew it was only four days she was gone but I would really miss her. Beau and Jai got in the car and I helped Gina load the car. Once Gina had closed the boot she looked at me and gave me a squeeze. "Keep an eye on my boys." she joked. and got in the car waving madly as they took off. I raced inside as it started to rain. Now was the waiting game. When was Luke going to wake up? It tortured me for at least 15 minutes before I heard a cough from his room. I went down the hall and peeped through the door. Yep, he was awake. I creeped in and climbed up the ladder to the top bunk of his bed. He smiled tiredly stretching his arms and I climbed inside the duvet with him. He didn't look mad but I felt guilty all the same. I put my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. Luke wrapped his arms around me and I layed there.
"Luke I'm so so sorry about last night." I finally spoke.
"There's nothing to apologise for silly" he replied. I felt a bit better, but I knew he wanted an explanation. After a minute of silence he spoke again "Did you want to kiss him?" He suddenly asked sounding puzzled.
"I honestly didn't, it was all a big misunderstanding. He told me he liked me and then it all happened quickly and..." I tried to tell him all at once, tears splilling out from my eyes. Luke turned slightly to face me.
"Why are you crying?!" He asked wiping the tears off my face with his hand.
"I feel so guilty and yet I don't know why." I explained. It was all the truth. I felt his lips on my forehead and his arms tighten around me. He was good at comforting. I looked up at him and our eyes met keeping contact for a few seconds before he put his head closer to mine and pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and absorbed the kiss that sent shivers down my spine. Luke slowly pulled away from my face and continued to hug me, not saying a word. Oh lord: now I was confused. Confused but happy- I enjoyed Luke's kiss and wanted his lips on mine for longer. Without showing my complete shock, I stayed in Lukes embrace and together we slowly drifted to sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - LUKE'S POV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I had just woken up. I let out a cough and turned onto my back. I heard footsteps come down the hallway and a few seconds later, Ruby tiptoe into my room. I was relieved to see her but at the same time, I felt nervous. She climbed up to my bed and hopped in. I was a bit confused. Had she forgotten about last night? Ruby put her arms around me and rested her hean on my chest. It was my first reaction to put my arms around her aswell, protecting her and keeping her warm. "Luke I'm so so sorry about last night" she spoke softly. She hadn't forgotten. Ruby was someone I couldn't stay mad at for long.
"There's nothing to apologise for silly." I told her. I really didn't want to make her feel any worse- but I still had so much going through my mind. We layed there for a minute before I couldn't hold back any longer. "Did you want to kiss him?" I asked.
"I honestly didn't, it was all a big misunderstanding. He told me he liked me and then it all happened quickly and..." She was getting flustered, trying to tell me everything so quickly. I could hear in her voice that she was upset. I was tears roll down her face from the corner of my eye. Shit - what had I done?
"Why are you crying?!" I asked her. I stroked my thumb on her cheek wiping away the tears. I hated seeing her cry.
"I feel so guilty and yet I don't know why." she said pouring out her heart. I kissed her on ther forehead trying to make her feel better. My arms tightened around her. I never wanted to let go. We looked at each other right in the eyes for a few moments. It was then that I realised I loved her more than a friend. Her blue eyes beamed at me and I couldn't control my actions. I nervously craned my neck down and kissed her on the lips. She didn't pull away and nor did I. I wanted to keep kissing her but I had no clue what was going through her mind. I continued to hug her as I closed my eyes. I wanted to keep Ruby in my arms forever- I wanted her to be mine. Not a word was spoken and it wasn't long until I felt her drift to sleep on my chest. I didn't want to move - she looked so relaxed and comfortable. "I must be the luckiest guy in the world right now" I thought to myself. It was now clear to me why I felt so jealous at the sight of Ruby in Aaron's arms; I was in love with Ruby Williams and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it even if I wanted to.

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