Chapter Ten

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Luke and I sat in the loungeroom under a blanket watching the footy. Not exactly concentrating though- I was showing him photos of family and friends back in Perth. It came across one of my mum. "She's so nice." Luke remarked. The other day, Luke called my mum for a chat. It was strange to hear them chatting like old friends but so lovely at the same time. Mum called me back to tell me that she would adopt Luke if she could! We got back to looking through photos.
Suddenly a picture came across of Ryan from when we were first dating- we were obviously back to the beginning of the pictures. I stared at it remembering the memory. Ryan and I had spent the afternoon at the beach swimming, mucking around and building spectacular sandcastles. Ryan sat there as I made him into a mermaid with sand covering his legs and feet. The picture was of the finished product. I winced at it and tears filled up my eyes once again. Luke must have seen me, as he then decided to pull me into his lap. "You know it's okay to cry?" he told me with his lips next to my ear.
"Its okay. I just wasn't expecting that to come up!" I kind of lied wiping a tear away and hoping Luke hadn't seen. Luke gently swept part of my hair behind my shoulder and started to softly kiss my neck. I smiled. It was just Luke and I at home for a week while the others were away. Maybe we could finally sort stuff out? I relaxed my head back onto his shoulder and we continued to watch the footy. Lukes phone started ringing. I climbed off his lap and he reached over to the table to grab it.
"Christi?" he answered. "Yeh I know it's been ages." he listened for a while. "Ummmm yeh." he said looking at me "Yeh come around." he continued. "I'll see you soon then." Luke hung up and came to sit down again. He put his arm around me pulling me into him. "Who was that? " I asked.
"Just and old friend thats in town. Shes coming over." he replied.
"And..." I said. I knew he was hiding something.
"And thats all." Luke told me looking guilty as anything. I glared at him until he gave me an answer.
"We kinda used to have a thing kinda sorta and yeh?" he said.
"And thats all." I said walking out of the room. Not only had he lied to me but even after I poured my heart out to him he decides to keep stuff from me?
"Ruby c'mon" Luke called "It's not a big deal. She moved to Sydney and it ended. I promise."
"I really don't care Luke. It's not Christi it's you keeping stuff from me thats whats pising me off."
"It wasnt a huge fling though."
"Honestly Luke, I dont care, I just want you to be honest with me, okay?"
"Of course." he said bringing me into a hug. There was a knock at the door. That was quick. I stayed in my room and Luke ran to the door.
"Christi!" I could hear."How are you? It's been so long." Luke was saying. I had better meet her I thought. I walked out into the lounge to see Christi holding Luke around the neck and her forehead pressed against his. It felt like I had just been punched in the gut. Luke noticed i was there and let go of Christi's waist. "Ruby! This is uh Christi and um Christi, I mean Ruby, this is Christi." he sounded flustered. "Nice to meet you" said Christi although I could see that she wasnt all that impressed with me being there. She walked into the loungeroom and Luke and I followed. On the way in Luke tried to catch my eye and put his hand on my back. I shrugged it off and turned around to go to my room. Leave them to catch-up. I logged onto Skype and called me bestfriend Layla.  We chatted for over an hour until I heard a knock on my door. We said out goodbyes and hung up. "Come in!" I called. It was Luke. I looked down pretending to be interested in my laptop cover - trying to avoid eye contact. "I'm really sorry babe." he spoke. I wouldn't have it.
"I'm not your babe Luke. And I told you before, I don't really care what happens between you and Christi." I said staying calm. I looked back down. I was hurt but I refused to show it. Luke was trying to find the right thing to say. I didnt want to fight so I got up and gave Luke a quick squeeze. "No need to be sorry. IM sorry for being such a bitch." I said. "Cmon lets go and watch some telly." I led the way into the loungeroom and got back under the blanket. Luke joined me and moved closer to my body. I could tell he was trying to make it up to me. I wanted things to be right between us but I couldnt stop thinking about Luke so close with another girl. I wasnt usually the jealous type, but I would be lying if I said I wasnt jealous in that moment. Luke tried to push my hair back again to kiss my neck. Instead I put my hair back in its place. I wasnt going to share Luke with another girl, thats not how it works. He looked at me then sighed. "Im so sorry." he whispered. "Thats fine Luke seriously." putting my head on his shoulder. To be honest it wasnt fine- I had a bad feeling about Christi but I didnt want to hurt Luke's feelings. All I wanted was for things to go back to how they were a few hours ago - perfect.

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