Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hi!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!! Be prepared for a massive twist soon. If you have any ideas on what to include in the story please feel free to tell me because I am running out and will probably have to end the story soon :(

75 votes for Chapter 38 <3


It was Friday and I was at Aaron's gathering with my group of friends, including the boys. It wasnt huge at all, but enough of us to sit in a large circle. Kaity and I pushed our chairs together and sat leaning against each other. I felt bad not teling her about what was going on since she was my best friend, but I wanted to wait a bit until I got my head properly around things. Luke sat a few seats away from me. Our friends knew we talked a bit but I dont think they knew that we had properly made up. I honestly loved my group of friends in Melbourne. They were the funniest most genuine people I had ever come across and were all so kind. Aaron came around to where we were sitting. "Can I get you a drink of anything?" he asked Kaitlyn and I. Luke heard and snapped his head to look at me.
"I'll have a beer thanks love." said Kaity.
"What about you Ruby?" he asked. Honestly I was killing for a drink, but I knew that it would hurt the baby.
"Just coke for me thanks Aaron." I said
"Not feeling up to it tonight?" he teased. I laughed.
"Not tonight." I smiled, trying not to make anything obvious.
"You, Luke?" Aaron said facing him.
"Nah, man coke for me aswell."
"You two are party animals tonight!" Aaron laughed as he went to get the drinks. Kaitlyn excused herself went to sit with Beau, they were such a cute couple. Luke got up from his seat and took her place. I turned to him. "You not having a drink tonight?" I said quietly.
"Last time I had a drink I basically ruined my life."
"Don't miss out because of me," I said. "Have one if you want Luke."
"No really, if I'm gonna be a dad then I have to be responsible. May aswell start now." he said. He was over-reacting but I accepted to and laughed, ruffling his hair. Aaron handed us our drinks and we all continued to catch up. it had been so long since we had done this. One people started to leave, I thought it would probably be a good time for me to go aswell. I said goodbye to everyone and went out to my car. I unlocked it and someone turned around. "Luke?" I said confused.
"Hey" he smiled walking over to me with his hands in his pockets.
"What are you doing out here?" I asked.
"Just needed some fresh air. Time to think." he said.
"Do you need a lift home?" I offered.
"No-one's home and I don't have my key. I'll wait until Beau and Jai are ready." he said a bit glumly.
I thought for a second if I should ask this question or not. "Did you want to come back to mine for a while?" I asked nervously playing with my keys. Luke's head shot up and his lips curved into a smile.
"You sure that's okay?" he said.
"Come on." I said gesturing to get in the car, walking towards the drivers seat. Luke got into the passengers side and took a deep breath. "It's not that late hey?" he said trying to make conversation. I shook my head and chuckled a bit. He yawned and did the classic move, putting his arm over my shoulders. I smiled at him and we both laughed. I really couldnt help loving him.

"Want to grab some chinese?" Luke asked me as we got in the door
"Am I allowed it when I'm pregnant?" I asked him. He reacted instantly
"Just to be sure, we won't get it." he smiled. "How about pizza?"
"Sounds great." I smiled back at him. We ordered two pizzas to share and got them delivered. Luke and I sat in the loungeroom floor watching Spongebob, just like we used to. Luke started laughing.
"Hey remember in Sydney when we ate those spicy wings and almost killed ourselves." he chuckled. I had no clure what had reminded him of that but it was incredibly funny thinking about it.
"Yes!" I laughed. "That was the best day."
"I haven't uploaded that video yet." he said. "I didn't know if you wanted me to after what's happened." he admitted shyly.
"I don't mind! put it up, it is hilarious." Luke grinned. For a while we looked through twitter, Luke answering some fan's questions. We came across a serious one. 'Have you ever done self harm.'
The both of us saw it and looked at each othr. Luke raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer from me. "No!" i said shaking my head. I expected an answer from Luke but he just went back to looking at his computer. "You have'nt have you Luke?" I said cautiously.
"No." I let out a sigh of relief. "But I've seriously thought about it." he looked at me with no expression on his face. I was confused and hurt by what he had just told me. Had he really thought about taking his own life? "Why When?" I asked, shaking my head in disbelief.
"Don't worry."
"Luke tell me." I said giving him a serious look.
"The night we fought at my party. I was in my room alone. Everyone was pissed off at me, you were gone. I didn't think I had anything to live for."
"Luke that is horrible!" I exclaimed. A tear ran down my face.
"Don't cry Rubes, I'm alright now!"
"I didn't mean to hurt you like that." I said wiping my tears away.
"It was my own fault babe." said Luke pulling me closer to him. I hugged him close.
"No matter how lonely you feel, you will always have me. I don't care what time of night it is, how mad I am at you or how busy I am, if you ever feel that way again I'll be there for you, okay?" I made it clear to Luke. He nodded and smiled while he hugged me close and kissed my forehead. Butterflies filled my stomach. "I never want to lose you." I said in his ear as he held me close to him.
Luke and I climbed up onto the couch. I sat cross legged next to Luke who had his feet on the couch and his legs bent. I felt something move in my stomach. It was weird. I had never felt that before. I ignored it and kept watching TV. Again my stomach moved.

- - - - - - - - - - - LUKE'S POV - - - - - - - - - - - -

I saw Ruby's face freeze. She had a weird expression on. I looked at her. "You okay?" I said trying not to worry. "My stomach is moving!" she exclaimed.
"How many weeks are you?" I said sitting up excitedly.
"Eight." she replied quickly and smiling.
"The nurse said you can feel the baby move at 7-8 weeks." I grinned madly. Ruby had tears of happiness in her eyes as she laughed in disbelief. She looked at me and bit her lip before slowly taking my hand and pressing it to her stomach. I moved closer to her. It was amazing. I could feel our baby moving. I looked up at her and chuckled. I had to admit, I was getting a bit emotional aswell. Ruby moved my hand to where the baby would move. I smiled madly. "Hey baby." I said aiming at Ruby's stomach. "It's your daddy." I beamed. Ruby quickly moved my hand to the right where tha baby was moving. "He likes the sound of your voice." she told me. I grinned again. This had made my day.
"He?" I said.
"Well we don't know yet, but I bet you it's a boy." Ruby said.
"No! I think it's a little girl." I exclaimed.
"We will have to wait and see who's right then" Ruby teased. "It's usually the mother so dont be disappointed if youre wrong" she  joked with me.
"You wait!" I told her. She laughed and smiled at me. She was so beautiful. I had the opportunity again. I sat up and held her waist, pulling her into a kiss. She responed by kissing back. Our lips moved together in perfect sync, just how I missed. The kiss became more urgent as Ruby wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. Our tongues softly battled, I pushed Ruby's hair back as she pressed herself closer to me. I had missed her so much. It felt as though we were a couple again. I pulled away and sat there awkwardly, not knowing if Ruby had actually wanted that to happen or not. I stood up. "I'd better get going." I was about to walk away when I felt Ruby's hand grasp onto my arm. "Wait." she pleaded. I stopped and looked at her. God she was stunning.
"Stay the night." she said. I grinned "Please." I nodded before pulling her back into my arms and kissing her passionately. I loved her more than life itself, and all I wanted was her back as my girl.

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