Chapter Forty-Two

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Hiii!! Thankyou all for waiting. Woooo the chapter is a bit longer than usual :) It has been so hectic lately but finally it is up. Your comments are so lovely, they make my day :) I have come up with a few more ideas to keep the story going for a bit longer so I will continue with the story, yayyyyyy! I love writing this for you guys and I would hate to end it :( Enjoy the new chapter! xx

90 votes for Chapter 43! <3


We were all gobsmacked. Jai was the first to talk. "I'm gonna go pack my stuf for James's tonight. Bye!" he said walking faster than ever into his room. Beau, Luke and I stood there not knowing what to do.
"What are you doing here?" said Luke, running his fingers through his hair with a stressed expression.
"C'mon lets go." whispered Beau, grabbing my arm. I softly brushed him away and shook my head. I had to support Luke no matter what.
"Christi why are you here?!" Luke said getting louder and more impatient.
"Luke, you have to hear me out." Christi started.
"Just answer my question!" Luke almost yelled. He was so angry. I walked over to him and rested my hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. Luke tilted his head and looked me dead in the eye.
"Ruby, go with Beau." he said sweetly, not wanting me to be hurt by Christi.
"No, it's fine." I whispered truthfully.
"Please." he pleaded as he stroked my arm. Christi re-arranged herself and the baby while Luke and I spoke. I shook my head at Luke. "I'm not leaving." I said strongly. Beau patted me on the back as he walked out of the room. Christi looked like she was trying not to roll her eyes at my presence. Luke breathed out heavily and looked at Christi. "Christi can you get out."
"You're mum let me in." said Christi, patting the baby's back. It was the weirdest sight. Gina hated Christi? At that moment, Gina walked in. Luke raised his eyebrows and shrugged, pointing in Christi's direction. "Luke, Christi has come down from Sydney see her mum and made a special trip over here to apologise and to introduce you to the baby." Gina looked guilty as she left the room.
"His name is Josh." Christi said standing up and walking over to us. She stood in front of Luke. "Do you want to hold him?" she asked sensitively. Luke shook his head.
"Uhm. No... sorry." he said looking hurt by the whole experience all over again.
"It's fine. I understand." she said.
"I'll hold him." I smieled at Christi. Her and Luke looked at me shocked. Christi carefully passed over Josh to me. I held him securely in my arms as I looked at him. He was pretty cute.
"Ruby do you mind if Luke and I talk for a bit while Josh is happy with you?" she asked sweetly.
"Of course." I agreed, a bit cautiously. Christi reminded me of Georgina Sparks. Same situation and almost as crazy. I walked into Gina's room to find her watching TV. I was holding Josh still and carefully sat beside her on the bed. Gina smiled at the sight.
"You will make such a good mummy one day." she spoke. I smiled at her and looked down at Josh. 'I couldve had this' I thought to myself. I tried to distract myself from bad memories by watching some TV. After a while I walked back into the loungeroom. Luke and Christi came out from the kitchen, Christi going towards the bathroom ad Luke towards me. "Everything sorted?" I asked. Luke nodded silently and kissed my forehead sweetly. "Thankyou." he whispered. "I love you." I smiled as I feltt his breath upon my skin. Josh wriggled in my arms. Luke looked down at him and softly stroked his head, smiling. "Hey little man." he cooed. I looked up and admired Luke. He saw me looking and smiled.
"You know we actually wouldve been pretty good at this?" he said quietly.
"I know." I whispered while nodding, trying to blink away the tears from erupting.
"shhhh" Luke hushed me calmly. "Everything will work out next time."
I took a deep breath and nodded. "Have a hold." I said to Luke, trying to forget the topic of Louis. Luke half smiled and slowly took Josh out of my arms, adjusting him into a comfy postion. He was so amazing with kids. Christi came into the room soon after. "I'd better get going." she said a bit awkwardly. Luke nodded and handed her Josh. Christi put him in the pram, covering his body with a blanket and adjusting the cover.
"Thankyou so much for giving me the chance to make it up to you." Christi said to Luke, giving him a hug. I could see Luke looked uncomfortable but returned a hug politely. Christi came and stood before me, letting out a big sigh. "I know we haven't ever really got on. But I am sorry. And I hope you and Luke are really happy together." she smiled. It was nice but I could tell she still hated me and was just doing this for Luke's sake. Christi left the house and soon it was just Luke and I standing in the kitchen. He walked over slowly and held me by my waist; closing his eyes and sighing as he leant his forehead upon mine. "Can we just have a quiet night together please?" he breathed. "Alone."
"Of course." I smiled as I kissed him. "I'm all yours." I whispered. Luke chuckled.
"Good." he replied and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Luke pulled my body close to his as Luke continued to kiss me. "Look at you two!" Gina smiled as she walked in on us. Luke and I quickly pulled away. "Mum!" Luke shouted.
"Sorry! Sorry, jeez, I'm leaving. I'm gone!" she laughed walking out of the room. Luke was about to press his lips against mine once again when my phone beeped from my pocket. I sighed in disappointment and checked it. Luke giggled at my reaction and went to get a drink. I looked at the message. It was from an unknown number- "dont think you can ignore me. its not just your secrets im keeping. if you want these to stay unknown, meet me tonight. 7:30 at the train station. Chad." I froze in fear. I quickly locked my phone and looked at the time. It was seven o'clock. I decided to leave early, I needed time to think. I went into the kitchen and grabbed Beau's hoodie that was slung over the chair. I pulled it on and went over to Luke. "Babe, I'm sorry. I'm going out for a bit but I promise I'll be back soon."
"Where are you going." he asked pulling me closer by my waist.
"I have to do something. Please just trust me."
"What about our night alone?" he winked.
"When I get back. I pinky promise." I told him wrapping my pinky finger around his.
"Stay safe." he told me before he kissed me softly on the lips. I left the house flipping the hood of the jumper over my head and tucking my hands into my pockets. The closer I got to the train station the more terrified I got. I wish I had Luke with me to keep me safe. When I got to the station I automatically saw Chad sitting on one of the benches on his phone. I took the hood off my head and walked over. Luke's numer was up on my phone for me ready to hit diall if I needed him.
"You actually came!" said Chad smirking. "Just as I was ready to send all of my secrets." he said pointing to his phone.
"What do you know and how."
"How? Through the grapevine, a bit of sneaky business, experiences."
"Just tell me what you know." I said snarkily, getting infuriated and impatient. Chad put his hand on my knee. I shrugged it off before he placed it back on. "You want to know don't you?" he said as he sqeezed my knee. I cringed and nodded.
"Alright pretty one," again I cringed. "I know everything about Christi and Luke."
"So do I." I spat at him.
"The fans dont." he  said matter of factly. "I know about you and Luke having a baby, losing it- everything. You guys fighting because he thought you cheated with Tyla, you and Aaron kissing."
"Who are you? fucking Gossip Girl?" I was so angry.
"Be careful what you say, this could all be released in seconds." he said. I shut my mouth. "There is one more thing that I have a feeling you don't know about. A secret of Lukes. One that only a few people really know of." he said evily smiling. He made me feel sick.
"Tell me." I said trying not to sound desperate for what he was about to say.
"Me and your pathetic exuse of a boyfriend used to be friends. Not anymore. He changed his ways, I didn't change mine."
"What do you mean he changed his ways."
"Lukey boy used to be into the drinking, smoking and pretty bad on the drugs before you came. Rumour has it that he's getting into it again." That was it. I was furious.
"How dare you?!" I said standing up. "Make up shit about my boyfriend to try and separate us. You are so immature!"
"None of this is made up." Chad smirked as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Luke and I have told each other everything and I would know if he was doing anything as serious as that." I stated.
"Believe what you want. I only speak the truth."
"What was the purpose of this anyway?!"
"Nothing comes for free Ruby. I want a date in return for all these things I have told you. 24 hours to decide yes or no, or else everything is on the internet. Hear me?" he spat. I groaned and walked quickly out of the station. As fast as I could I ran home. I sat on the front step and let my breathing get back to normal before I went inside.
Jai, Beau and Gina must have been out since it was only Luke in the lounge room. I took off my hoodie and threw it at him. He got up and ran over to me, quickly and playfully wrapping me in his arms. Luke picked me up over his shoulder and took me to my room. "What are you doing?!" I squealed and laughed as he dropped me on the bed so that I was layig down. "Kidnapping you." he smiled before lifting up my shirt and blowing a rasberry on my stomach. I laughed uncontrollably, taking my mind completely off the whole Chad drama.
"You are so perfect." Luke smiled as he crawled over me, leaning down and kissing me. I pulled away abruptly and looked at Luke funnily. He didn't smell yukky, only his mouth tasted it. It tasted like cigarette smoke. I knew it was just me being stupid because what Chad said but I still had to make sure. Luke looked at me confused as I studied him. "something wrong babe?"
"Have you been smoking?" I asked. Luke looked confused.
"Uh no?" he said. He reached over to the draw and squirted mint spray into his mouth. I laughed unconrtollably. He looked so corny doing that. "Hey! you're the one that said I had bad breath!"
"I didn't say that!" I laughed as he tickled me. To distract him, I quickly held his face and pressed his lips against mine, embracing him in a passionate kiss. It became more urgent as Luke's tongue traced my lips. I very solftly bit his lip ring as his tonue gained entry into my mouth. Luke groaned, he slowly slid his hand from my hip all the way up my front then down my back. I breathed heavily as he caressed my body, I couldn't help myself. Slowly but surely, I undid the buttons of Luke's shirt and slid it off his body. My hands found their way up Luke's chest and around his neck as my body urged closer to his. Soon enough Luke pulled off my singlet so that I was just in my black bra, before planting tiny kisses up and down my neck and across my collarbone. I knew where all of this was going, but I didn't want a repeat of last time. "Luke we have to be careful." I said as he ran his hands along my body. "Of course." Luke told me, making me feel more assured about everything. "No babies." he laughed. I giggled and pushed Luke to the side, rolling on top of him and kissing him romantically. I didn't know it was even possible to love someone as much as I loved Luke.

We layed in bed under the sheets Luke in his boxers and me in only my bra and undies. If anyone caught us the excuse was that we were hot NOT what hd really just happened. I looked at Luke and smiled as I wriggled closer to him. His strong arms wrapped around my body, sending a shiver up my spine. He was amazingly perfect. I had no clue how he could ever have fallen for someone like me but far out was I lucky. "You know you are actually the most gorgeous, amazing, most perfect person I have ever met." Luke told me causing me to smile like an idiot.
"You know you are the kindest, sweetest most beautiful guy to ever walk the planet." I said. Luke laughed.
"I love you." he said.
"I love you too." I whispered.
"To the moon and back?" Luke mimmicked me.
"More than the stars shine." I said deepening my voice pretending to be Luke. He laughed even more.
"Please never leave me." I whispered as I tucked my body as closely to Lukes as I could, intertwining our fingers and bringing them to inbetween our stomachs.
"I'm never planning to." Luke whispered. He kissed my forehead and smiled as I pecked his lips. Luke fell asleep pretty quickly and was soon snoring softly. My phone buzzed. I hardly moved as I manouvered my arm to reach for my bright phone. It was Chad.
"Is the date on or do I have to release all of these dirty little secrets." it wrote. I was scared. I didn't want to go out for a night with Chad. No way would I classify it as a date, Chad just liked to stir people up. I looked over Luke who slept so perfectly and innocently. If the fans found out about anything that Chad told me tonight, it would basically ruin Luke's future, including the Janoskian's career. I couldn't do that to him. I would rather the night out with Chad than Luke be in pain.
"fine. you are rotten." I sent back in disguist.
'I know ;)" he sent back. I locked my phone and placed it back on the bedside table. I snuggled back closer to Luke and shut my eyes tightly. He stirred in his sleep and moved himself closer to me.
'There was no way in the world that what Chad had said could have been true', I thought to myself as I looked at Luke sleeping angelically. I heard Beau unlocking the front door. He must have got back from Kaityln's house. I pretened to be asleep as I heard him come down the hall, afraid that he would open my bedroom door. I considered asking Beau about Lukes past.
No. That was way too shady. But still, I wanted to be sure. 'Shut up brain', I thought to myself. Soon, I relaxed, forgetting about Chad's words about Luke.
Tonight had been perfect with Luke. I loved him more than words could ever describe, I had to make a promise to myself. I would support him throughout anything- big or small. I couldn't let anymore people try and get inbetween Luke and I. We were both so happy together and that was how I wanted it to stay. Hopefully forever.

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