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Chapter 21: Something about me


"I love you."

Olivia's eyes widened as the three simple words left the boys mouth. Yes, they hadn't been dating for very long - almost two months to be exact but they had been acting like a couple for six months and their feelings for one and other had been around for much, much longer.

The only reason they became official so late was because of Draco wanting to find the right moment to ask the girl, for he didn't want to ask her in the middle of her parents death of when she was grieving, when she'd wake up every other night screaming from night terrors. He wanted the time to be right, where for once everything was looking up.

Their feelings had been ongoing for sometime but due to their stubbornness they had rejected to acknowledge them. It took them until the Quidditch World Cup to realise that it wasn't just a simple crush like they had thought it was, the feelings were real and now it was clear that the boy truly did love the girl.

"I know it's early and you don't have to say it back but I ju-"

Olivia cut the Draco's rambling off my placing her lips to his once more, she pulled back a few seconds later with a smile stretching on her face. She ran a hand through the boys platinum blonde hair and bit back a giggle, meeting his eyes she smiled again.

"I love you too."


As the next few weeks passed and the third task grew closer Olivia spent most of her time with Cedric, everyone understood the girl's choice but even Draco couldn't hide the jealously buried deep in the pit of his stomach.

Mid afternoon the day before the third and final task Olivia found herself pacing back and forth outside the very room it all began - the champions room. She was waiting for Harry and Cedric to finish in their last briefing before the winner of the Twi-Wizard Championship was crowned eternal glory.

Thinking back to all those months ago when all that was on her mind was why someone had tired to enter the girl into the awful tournament she despised. No issues about control, no one trying to murder her, no dysfunctional family problems, no secret keeping, it seemed a world ago but one thing that never changed was the support she received from her friends.

That's why she was currently pacing back and forth, she was supporting her friends. She wanted in, the girl tried to worm her way in but Mad-Eye and Igor were against it deeply even though other non-champions had gone in for support also.

The sound of a door opening caused the girl to stop in the middle of her path, her head snapped to the direction as she watched people flood out. She scrunched up her face as she saw Alex walking out with Viktor and Igor, casting her gaze over towards Harry and Cedric she raised her hand in Durmstrang's direction and shook her head.

Both boys laughed slightly as they began to walk to meet each other, stopping when Olivia met them. "So I'm not allowed in because it doesn't concern me but they let a boy who tried to kill me in?" She questioned.

"Olivia, voice down." Cedric warned the girl, knowing they heard her.

It wasn't very often she was warned about things like that as she was always  discreet for a Slytherin, not very often actually speaking her mind in public but at that given moment she really didn't care.

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